Had they held a whip or a switch it is possible that the pasty face of this cowardlycur might have been wealed in such wise as to last him for quite an indefinite time.
Iduna was frightened, but she always had courage enough to say "No," for she knew it would be false and cowardly to give to a wicked giant these precious gifts which were meant for the high gods.
The result of this trial was the conviction of McCall, and in July, 1877, he expiated his cowardly crime on the gallows at Yankton.
After the farcical termination of the trial, and the burial of Wild Bill, several friends of the deceased met at Charley Utter's ranche and determined to avenge the cowardly assassination of their friend.
Andy and his cowardly bunch pulled out like fun," Bluff hastened to add; "and so we had to stand for it.
Let him worry over it, and perhaps after a bit he'll understand that there's no reason why he should keep a still tongue in his head, to shield a rascal who didn't hesitate to strike him a cowardly blow.
Along in the small hours Bluff was heard to give a sudden wild whoop: "Get out, you cowardly beast!
And she knew he considered suicide a cowardly act.
How it would laugh if it recollected in its uncanny way, that she had wanted to kill herself and it with her, that she had had it at her mercy and then had been too weak and cowardly to strike!
I am thankful I do not die by the hands of these cowardly Boers, but by the hand of a black and courageous nation like myself .
They do not love war; in fact, they are timid and cowardly by nature, and only fight when they are obliged to.
The cold perspiration broke out upon his forehead as he remembered that bygone pain, as it may do with a cowardly person who recalls too vividly the taking out of a three-pronged double-tooth, or the cutting off of a limb.
The Chinese are apparelled in long gowns, wearing kirtles, or shorter garments, under these; and are assuredly the most effeminate and cowardly nation in the world.
They are a most blood-thirsty race, yet seldom fight face to face, either among themselves or with other nations, always seeking their revenge after a cowardly manner, although stout men of good stature.
We went all on board this night, except our great mastiff dog, which we could not induce to follow us, for I think he was ashamed of our cowardly behaviour.
They got the worst on this occasion, not indeed from the Chinese themselves, but from some Javan slaves of turn-coat Chinese, who would steal unawares on the Hollanders of an evening, and stab them in a cowardly manner.
He repented his attempt at self murder, as a cowardly act, and followed the prescriptions of his physician with regularity.
The city soldiers were called upon to disperse the rioters, but in a cowardly manner refused to do their duty.
It seemed somehow so wrong, so cowardly of her, to lie here in comfort doing nothing to aid him who, in name at least, was united to her forever, and in love was more dear to her than her own soul.
At least," the Prefect remarked, mournfully, "he is not cowardly enough for that.
After a short pause she said-- "I suggested to mother that he may have been betrayed by some false friend or simply by some cowardly creature.
Will was a constant source of anxiety and wonder to the teacher, who often marked him as the scapegoat to carry off the surface sins of sneaking and cowardly pupils.
The assassination of Julius Cæsar by Brutus, Cassius, Casca and twenty other Roman Senators, in the capital of the Empire in broad daylight, was one of the most cowardly and infamous crimes recorded in the annals of time.
I paid him out well for breaking your boat, and pushing you down, thecowardly brute!
They cannot breathe in the free atmosphere that is essential to his life; like the cowardly cur, they run away at his approach.
How politicians straddle the fence, refrain from expressing their opinions, deal in glittering generalities, because of their cowardly fears.
Finding he could not cross it, he waxed indignant, and declared the device was cowardly and "unlike an Arab.
Though in striking contrast to the Christian tenets, this exhortation was neither cowardly nor imprudent.
The skin of such a cowardly brute is little esteemed.
It is not he—it is not the lion—it is a cowardly thief, and may Allah curse him!
A duty which he would fain enough shirk; which accordingly, in these sad times of doubt and cowardly sloth, he has long everywhere been endeavoring to reduce to its minimum, and has in fact in most cases nearly escaped altogether.
You have done me splendid service so far--but you are now going to play me a treacherous shabby, cowardly trick.
If by black you mean dishonour and cowardly treachery, I agree.
Much as she hated the brown-eyed girl who had worsted her at every point, in her own cowardly heart lurked a respect for Marjorie's high standard of honor.
Then, too, Constance Stevens was making rapid strides toward popularity among the girls of Sanford High School and her cowardly nature warned her to be silent.
She had never forgiven Mignon for her cowardly conduct on the day of the class picnic.
She had no doubt that her cowardly plan had worked only too well.
The prospect made him sick and faint for a time, for that which in his first blind sense of shame he had proposed to do, now that he had heard Ida's heaven-inspired words, seemed base and cowardly to the last degree.
His reckless anger having evaporated, the base and cowardly instincts of his nature resumed their sway, and he was glad to slink off to New York, thus escaping further danger and trouble.
Thus far you have not done her intentional wrong, but if you rush away from duty now in cowardly flight you will do her a bitter and fatal wrong, for she loves you as only few women can love.
It is not much I have to say, and I would say nothing at all if keeping silence did not look like a cowardly approval of what has been done here.
And before we get through we will show that these men were not heroes, but knaves, led on by the most cowardly knave who ever held a public position.
Charley looked at the bodies with a fierce frown upon his face, and muttered to himself, 'We'll pay them out for you, the cowardly scoundrels.
You see, boys, when I was a young man, I was out many times in Texas against the Comanches and Apaches, who are a very different enemy from these cowardly Indians here.
He inserted it in the nozzle of the smithy bellows not only without Black Morris's permission, but utterly without his knowledge, and so far, although it grew out of his conduct, he must be acquitted of so vile and cowardly a deed.
Why, casting a stone like that, were it the size of a pebble and the weight of a glance, is to toss the whole cowardly world on an innocent young girl.
The dreadful thing is that I could have been capable of dealing our chance of happiness such a cowardly blow.
It is cowardly in me--if I do it," she said in the ghost of a voice.
And they went away at last, looking upon me as a vile betrayer of the woman I loved, and sought in their minds for the reason of my despair, and the cowardly act I had attempted to escape her father's wrath.
It's like being forced to take a cowardly advantage of the other side.
The old man was right," continued Guest; "it was a cowardly way to get out of the difficulty.