Anselme herewith departing from the court came to Canturburie, declaring openlie what had bin said vnto him, and immediatelie sought to flee out of the realme in the night, prouiding for himselfe a ship at Douer.
At length turning his sorrow into rage, he openlie said, that "since the time that he made himselfe & his kingdom subiect to the church of Rome, nothing that he did had prospered well with him.
But duke Charles would not consent openlie to aid king Edward; but yet secretlie vnder hand by others he lent vnto him fiftie thousand florens of the crosse of S.
Openlie and apparantlie meaning by such words that by the meanes of some of the nobilitie he was deceiued and brought to confusion.
The next alteration of our estate openlie knowne, happened by Brute, betweene whose time and death of Albion there passed full 601.
And albeit the archbishop of Canturburie is not openlie to be touched herewith, yet it is not to be doubted, but he was a dooer in it, so far as might tend to the maintenance of the right and prerogatiue of holie church.
The godlie[636] began to bolden; and men began openlie to speak, "Shall that idoll be suffered agane to tack place within this Realm?
When Harold was once established king, he sought meanes how to rid quéene Emma out of the way, and that secretlie, for that openlie as yet he durst not attempt anie thing against hir.
He was nothing learned: but that want was a common fault amongest the bishops of that age, for it was openlie spoken in [Sidenote: What maner of men méet to be bishops in those daies.
For after their father was dead, they began to fall to their old idolatrie, which in his life time they séemed to haue giuen ouer, insomuch that now they openlie worshipped idols, and gaue libertie to their subiects to do the like.
Pauline openlie to preach the gospell, and renouncing his worshipping of false gods, professed the Christian faith.
And yet I will not let, openlie to lament the vnfortunate case of learning herein.
And for more record of the same, here openlie I subscribe and signe this present resignation with mine owne hand.
These buls were openlie published & read at Paules crosse in London, and in other the most publike places of the realme.
For his head, full of siluer horie heares, being put vpon a stake, was openlie carried through London and set vpon the bridge of the same citie: in like maner was the lord Bardolfes.
Herevpon the bishop of Winchester being a verie eloquent and faire-spoken man, openlie counselled the king to fauour his people, whom he had alreadie made poore and bare with continuall tributes and exactions.
King Henrie ioifullie receiued that grant, and called his sonne Edmund openlie by the name of K.
And the bishop of Worcester openlie protested, that he would sooner suffer himselfe to be hanged, than to see the church subiect to such oppression by their examples.
His death suerlie was greatlie bewailed of king Henrie, openlie protesting that he had lost the worthiest capteine that then liued.
But the other point concerning the bastardie that they deuised to surmize in king Edwards children, that would he should be openlie declared and inforced to the vttermost.
Wherefore the kings motheropenlie obiected against his mariage, as it were in discharge of hir conscience, that the king was sure to dame Elizabeth Lucie and hir husband before God.
Euerie honest person was permitted to come to him, sitting at meale, where either secretlie or openlie to declare his mind.
To which saiengs when the frier perceiued some light credence to be giuen, he declared it openlie in the pulpit, and desired all men of helpe.
Sidenote: Edward the right earle of Warwike shewed openlie in procession.
And there also the king openlie sware to keepe the new reuiued league and amitie during their two liues.
Insomuch that they (as it was at their arreignment openlie prooued) intended to haue slaine their maister, and to haue set Perkin and the earle of Warwike at large.
The confession of Perkin as it was written with his owne hand, which he read openlie vpon a scaffold by the standard in Cheape.
The Preacharis spared not openlie to say, "That thei feared the successe of that interpryse should nott be prosperous, becaus the begynnyng appeired to bring with it some contempt of God and of his word.
And then, in his absence, ane hired for that purpose openliedamned the hole doctrin[98] that befoir he had tawght.
A cooling card it was also vnto them, still to see ships arriued in the hauen out of England, openlie before their faces, laden with vittels, munition and men.
To which place was summoned a parlement, which began the ninth daie of Iulie, in the which session, the late duke of Glocester was openlie declared a true subiect, both to the king and to the realme.
Insomuch that there was nothing so plaine and openlie prooued, but that yet for the common custome of close and couert dealing, men had it euer inwardlie suspect; as manie well counterfaited iewels make the true mistrusted.
I so abhorred the sight, and much more the companie of him, that I could no longer abide in his court, except I should be openlie reuenged: the end whereof was doubtfull.
In Kent Richard Gilford and other gentlemen collected a great companie of souldiers, and openlie began warre.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "openlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.