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Example sentences for "moder"

Lexicographically close words:
modeller; modellers; modelling; models; modem; moderado; moderata; moderate; moderated; moderately
  1. Siðen cam iacob to ebron, And fond his moder of werlde gon; 1892 Starf yſaac quan he waſ hold Isaac dies at the age of nine score years.

  2. Fra biginning o þe werld O suilk a wer was never herd, Ne suilk a striif o childer tuin Þat lai þer moder wamb wit-in.

  3. O moder myn, that cleped were Argyve, Wo worth that day that thou me bere on lyve!

  4. Pryam ful ofte, and eek his moder dere, His bretheren and his sustren gonne him freyne Why he so sorwful was in al his chere, And what thing was the cause of al his peyne?

  5. Moder always said he ran away before I was born'd.

  6. Ven Gott make my eyes, my moder say he not put ze light in zem.

  7. I bees not cold, I not cry, my moder ce hold me tight; but all ze time ce cry.

  8. Zen von oder day ze lady come dare, and ce give my moder much ze money, and ce take ze pic-sure avay mit her; and ven ce have go mit it, my moder ce cry and ce cry.

  9. Zen my moder go down vare my fader be mit ze chains on him, and ven ce come dare, ce scream, and ce fall on ze ground, like ce be dead.

  10. Zen my moder say dot ce vill give him ze vatch vot ce have, ven ce vas mit her moder in Italy, to get ze money mit, but ce tink ven he get ze money he vill drink ze beer.

  11. My moder ce come in ze ship mit ze baby in von arm, and my granfader bring me, and Jeem and Fred bees dare; and my granfader say zey vill go, dot ze ship not come avay mit zem.

  12. My moder say, No, ze fire not varm her, ce bees dead, and ze man vill come and put her avay in ze ground; and my moder ce cry and ce cry.

  13. Zen my moder sell ze ring fon her fing-er, and some ze money ce get, and some ze money my granfader give her.

  14. My moder ce be dare, and ce hold me tight, and I tink Gott hear my moder vot ce pray.

  15. And Jeem he see her dare, and he cry, and Fred cry, and I cry; and my moder ce groan like ce die.

  16. Zen my moder say dot ce vill take ze boys mit her; and my fader say No, he keep ze boys mit him.

  17. Jeem he go in ze bed, and Fred he go in ze bed, and I go in ze leetle bed, and my moder ce have ze baby mit her to ze fire.

  18. Envye and Ire maken bitternesse in herte; which bitternesse is moder of Accidie and binimeth him the love of alle goodnesse.

  19. Your little chile am not lost to you, she's safe at home, de dear bressed home ob heben, whar your moder is Missy Grace.

  20. You kin come home now, and I'se 'll take keer ob ye till moder comes.

  21. Thi Magy tham sina Fryas svna hagja wilde stald-iri as Moder to Godaburch et Skenland, men hju wilde mar, hju seid-im that sahwersa hi Adela vpruma koste, hi master skolde wertha over el Fryas land.

  22. Thju moder leth alle bisluta gaderja and jefth et guldnetal, that is that middeltal fon alle bisluta etsemne, thermitha mot man far that forma freto ha and thene kening alsa.

  23. Thju moder to Texland mei en and tvintich famna and sjvgun spille mangerta hava, til thju ther ammer sjvgun by there foddik muge wakja deilikes and thes nachtes.

  24. Inna utroste wille there vrsturvene Moder stand Rosa-mvda thet forma, Min-erva thet twede and Syrhed thet thredde as folgstere biskreven.

  25. Ak nildon hja nene ore Moder kjasa leta, to segande, hja hede frese that er emong hira famna nimman were, ther hja sa god kvnde trowa as Minerva ther Nyhellenia tonomt was.

  26. Tha Frya bern was, stand vs moder naked and blat, vnbihod to jenst tha strelum there svnne.

  27. Forth gvng er that Flymar vp, hwand hi wilde tha fam fon Medeasblik jeftha fon Stavora gabja and tham to Moder makja.

  28. This Alla hath the face in remembrance Of dame Custance, and ther-on mused he If that the childes moder were aught she That was his wyf, and prively he sighte, 1035 And spedde him fro the table that he mighte.

  29. His moder swowning by the bere lay; 1815 Unnethe might the peple that was there This newe Rachel bringe fro his bere.

  30. Of this rote eek springeth a seed of grace, the which seed is moder of sikernesse, and this seed is egre and [573] hoot.

  31. And therfore clepeth Cassidore poverte "the moder of ruine," / that is to seyn, the moder of overthrowinge or fallinge doun.

  32. Pees,' quod our Host, 'for Cristes moder dere; Tel forth thy tale and spare it nat at al.

  33. Lo, Iacob, by good conseil of his moder Rebekka, wan the benisoun of Ysaak his fader, and the lordshipe over alle his bretheren.

  34. Theffect is this, that Alla, out of drede, His moder slow, that men may pleinly rede, For that she traitour was to hir ligeaunce.

  35. Envye and Ire maken bitternesse in herte; which bitternesse is moder of Accidie, and binimeth him the love of alle goodnesse.

