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Example sentences for "unpretentious"

Lexicographically close words:
unprepared; unpreparedness; unprepossessing; unpresentable; unpretending; unprincipled; unprintable; unprinted; unprivileged; unprocurable
  1. Gustavus appeared at first to be deeply in love with the gentle and unpretentious princess, but she soon found herself as neglected by her consort as she was detested by his mother.

  2. He stood in the paternal attitude to his people so becoming to his grandfather, but lacked the fiery democratic tendencies and the sympathy for the untitled, unpretentious and lowly, so strong in his stern father.

  3. The scholar who came to get all the learning he could, and who settled in some humble hostel or some unpretentious college of the old type, came to spend some few years there, but no more.

  4. His coming was as simple, business-like, and unpretentious as the man himself.

  5. I am impressed, too, with the utter lack of sectional bitterness in this volume, which consists chiefly of unpretentious reports of work done.

  6. These fairy tales retold for children from the "Jataka" are narrated in a simple style which is unpretentious but effective.

  7. These eight fairy stories show much imagination, a pleasant unpretentious style, and a fine sense of form.

  8. The City Hall stands in Front street near the Lake Shore, in the midst of an open square, and is an unpretentious structure, in the Italian style.

  9. Lord Brougham, the ex-Lord Chancellor, had virtually created Cannes, as far as English people were concerned, and the few hotels there were still unpretentious and comfortable.

  10. Our object has been to assist our unpretentious people always to be ready to give an answer to those who ask a reason for the hope that is in them.

  11. I take pleasure in commending this unpretentious volume to the prayerful attention of all English-speaking ministers and members of the Lutheran Church.

  12. In spite of the wealth of the owners of Loon Dyke Farm they were very simple, unpretentious folk.

  13. Those maniacally ugly buildings which he originally put up as unpretentious sheds barely to shelter human life, grow every day more and more lovely to his deluded eye.

  14. In the heart of its rowdiness there is a sort of mad modesty; a desire to melt the separate soul into the mass of unpretentious masculinity.

  15. She could see the backs of elephants standing in a compound under trees, and there were peacocks swaggering everywhere, eating the same offal, though, as the unpretentious chickens in the streets.

  16. This unpretentious spot of Italian soil was to prove the cradle of the revolutioniser of Italy's national music-drama.

  17. The County Hall, Town Hall and Corn Exchange, all unpretentious and quietly dignified, represent both shire and town.

  18. Close to the church and the Coach and Horses Hotel, the unpretentious but comfortable hostelry on the left of the street, a lane leads to the coastguard station and beach.

  19. The hotel which he had selected was a German boarding-house, of modest dimensions and of unpretentious appearance.

  20. Indeed, the Spaniards are by no means most attractive in gravely ceremonial and stiffly dignified pictures, but rather when they indulge in unpretentious "little painting" in the manner of Fortuny.

  21. Children have this unpretentious receptivity for the kingdom of God which is characteristic of them generally, since they have not yet other possessions on which they pride themselves.

  22. Adler with his ideas is sometimes too serious for the people, but Mogalesco's naive fidelity to reality always meets with the sympathy of a simple audience loving the homely and unpretentious truth.

  23. They are both simple, uneducated men who write unpretentious sketches about a life they intimately know.

  24. He, like some of the other men best known for more unpretentious work, is an author of very poor plays.

  25. Learned that one leaves college almost ignorant Mild, unpretentious men who let everybody run over them My good fellow, you are quite worthless as a man of pleasure Never travel when the heart is troubled!

  26. She saw that Burke was very anxious to know why she was living in a plain fashion in this unpretentious house, but she found it would be very difficult to explain the matter to him.

  27. It would have been difficult for them to know how to greet Mrs. Cliff at a hotel, even such an unpretentious one as that of Plainton.

  28. I was now shown a place of unpretentious dimensions where I could suspend my hammock, but, unluckily, things were so crowded that there was no room for a mosquito-net around me.

  29. Coronel da Silva, the owner, lives in what would be called an unpretentious house in any other place but the Amazon.

  30. As for design, they ranged from the very simplest and most unpretentious styles up through the quaint dogs' heads to the grotesque figures and elaborately wrought pieces to be found among good collections of antique hearth accessories.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unpretentious" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.