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Example sentences for "native officer"

  • My man has rendered me other valuable services, and I should be greatly pleased if, in consideration of the fidelity and daring that he has shown, you would think fit to recommend him for promotion as a native officer.

  • In this way you will still be with me, but as a native officer instead of a servant; and should I be sent on any special duty you will, I am sure, be able to go with me, as before.

  • Half an hour later, Harry was at work under the instructions of a native officer.

  • On the following day he embarked in a twelve-gun sloop, with twenty troopers under the command of a native officer.

  • Its casualties during the siege amounted to a native officer and 11 men killed and 23 men wounded.

  • A native officer holding a rank equivalent to that of Captain commanding a company.

  • The garrison of Fort Gulistan consisted of two companies of the 36th Sikhs, under Major Des VÅ“ux, and hard by was a little detached work, with a garrison of but twenty men, under a native officer.

  • In reserve lying near him was the Gurkha company of the Guides, and also a company of the 66th Gurkhas under a native officer.

  • He, an outlaw, with a price on his head, his sins forgiven, enlisted in the Guides, with the prospect of becoming a native officer!

  • Footnote 12: Mazr Ali was given the order of merit for his brave action, and is now a Native officer in the regiment.

  • A little beyond, and to the right of this piquet, a Native officer's party of the 9th Irregular Cavalry had been placed to watch the Trunk Road.

  • When the Consul recovered consciousness, he was lying in the street surrounded by a crowd, one or two members of which, including a native officer, were trying to protect him, whilst others were striking at him.

  • Tewfik again wavered, he turned for counsel to a native officer at his side, and repeated, "What can I do?

  • No native officer of the revenue or judicial department, who is conscious of having done his duty ably and honestly, feels the slightest uneasiness at the change.

  • The most respectable native gentleman in the city and district told me one day an amusing instance of the proceedings of a native officer of that district, which occurred about five years ago.

  • The bad rupees were brought to a native officer of my guard, who went with the shopkeepers in search of the knave, but he could nowhere be found.

  • Then I heard an old, grizzled, long-haired Central Asian chief, who had come down with the Amir, asking questions of a native officer.

  • At length my native officer said: "Sahib, why should we men be afraid of an animal?

  • Learning that the inhabitants were celebrating a yearly festival, Smith and I, accompanied by a native officer, set off to visit it.

  • I had just related to my companion a happening which I had witnessed some years before when, at a large rifle meeting and in the presence of hundreds of men, a sepoy ran amuck and shot down a native officer and a havildar or sergeant.

  • A native officer, one of the party, at once saluted.

  • Four hundred Dervishes had fallen, great numbers had been wounded, while the British casualties amounted to a native officer of the camel corps dangerously wounded, one man killed, and three wounded.

  • Going to do some scouting," he muttered, and then called to a native officer, "Pass these two men beyond the outposts.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "native officer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cast himself; did his; electronic equipment; good country; her return; mellow soil; native cavalry; native cloth; native copper; native country; native names; native officer; native officers; native place; native soldiers; native state; native town; native troops; native village; native well; native white; other poets; pulled down; tail deer; third voyage; whole story