  36. Her deyd his moder called Monica As thai were returning in to Affrica 12.

  37. An' he was a-sleepin' as if his moder had rocked 'im!

  38. De missus fainted dead away, an' my moder held her in her arms.

  39. Cosyn, I prey zow brenne this letter, that zoure men ne non other man se it; for and my cosyn zowre moder knew that I had sent yow this letter, sche shuld never love me.

  40. And truly my moder dede her dever ryth feythfully therin, as my cosyn Clare[85.

  41. And I sentte thedyr for a goune, and my moder seyde that I xulde have dan [then], tyl I had be ther a non, and so thei cowde non gete.

  42. My moder be hestyd a nodyr ymmage of wax of the weytte of yow to oyer Lady of Walsyngham, and sche sent iiij.

  43. There was a persone warnyd my moder with in this to days that sche xuld ben ware, for thei seyd pleynly sche was lyk to ben servyd as ze were servyd at Gressam with in rytz schort tyme.

  44. I prey yow this bille may recomaunde me to my mastrases your moder and wyfe, &c.

  45. I prey yow lete my mastras your moder knowe these tydyngis, and God have yow all yn his kepyn.

  46. My moder prayith zu that ze wil send my brother Willyam to Kawmbrege anomynale[100.

  47. My moder bad me send yow word that Waron Herman hath dayly fyshid hyre water all this yer, and therfor she prayith yow to do therfor while ye be att London as ye thynk best.

  48. Only one thing made him unhappy, that was that my poor moder should not learn the truth of the gospel.

  49. Paul," that was the name I had got when I was christened, "you must pray for your moder wid me, and I am sure that God will hear our prayers.

  50. At last my fader grew sick, and he made me promise, if he died, that I would go to Sierra Leone and try to find if my moder was dere.

  51. My fader take me up and run away into de wood, my moder follow, but she fall, and the slaver people catch her and take her with the rest.

  52. XXVII Thryes thorowout them he ran then, Forsothe as I yow sey, And woundyt mony a moder son, And twelve he slew that day.

  53. Seo halige moder Mar['i]a tha afedde thaet cild mid micelre arwurdhnesse, and hit weox swa swa odhre cild dodh, buton synne anum.

  54. If you would hear the note of Chaucer at its deepest, you will find it in the famous exquisite lines of the Prioress' Prologue:-- O moder mayde!

  55. Goe, make you merrie with the rest," His weary moder cried; But with a frown he catcht her gown And hong untill her side.

  56. Give mee thy lyttel hand, Moder will hold it and Lead thee to balow land,-- Balow, my boy!

  57. Oft hath thy moder seene Moonlight and mirkland queene Daunce on thy slumbering een,-- Balow, my boy!

  58. And angels came and kisst the dearie smiling In dreems while him hys moder ben beguiling With "lolly, lolly, lollyby!

  59. I don't care now vot dey takes, I will valks home and tells fader and moder dot I lost it, den won't they be mad!

  60. Moder is worse than him; she tole him he didn't whips me half enough, and so he tried it again yesterday.

  61. Bot whan that thei have hiede take, And rad that writen is withinne, So gret a sorwe thei beginne, As thei here oghne Moder sihen Brent in a fyr before here yhen: Ther was wepinge and ther was wo, Bot finaly the thing is do.

  62. And whan Thelogonus of that 1630 Was war and hath ful knowleching Hou that his fader was a king, He preith his moder faire this, To go wher that his fader is; And sche him granteth that he schal, And made him redi forth withal.

  63. Bot Jupiter, which wolde schylde The Moder and the Sone also, Ordeineth for hem bothe so, That thei for evere were save.

  64. The king hath understonde his sawe, The childes name and axeth tho, And what the Moder hihte also That he him wolde telle he preide.

  65. And sche began to crie and preie, "O fader, o mi moder diere, Nou help!

  66. The kinges Moder there lay, Whos rihte name was Domilde, Which after al the cause spilde: For he, which thonk deserve wolde, Unto this ladi goth and tolde 950 Of his Message al how it ferde.

  67. She was the beautifullest creature and the cleverest, but, though my fader continued to pay my moder all possible respect, my poor moder could not suffer this attachment.

  68. Lete euer your mynde be with your spouse / and with your moder blessyd Marye / & the sayntes as often as ye synge or rede.

  69. Beware also of glotony whiche is moder of all vnclennesse & bocheres of chastyte / & kepe your stomake rather voyd than to take to it superfluyte wherthorugh ye shall not nede to take medicynes for a digestyon.

  70. Yes, it is a good land; and I am like Joseph, only better dan Joseph was, for I hab got back my fader and moder too, praise de Lord.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    moderate degree; moderate height; moderate length; moderate means; moderate weather; moderately juicy; moderately warm; modern business; modern church; modern civilization; modern economic; modern education; modern geography; modern geology; modern ideas; modern industrial; modern industry; modern literature; modern maps; modern methods; modern nations; modern physics; modern practice; modern society; modern system; modern thought