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Example sentences for "debilitated"

Lexicographically close words:
debet; debia; debil; debile; debilitate; debilitates; debilitating; debility; debit; debita
  1. The serum component favors chemotaxis, it strengthens bodily defense, it prevents anaphylaxis even in debilitated patients, and it replaces the resistance which has been impaired by the demands that have already been made upon it.

  2. Nutrolactis is also recommended for a mother debilitated by lactation.

  3. It is indicated in pulmonary tuberculosis, in all wasting diseases, in debilitated conditions generally and in all exhaustion from over work.

  4. It is to the liver what digitalis is to the heart; it overcomes the insufficiency and stimulates the debilitated organ.

  5. In such cases the use of warm woollen stockings is absolutely necessary, and the debilitated and aged may advantageously keep them on throughout the night, or at all events until the feet acquire a comfortable degree of warmth.

  6. Under this treatment, the patient, unless of a very bad habit of body, or much debilitated by previous excesses, usually recovers.

  7. It is caused by a debilitated condition of the nervous system, as well as by brain disease, scrofula, imprudent diet and worms.

  8. Chiretta is a pure tonic bitter, closely allied to gentian, and has been long esteemed in the East Indies as a remedy for acidity, flatulence, and dyspepsia, especially when occurring in gouty or debilitated habits.

  9. Erysipelas is generally symptomatic of a debilitated or bad constitution.

  10. The above are highly nutritious, and are recommended as articles of diet for convalescents and debilitated persons.

  11. For the mind, crowded with undigested matter, is debilitated the same as is the body by over-feeding, Recent scientific investigations give the philosophy of these results.

  12. Thus, also, the thinking portion of the brain may be so overworked as to drain the nervous fluid from other portions, which become debilitated by the loss.

  13. The excessive use of certain portions of the brain tends to withdraw the nervous energy from other portions; so that when one part is debilitated by excess, another fails by neglect.

  14. The following, then, may be put down as the causes of a debilitated constitution from the misuse of food.

  15. Breathing sometimes thus becomes quicker and shorter on account of the elongated or debilitated condition of the assisting organs.

  16. This treatment, operating upon a sensitive mind and a body debilitated both by labour and scanty and unwholesome food, had the natural effect of robbing him of hope and buoyancy of spirits.

  17. It is given internally in diarrhoea, dyspepsia, and a debilitated state of the bowels.

  18. This at first may appear too early, for the debilitated require more sleep than the healthy; but rising early will gradually prolong the sleep on the succeeding night, till the quantity the patient enjoys is equal to his demand for it.

  19. Persons whose general health is good bear stronger doses than the debilitated and those who have suffered for a long time.

  20. The imagined prediction itself was sufficient, in a debilitated and exhausted constitution, like that of Lord Lyttleton, to produce its own accomplishment.

  21. His son's son manifested the same propensity in taking as many wives as the debilitated state of his kingdom enabled him to support.

  22. Thus the debilitated hope of particular litters comes but badly off.

  23. Falling of the vagina, or membrane lining the passage to the womb, is sometimes witnessed in animals that are much confined, and consequently of a debilitated habit.

  24. The dog having the bladder gorged, and not so debilitated as to be deprived of power to move, or by paralysis disabled, mostly lies, but even then it is never at rest.

  25. The blood of a young animal, provided it be in health, coagulates into a firm mass, while that of an old or debilitated one is generally less dense, and more easily separated.

  26. When the cerebral organ has been temporarily debilitated by protracted intellectual efforts, it is ineffectual to attempt any concentrated mental exercise.

  27. The feebler the person and the more debilitated the stomach, the more important to observe the above directions.

  28. It is thus with the invalid when riding for his health;--relate an anecdote, or excite this mental stimulus by agreeable conversation, and much benefit will accrue from the ride to the debilitated person.

  29. Hence the young child, and the debilitated aged person, need more clothing than the vigorous individual of middle age.

  30. If a large quantity of blood is thrown suddenly into the chilled and debilitated vessels of the frozen part, inflammation may be produced that will destroy the vitality of the limb.

  31. I am fearfully exhausted and debilitated by this attack.

  32. It is thus that human weakness fails, from its debilitated and imperfect organs.

  33. Dose, 2 to 4 pills; in the atonic dyspepsia of debilitated subjects, in chlorosis, &c.

  34. For children, and for consumptive and debilitated persons, it will be found advantageous to substitute milk for water.

  35. With the debilitated and aged, venesection must be avoided.

  36. It has been recommended as a chalybeate in the dyspepsia of gouty and debilitated habits.

  37. This man had been debilitated by ill-health, and, from the effect of it, was somewhat impaired in his understanding.

  38. So it was that the cobbling of a debilitated tub separated on an historic occasion two brave and loyal friends whose names will be thought of together as long as British people treasure the memory of their choice and daring spirits.

  39. If, after the separation of the sloughs, the exposed surface shall assume an indolent or debilitated action, stimulating dressings, such as turpentine liniment, or elemi ointment may be employed.

  40. This most frequently occurs in patients of a debilitated habit, in whom the incited action has been so slight as not to cause the effusion of lymph, by which nature usually sets bounds to the suppurating process.

  41. Illustration] Bones become brittle as age increases, and fragility is also induced by certain disordered and debilitated states of the constitution.

  42. When sloughing to any extent takes place, it is in patients of an extremely debilitated habit of body, or when the affection is attendant on disease of a malignant character.

  43. It is unsuitable for debilitated and elderly subjects.

  44. Hypostatic congestion of the lungs is liable to occur in the aged and in debilitated patients; it is a complication in such cases always to be guarded against.

  45. In feeble patients, and those debilitated by anæmia, diabetes, &c.

  46. Mr. Adams is eighty-eight years of age, and his constitution much debilitated within a few years.

  47. A physician of Olmutz was engaged to make known the plan to Lafayette, when he visited him in prison, then in reality, or apparently in a debilitated state of health.

  48. It affects the debilitated and overworked, but it is also found in the well nourished and in the comparatively young.

  49. In debilitated women the supply of milk may be insufficient; the most reliable evidence of this is the fact that the infant ceases to gain in weight.

  50. He was in such a debilitated state, that it was with great difficulty he supported himself from the wharf on which he landed to the governor's house.

  51. I continued several months in a low and debilitated state.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "debilitated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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