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Example sentences for "autochthonous"

Lexicographically close words:
autobiographer; autobiographic; autobiographical; autobiographies; autobiography; autoclave; autocracies; autocracy; autocrat; autocratic
  1. Chamois is an autochthonous Alpine species, but occurs also in the Pyrenees and Caucasus.

  2. One of the principal objects of this work is to show how the autochthonous animals of Europe, i.

  3. The relation of the Celts to the Druids is quite different from that of conquerors, who occasionally resort to the medicine-men of the conquered folk because they have stronger magic or greater influence with the autochthonous gods.

  4. Only an autochthonous god could know this, and the story is suggestive of the true nature of the Fomorians.

  5. Are not the speakers of Celtic languages the descendants of the autochthonous peoples of Western Europe?

  6. Some observers have likened their details of the façades of these structures to Hindu temples, others to Egyptian, and so forth, whilst others stoutly proclaim them to be of purely autochthonous culture.

  7. His sons in turn will grow up with something autochthonous in their nature.

  8. The absence of the autochthonous hold of the soil and of long-settled immovable traditions of tribal life makes the native more malleable under the forces of civilisation.

  9. Schmidt inclines to the autochthonous theory and regards the microlithic flint industry as an outgrowth of tendencies already well developed in the Magdalenian.

  10. There is thus a very primitive Magdalenian industry wide-spread over central and western Europe, either autochthonous or influenced from the east, but certainly not from the Mediterranean.

  11. In the same fashion we may regard a genus as being autochthonous or first developed in the region where it shows the greatest range or variety of species.

  12. In both cases the Eastern region is vastly richer in genera and species, as well as in autochthonous forms, than the Western.

  13. I know of but six genera which may be regarded as autochthonous in the Red Sea, and nearly all of these are of doubtful value or of uncertain relation.

  14. Those regions where the greatest number of genera are thus autochthonous may be regarded as centers of distribution.

  15. One example among many others which has been demonstrated is the extraordinary unanimity shown by the autochthonous forms and themes of myths.

  16. This legend is not peculiar to the Korwas but is also told by the Halbas, Lodhis and other castes, and is a favourite Brahmanical device for accounting for the existence of the autochthonous tribes.

  17. They claim to be autochthonous like most of the primitive tribes.

  18. The chief objection to the theory of an autochthonous origin is that, as we shall presently see, a break in the civilisation of Northern Italy which can be traced about the beginning of the ninth century B.

  19. Two of the most celebrated of the evolutionists reject the autochthonous view, for Darwin’s Descent of Man and Haeckel’s Hist.

  20. The primitive race of America was as likely autochthonous and of Pliocene age as of Asiatic origin.

  21. The question of the origin of the Americans, whether an autochthonous one or associated with the continents beyond either ocean, is more properly discussed in another place of the present volume.

  22. It is impossible for an autochthonous people to have such a language.

  23. In most places there is no trace in historical times of distinction between autochthonous Cypriotes and descendants of the immigrant Phœnicians.

  24. The Philistines, like the Israelites, gradually absorbed the autochthonous Canaanite population they found in possession.

  25. Smilisca is an excellent example of an Autochthonous Middle American genus.

  26. At least it seems apparent that no autochthonous population existed on these lands in their island form.

  27. The preference for antiquity as an abbreviation of the history of the human race, as if there were an autochthonous creation here by which all becoming might be studied.

  28. Where could there have been autochthonous peoples!

  29. Sometimes the cultural change was an autochthonous development.

  30. The great autochthonous forms shared the extinction of the big creatures of the immigrant fauna; for under stress of competition with the newcomers, the ancient ungulates and edentates had developed giants of their own.

  31. The Kitan formed only a very thin stratum, and the real power was in the hands of autochthonous Turkish tribes, to whom the Kitan soon became entirely assimilated in culture.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "autochthonous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aboriginal; ancestral; atavistic; autochthonous; beginning; budding; creation; domestic; elemental; elementary; embryonic; endemic; fetal; formative; fundamental; humanoid; inaugural; inceptive; inchoate; incipient; indigenous; infant; infantile; initial; initiative; initiatory; introductory; inventive; nascent; native; original; parturient; patriarchal; pregnant; prehistoric; prenatal; primal; primary; prime; primeval; primitive; primordial; pristine; procreative; rudimentary; vernacular