I heartily require thee think no more harm in me for calling it in one place penance that in another I call repentance, than I think harm in him that calleth it chaste, which by the nature of this word Eunuchus I call gelded .
Then in his rage he went to the chief of the police, who made me eat stick till I fainted: and whilst I was yet senseless, they fetched a barber, who gelded me and cauterized the parts.
And Sopater says in his Hippolytus-- But like a beauteous paunch of gelded pig Well boil'd and white, and basted with rich cheese.
As in the like case, amongst the Galli, the gelded priests of Cybele were wont to do in the celebrating of their festivals.
Palladius willeth the hiues to be geldedin the moneth of October, and that a third part be left behind.
So that when they shal be next gelded the old combs rather than the new are to be taken forth, & the waxe renewed, for that the older the waxie combes are, so muche the worser they be.
Gelded cats often grow very large, and, if properly kept, sometimes live to a great age.
And if you consent thereto, I will by and by, when I go to the next market fetch mine irons and tooles for the purpose: And I ensure you after that I have gelded and cut off his stones, I will deliver him unto you as tame as a lambe.
As a rule, the gelded cat does not "mew" to make known his wants, but employs his voice for conversational purposes.
He is a gelded cat and one of the fortunate cats who have "Not for Sale" after their names in the show catalogues.
He was a magnificent brindled Persian gelded cat, six years old, who enjoyed the plaudits of the multitude just as well as though he had taken first prize.
He is ten years old and weighs twenty-three pounds, which is a remarkable weight in a male cat, only gelded ones ordinarily running above fifteen pounds.
I heartily concur with him, and in addition have often noticed the wide difference between the voice and manner of expression of the gelded cat and the ordinary tom.
Two of them were substantial folk; each of the two held a manerium at which geld was paid; the other seven gelded at one of the king's maneria under the view of his bailiffs.
In the Confessor's time 'Crediton' geldedfor 15 hides.
Tantone' then is valued as a whole and it has gelded as a whole.
Outside York were some lands which gelded with the city; 'et in tribus operibus Regis cum civibus erant.
No good at all that I can do for him, Vnlesse you call it good to pitie him, Bereft and gelded of his patrimonie Nor.
Gelded too: a stump of black guttapercha wagging limp between their haunches.
What for that, says Mr Dixon, but before he came over farmer Nicholas that was a eunuch had him properly gelded by a college of doctors who were no better off than himself.
No good at all that I can do for him; Unless you call it good to pity him, Bereft and gelded of his patrimony.
Fellow kings, I tell you that that Lord Say hath gelded the commonwealth and made it an eunuch; and more than that, he can speak French, and therefore he is a traitor.
Why this man gelded Martiall I muse, Except himselfe alone his tricks would use, As Katherine, for the Courts sake, put downe Stewes.
And they went down both into the water: both Philip and also the gelded man.
And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water, and the gelded man said: See here is water, what shall let me to be baptised?
The gelded man answered Philip and said: I pray thee of whom speaketh the prophet this?
The weak and the faulty have beengelded and sent from the Garden or else killed.
The mares are killed and the stallions gelded and sold.
This city geldedfor a hundred hides in the time of King Edward.
The old Scandinavians, from Norway to Iceland, systematically gelded "sturdy vagrants" in order that they might not beget bastards.