Thin, devitalized tags of skin often stretch from side to side of the ulcer.
In senile gangrene the appearance of the line of demarcation indicates the extent of the devitalized area and establishes the point of amputation beyond the next joint above.
The Han race, devitalized by its vices and luxuries, with machinery and scientific processes to satisfy its every want, with virtually no necessity of labor, began to assume a defensive attitude toward the Americans.
But nearly three hundred years of easily maintained security, the last century of which had been nearly sterile in scientific, social and economic progress, had softened and devitalized the Hans.
We are the devitalized product of the universal custom of coddling, and the less we live within four walls, and the more we breathe the free outdoor air, the stronger, healthier and more capable we become.
The liberal use of such devitalized foods as sterilized milk, refined sugar and finely bolted wheat flour is doubtless a great factor in so reducing bodily resistance that the system falls an easy prey to disease.
REED: There will probably not be any Lancaster here next spring; the late growth has devitalized the tree.
The danger is greatest with trees which have grown late or those which have become devitalized for some reason or with those which are in poorly drained soils.
In some cases young trees were killed out-right as were occasional older trees that had become devitalized in some way.
The ones that die are usually those that have been devitalized in some way.
Immediately and rather spunkily she had borne him a son and, as if completely devitalized by the magnificence of this performance, she had thenceforth effaced herself within the shadowy dimensions of the nursery.
No sooner had the theme been pushed toward him, however, than it was violently fished back to be lingered over, pawed over, elongated, and generally devitalized by its sponsor.
But when empty calories or devitalized foods or misdigestion cuts our nutrient intake we begin experiencing tooth decay, gum disease and bone loss in the jaw.
I've seen them lose their teeth because of fruit's low mineral content, high sugar level and constant fruit acids in their mouths.
The maker of this bag offers another model that costs about a dollar more and also functions as a hot water bottle.
It was from a careful study of the manner of his playing that I first acquired the habit of fully devitalized upper-arm muscles in pianoforte-playing.