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Example sentences for "deliberately"

Lexicographically close words:
delf; delftware; deli; deliberate; deliberated; deliberateness; deliberates; deliberating; deliberation; deliberatione
  1. Meyerbeer, in his highly but sometimes almost grotesque orchestral effects, has approached the very verge of burlesque music such as Rossini, in the little opera referred to, deliberately wrote.

  2. He then went to his bedroom and deliberately shaved off his disguising beard.

  3. Andrews went slowly and deliberately to work, dealing out his long cantankerous sentences with a nasal sang-froid which seemed to change in a moment the whole aspect and temperature of things.

  4. What is to the purpose is, that my business affairs are in the hands of a business man, deliberately chosen and approved by me, and that I have nothing to do with them.

  5. Lady Charlotte deliberately looked at him a minute longer through her glass.

  6. In order to save at least a part of it the authorities deliberately burned down a block of buildings in the pathway of the fire.

  7. It is not true to say of the bulk of the German people that they are deliberately preparing to destroy the British Empire.

  8. As one critic says: "The German system does not put this class through the mill," and is deliberately designed to save them from the grind of the mill.

  9. They deliberately made the deeds of the torturers and women-killers their own, and this they did with the approbation of the British Government, and to its merited and lasting shame.

  10. Deliberately turning away from books, and making naught alike of learned precedent and literary form, he yet could not but avail himself unconsciously of the heritage which he had discarded.

  11. Deliberately I refuse to hear the charmer Boissier.

  12. An instructive map of Italy could be drawn up, showing the sites and cities wrongly named from corrupt etymology or falsified inscriptions, and those deliberately miscalled out of principles of local patriotism.

  13. One is struck by a certain waste of material; either the expense was deliberately disregarded or finer methods of working the stones were not yet in vogue.

  14. I think I have seldom deliberately set out to be humorous, but have nearly always allowed the humor to drop in or stay out, according to its fancy.

  15. I have seldom deliberately tried to instruct them, but I have done my best to entertain them, for they can get instruction elsewhere .

  16. You feel one of your loose desires for some woman, and because you desire her strongly you immediately accuse her of luring you on, of deliberately provoking and inviting the desire.

  17. You might just as well say that a plate of strawberries and cream deliberately lures you on to feel greedy.

  18. He had deliberately repelled her attempts to open a serious discussion.

  19. That they should be asked deliberately to inflict upon themselves this punishment, seemed a humiliation which self-respect could permit them only to spurn.

  20. This done, they could proceed more deliberately to the enactment of measures which would provide the mechanism for carrying out the provisions of the fifth section.

  21. With this remarkable faculty he believes Mr. Seward to have deliberately settled down to the task of reversing the President's views as to reconstruction.

  22. They assumed that the South deliberately intended to defy Northern sentiment, and ignored the possibility that the legislation in question was sincerely believed to be a necessary act of self-defense.

  23. Yet all mention of Jewish Troops was deliberately suppressed by the Staff at G.

  24. He was surprised at first to hear himself laughing, and then laughed again deliberately and louder.

  25. Graham, the more deliberately judicial for the stirring emotions he felt, asked if there had been any fighting.

  26. And Graham, standing underneath, wrestling darkly with the unknown powers that imprisoned him, and which he had now deliberately challenged, was startled by the sound of a voice.

  27. Often the gratitude of kings and nations fades and their promises are forgotten or deliberately violated; but you, who are children of France, should remember with pride that France has kept this one faithfully.

  28. Perhaps, as other stories go, her Voices reproached her for her weakness, and she deliberately resumed it.

  29. The third and principal cause was the activity of the learned and zealous esthetic German critics without esthetic feeling, who invented the theory of objective art, deliberately rejecting the religious essence of the drama.

  30. We'll drop all that," she pronounced, and deliberately lit a cigarette.

  31. He was the sort who played dirty golf in a match: deliberately moving on the green, casting his shadow across the hole, talking when his opponent was about to drive, and anything else to disconcert.

  32. Indeed, to-night is the only deliberately bad manners he has ever exhibited.

  33. Horace's affectations, to which for a time she had deliberately closed her eyes, were continually more glaringly in evidence.

  34. Peggy had been a little startled by the discovery that Amy had deliberately left her out of the plot for painting Aunt Phoebe's sitting-room floor.

  35. I couldn't walk on deliberately and see a sharp piece of slate drop on a man's head.

  36. Indeed, she was deliberately shutting her eyes to his weaknesses, and holding before herself such an idealized likeness of the real Horace that no one but herself would have recognized it.

  37. She had not looked him much in the face: she had not crossed his eyes: she had looked deliberately downward, keeping her head up, to preserve an exterior pride.

  38. She had deliberately set herself to get information from him on a topic in which she happened to be specially interested and she had got it, laughing the while at his youthful crudities--his vanity, his transparent cunning, his absurd airs.

  39. Here I am, here to stay,' said Nella, and deliberately laughed at her parent.

  40. Henry Falkins turned his back on the potential assassin, and strolled deliberately away.

  41. I reckon," the boy spoke very deliberately and impressively, "I reckon I knows a way ter make ye skeered.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deliberately" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    consciously; deliberately; easily; gently; haltingly; intentionally; knowingly; leisurely; moderately; pointedly; purpose; purposely; reluctantly; slow; slowly; voluntarily; wittingly