The wood is light, soft, moderately strong, very brittle; the rings of yearly growth are broad, and the yellow bands of summerwood occupy nearly half.
Albumen, casein, or fibrin is dissolved inmoderately strong potassa, the solution heated for some time to 120 deg.
I am confirmed in this belief by the effects of immersing a leaf of Dionaea in a moderately strong solution of sugar; the leaf having been previously left for 1 hr.
Although drops of water and of a moderately strong solution of sugar, falling on the filaments, does not excite them, yet the immersion of a leaf in pure water sometimes caused the lobes to close.
If the solution is moderately strong, it gives a white precipitate with a little hydrochloric acid, soluble in excess: with water it gives no precipitate.
After removal from the bath, the coronet may be dressed with a moderately strong solution of carbolic acid or perchloride of mercury.
The horn should be moderately strong, and the wall should be thick.
Solutions of carbolic acid, of perchloride of mercury, of zinc chloride, or of moderately strong solutions of copper sulphate, are all of them useful (see also treatment of coronitis on p.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moderately strong" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.