Then he visited the drawing-room, the heart of this very pathetic shrine where the altar of his dead was, almost visibly set up.
Conflicting emotions struggled within her ample bosom--namely, regret at leaving that thrice happy sofa, and satisfaction that others should behold the glory thereon so visibly enthroned.
Her chill presence had visibly affected Sir Abel, causing the contrast between the overblown portrait upon the wall and the subject of it to be ironical to the point of cruelty.
In the case of the Provost of Oriel, he had, with all his great and noble qualities, one remarkable want, which visiblyimpaired his influence and his persuasiveness.
Perhaps he has already taken too many of the pleasures of this sphere from animals, which visiblyfeel pleasure when they play with each other, especially the mother with her young.
Good manners disappear in proportion as the influence of a Court and an exclusive aristocracy lessens; this decrease can be plainly observed from decade to decade by those who have an eye for public behaviour, which grows visibly more vulgar.
For a moment stark fear looked out of Ainley's eyes and he visibly flinched, then he recovered himself and broke into harsh laughter.
Her paleness, nevertheless, visibly increased, and she became colder and colder, until she seemed almost as white and dead as upon that memorable night in the unknown castle.
The desire to propitiate a divinity is generally in inverse ratio to its responsiveness, and the sense of discouragement produced by Osric Dane's entrancevisibly increased the Lunch Club's eagerness to please her.
The dark bulk of the pirates' asteroid, which had loomed so close to them for two days, was gradually but visibly moving away.
His arm never visibly reached to any point from which it could not be safely drawn back; but his hand was stirring every mischief.
Her words, however, had visibly made a deep impression upon the Miko, and he remained for a while sunk in reflection.
You suppose an impossibility; for it cannot be that, at the same time, a man should visibly stand a member of two bodies diametrically opposite one to another.
Now he that is visibly or openly profane, cannot be then a visible saint; for he that is a visible saint must profess faith, and repentance, and consequently holiness of life: and with none else dare I communicate.
For was not beauty there seen shining in jewels that have a market value, and did not love visibly preside over the union, and make it known that his sweetest favors go with a prosperous world?
He was faint with lonely vigils; he was visibly carrying the load of the poor and the despised.
People are not so easily or so visibly led; that is to say, the editorial influence is not so dogmatic and direct.
The interest of the circle visibly increases; and others take such a part in the transaction that I begin to doubt if the first man is, after all, the proprietor.
To the popular mind this vast accumulation of learning in libraries, or in brains that do not visibly apply it, is much the same thing.
The maydē by & by blazed it about al the citie, that our Lady had visibly appeared vnto her, & foretold her of sundry plagues likely to happen vnto the citie.
Concerning the holy Fathers, Councels, Bishops, and common people, which say that soules do visibly appeare.
Concerning the holy Fathers, Councels, Bishoppes, and common people, which say that soules doo visibly appeare.
But as she bowed and looked at Hope that young lady visibly changed color, for in the glance which Fanny gave her she seemed to see the face of her brother Abel; and she was not glad to see it.
There was a fresh burst of feeling from the honest and affectionate woman, who felt that to be a Roman Catholic was to be visibly sealed and stamped for eternal woe.
Romaine still lived; indeed her hold upon vitality had visibly strengthened since Morton's advent, yet, so far as his cognizance of the phenomenon went, Nature unassisted had taken the resurrection into her own hands.
Yes, the hateful swords of our spirits, my point toward his breast and his toward mine, gleamed there almost visibly above that little tired creature.
The tone was precisely the "married" one she had been imagining, and she burst out with a laugh that made him stop and visibly wrap his dignity about him.
Chilled by the want of affection, and neglected by those whose care it should have been to make her happy, the girl sickened, and wasvisibly pining away.
He had his own church; Nature had early led him to its door; he had found God visibly present in the immensities, and with the power had recognised his love too as the nobler dower.
Edenborough plainly loathed him, chafing visibly as the pair swept past with certainly the appearance of some extra verve for his benefit.
In a flash the lot had fused in his suspicious mind, and so visibly that Dollar was relieved to find himself the object of suspicion.
Its tendrils were leaning over into the veranda, and, to Robert's surprise, he presently noticed that they were visibly turning toward his leg.
They had to turn away from the light to reach it, and they set themselves in motion visibly within a few minutes of the pole's being there.
Sam sat down, visibly affected by his own eloquence; slowly he wiped his face and then he rose again.
Neither need we be surprised that God, invisible as He is, should often have appeared visibly to the patriarchs.
But among them the person of God Himself visibly appeared, not, indeed, in His proper substance, which ever remains invisible to mortal eyes, but by the infallible signs furnished by creation in obedience to its Creator.
He ploughed the floor with another bullet, and the crowd again visibly thinned away.
Gardiner and Riles, too, were visibly downcast when they heard the amount, but Gardiner promptly grappled with the situation.
He paused to borrow my tobacco pouch and fill his pipe, and the blundering way he filled it and spilled the precious weed on the ground visibly belied the calm of his easy language.
That's worse, far worse than anything material," he said, turning visibly paler.
It was Kalkmann speaking, and Harris started visibly as he heard the name, and saw the black-haired man by the piano turn with a smile.
The room visibly darkened before his eyes, his brain worked as it would in dreams suggesting its own thoughts and wishes and intentions.
Men and women sat down at the hymn's close quite visibly affected.
The vigour and activity of his mind sparkled visibly in his eyes; nor was it ever observed, that any change of his fortune, or alteration in his affairs, whether happy or unfortunate, affected his countenance.