Happily, optimists said, the Paris Conference was organized on a wholly different basis.
Heretofore the most inveterate optimistsin politics were the revolutionaries.
We saw, however, that pessimists and optimists both start with the postulate that life is a blessing or a curse, according as the average consciousness accompanying it is pleasurable or painful.
Yes, there is one postulate in which pessimists and optimists agree.
And since avowed or implied pessimists, and optimists of one or other shade, taken together constitute all men, it results that this postulate is universally accepted.
I shall speak in the next chapter about optimists and pessimists in their intellectual aspect, so far as they have one.
Pagan optimists and Eastern pessimists would both have temples, just as Liberals and Tories would both have newspapers.
The cheerful optimists simply feel sure of being able to reach, through action, what the earnestly devout are passionately seeking by the aid of faith.
To such optimists the intensely religious often respond with that strange horror and, repugnance which only very close agreement can make possible.
The optimists put this down to the fact that the German artillery was busy withdrawing.
There were, however, still optimists who thought that his excessive shell-fire was accounted for by the fact that the German gunners were emptying their dumps prior to withdrawing.
So, too, our most potent men of letters have been optimists in their books and in their lives.
No doubt, there were comfortable optimists who thought Wilberforce a meddlesome fanatic when he was working with might and main to free the slaves.
They have been either the professed champions of theism, or else the visionary optimists of positivism; the former of whom have had no sympathy with positive principles, and the latter no discernment of their results.
It is the appeal of optimists to inveterate pessimists, and of exact thinkers to inveterate mystics.
Uninfluenced by those ominous signs of the times, English and German optimists still refuse to surrender, still persist in their optimism.
They were optimists--optimists to the point of belligerence--their motto being "Boost!
The Errors of Philosophical Pessimists and Religious Optimists 3.
As pessimists show intense dislike towards the latter and forget the former, so optimists admire the former so much that they are indifferent to the latter.
The Optimists believe that in teaching to write and speak the American college is accepting its most significant if not its greatest duty.
Very well, then, we'll say that the pessimists are the people with no digestions at all: on top of them will be the people with slow digestions, the great unthinking herd that is optimistic because the optimists shout most loudly.
They're optimists until they've finished digesting, but between meals they're outrageously pessimistic.
The optimists and the subservients still console themselves and confuse the people by asserting that Mr. Lincoln will yet come out as a man and a statesman.
At the worst extreme optimists are only fools on the right side, whereas pessimists are bores and beasts on the wrong one.
This time the optimists gained a signal victory, as the night was fine throughout.
A great amount of weather wisdom was developed among us, and very soon a party spirit was imported into the question, our camp splitting into two sections--Optimists and Pessimists.
To ticket a doctrine with the label of pessimism is not to impugn its validity, and the so-called optimists are not the most efficient in action.
It is not usually our ideas that make us optimists or pessimists, but it is our optimism or our pessimism, of physiological or perhaps pathological origin, as much the one as the other, that makes our ideas.
I told you that the optimists usually had their way," said Happy.
Mourners seldom find anything, but optimists find, often.
Not smiling men, who drift along And compromise with every wrong; Not grinning optimists who cry That right was never born to die, But optimists who'll fight to give The truth an honest chance to live.
We Need a Few More Optimists We need a few more optimists, The kind that double up their fists And set their jaws, determined-like, A blow at infamy to strike.
In these appeals to America optimists detect signs of cracking.
It is the old story that optimists are those who have been associating with pessimists and vice versâ.
Writers who are popularly known as optimistsbelong mainly to three classes.
The disguise certainly seemed impenetrable, but the optimists would pierce it.
A good rule for optimists would be this: 'Believe in moral progress, but do not believe in too much of it.
The glow of warmth and comfort produced by the food and drink made optimists of us all.
The optimists thought that we had done sixty miles towards our goal, and the most cautious guess gave us at least thirty miles.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "optimists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.