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Example sentences for "appreciably"

Lexicographically close words:
appraisers; appraises; appraising; appraisingly; appreciable; appreciate; appreciated; appreciates; appreciating; appreciation
  1. Air temperatures and relative humidities at this station did not differ appreciably from mean temperatures and humidities at the other stations.

  2. Table 4 shows that maximum air temperatures in the drainage did not differ appreciably from those at other stations.

  3. Figures 18 and 19 show that some litters grow appreciably faster than others, but the end results are about the same.

  4. Trapping on nights preceded and followed by days of average or above average isolation with average humidities--indicative of clear days and clear moonlit nights--did not yield appreciably higher catches of mice than other nights.

  5. When I looked at that poor young fellow's face sometimes--so gentle and true and pure--I used to think the world was appreciably richer for his being in it.

  6. But are we appreciably poorer for his being out of it now?

  7. The recent world war made us all acutely aware of a remarkable rise in the price of almost everything, which yet did not seem to diminish appreciably the demand.

  8. It follows incidentally that those concerns which can market their coal at an appreciably lower cost than the marginal concerns, are likely to reap more than an ordinary rate of profit, though royalties may absorb part of the excess.

  9. We have slackened our running time appreciably in the United States these days; very wisely, I think, in the case of the twenty-hour trains between New York and Chicago.

  10. The Press Bureau was frequently very appreciably hampered by the fact that even for quite minor expenditure outside the fixed budget, previous sanction had to be obtained from Berlin.

  11. Again on her second visit, which took place in October in New London (Connecticut), the Deutschland met with a very friendly reception, even though the atmosphere was appreciably cooler.

  12. When not relieved it may be that the men may become listless and dissatisfied; while the force will not be appreciably weakened by the absence of 10 per cent.

  13. However, it was a fine night and the mules almost seemed to warm to their work, racing along in great style at fully three miles an hour on a smoothish bit of road and appreciably downhill!

  14. I mean to say that, if we do not succeed in acquiring the guarantees for our compensation demands within a few months, the further progress of events will not appreciably improve our chances in this direction.

  15. But if the sight of it cheers, heartens, and inspires the donkey, helping him to overcome those fits of lethargy so characteristic of his race, then the carrot may quite appreciably accelerate the general rate of progress.

  16. If it did exist, and made the world an appreciably better place to live in, why should we grudge it a few miracles?

  17. Could the world have been appreciably worse off without it?

  18. This, it should be observed, betokens an appreciably broader head than in the case of the ancient Hellenes.

  19. But the difficulties of the case are not appreciably lessened by so varying the hypothesis as to impute the Aryan speech to the dolicho-blond, or to any blond stock, as its original bearer.

  20. Why are large and increasing portions of the community penniless in spite of a scale of remuneration which is very appreciably above the subsistence minimum?

  21. Some of the early crop plants may well have come from what is now Mesopotamian or Persian territory, and may conceivably have reached western Europe appreciably earlier, without affecting the present argument.

  22. Yet far the greater number and variety (national and linguistic) of men who use the Aryan speech are not prevailingly blond, or even appreciably mixed with blond.

  23. Galton shows that the average values can be appreciably raised by inducing the class of higher values to reproduce themselves, and by preventing the lower values from doing so.

  24. We can hardly admit that the mnemic phenomena explained in Chapter I could have acted appreciably in two or three hundred years, a period much too short for the human species.

  25. Blondness increases appreciably on the higher slopes of the Black Forest, Vosges Mountains, and Swiss Alps, though these isolated highlands are the stronghold of the brunette Alpine race.

  26. Experiments carried out later have shown, however, that the resistance to caffein is appreciably greater in some guinea pigs.

  27. It will be remarked that appreciably smaller doses induced symptoms in all of them, and one case terminated fatally.

  28. The taxes which we now seek to impose to meet the need of the State will not appreciably affect, have not appreciably affected, the comfort, the status, or even the style of living of any class in the United Kingdom.

  29. It is very remarkable that this period does not depend appreciably on the length of the circular arc through which the pendulum swings.

  30. There is no reason to think that the climate of ancient Greece or of ancient Rome was appreciably different from the climates of the Greece and the Rome that we know at this day.

  31. In the case of Saturn the shape of this ellipse is very appreciably different from a purely circular path.

  32. We are hence assured that the tides have not appreciably altered the dimensions of the orbit of Jupiter, or of the other great planets.

  33. Suppose his globe were cut up into one million parts, each of these parts would appreciably exceed the bulk of our earth.

  34. If comets could appreciably disturb planets, those disturbances would not neutralise each other, and in the lapse of time the system would be wrecked by a continuous accumulation of irregularities.

  35. The arc through which the pendulum swings may not have remained quite constant, but this does not appreciably affect the time of its oscillation.

  36. No hope, that is to say, that it will ever be an appreciably better world than it is at present.

  37. Bit by bit all of the outer layer was flaked off, and that, too, without appreciably scratching the next layer, so great was the worker's skill.

  38. A thick mist which prevented the troops holding the front line trenches from seeing far to their front undoubtedly played an important part in concealing the advance of the German Guard, and contributed appreciably to its success.

  39. In the course of the operations that developed, the relative strength of the opposing forces never appreciably altered in our favour.

  40. In the first place the conditions are so vague that even in the extremest cases the individual will find it difficult to realise that he is appreciably disturbing them.

  41. It is therefore quite a mistake to say that the kind of happiness which it is the end of life to realise is defined or narrowed down appreciably by the fact that it is a general end.

  42. When these are precipitated, not only must the fact that they are appreciably soluble at ordinary temperature be taken into account, but also the fact that they are very much more soluble at higher temperatures.

  43. A study of reactions of this kind has shown that the hydrogen ions of the acid combine with the hydroxyl ions of the base to form molecules of water, water being a substance which is not appreciably dissociated into ions.

  44. Pure water does not appreciably conduct the electric current.

  45. Had she sagged appreciably to leeward she would have swept them all.

  46. Another day the pilot, who is appreciably more mobile than our neighbour, described to me an errand of mercy he had undertaken.

  47. They merely prove that two thousand years ago the mean temperature of Palestine and the neighboring regions was not appreciably different from what it is today.

  48. To this temperature all matter must fall, provided it exists long enough and is not appreciably heated by collisions or by radiation.

  49. As for the carbon dioxide, it appears probable that in spite of the increased supply furnished by volcanoes the great amounts of carbon which have gradually been locked up in coal and limestone have appreciably depleted the atmosphere.

  50. Yet in spite of the magnitude of the change the mean temperature was not appreciably different, the average for the four stations being 67.

  51. Thus, this channel of a quarter of a mile wide between the headlands on either side of the mouth does not vary appreciably in width or depth, and requires no attention.

  52. But, away in the hills, I do not hear that the number is appreciably diminished; many of the hunters get a deer almost every time they go out.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "appreciably" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.