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Example sentences for "reluctantly"

Lexicographically close words:
relocked; reluctance; reluctances; reluctancy; reluctant; rely; relying; rem; remade; remain
  1. She tried to avoid me, I thought, and looked more vicious than ever, but after a minute's thought reluctantly told me where she and A.

  2. But they did not wink in response, nor give more than a furtive smile, as they reluctantly dragged along under their guardian's forcible guidance.

  3. But Jessica saw first the abject attitude of the collie, Keno, who came reluctantly to greet them with down-hanging head and tail and a reproachful upward glance of his brown eyes.

  4. When she called they reluctantly left their vantage points at the ports and went in to eat the lunch she had prepared.

  5. Peering in their telescopic plates, the three could see the flames, reluctantly and as if baffled, return at last to their home below.

  6. Reluctantly the boys obeyed, and went into their living quarters and to the table.

  7. Slowly the girl turned around, and reluctantly looked at the beloved beautiful face, tearful yet smiling, beaming with such passionate tenderness upon her.

  8. Reluctantly she obeyed, brightened the library lamp, and sat down before the cabinet organ which had been brought over to the parsonage for safe keeping while the church was being repaired.

  9. Finally her eyes failed, and with destitution staring open-jawed upon us, she reluctantly consented to do the washing and mending for three college boys.

  10. He took her hand, drew her from the arms that reluctantly relaxed, and when they reached the threshold smiled down into her eyes.

  11. There was an ominous pause, and reluctantly she was forced to look up.

  12. A few evenings since you asked me to trust you, and in defiance of my judgment I reluctantly promised to do so.

  13. The Queen can only reluctantly give her consent to this determination, as she regrets to lose Lord Hill's services at the head of her Army.

  14. People seemed to be always wanting me as one, and then reluctantly abandoning me!

  15. I asked, when we had reluctantly left the museum (which might be invaded by the Philistines at any minute) and were on our way to the famous Church of St. Trophime.

  16. Susan reluctantly yielded her hand to his close, mushy embrace.

  17. Before it he slowly reddened, and his eyes reluctantly shifted.

  18. Ruth strolled reluctantly on, feeling as if her toilet had been splashed or crushed.

  19. Once, when Etta was out, he opened the door of the room where she was taking a bath in a washtub she had borrowed of the janitress, leered in at her and very reluctantly obeyed her sharp order to close the door.

  20. Still, there were a few who reluctantly admitted having other views when I pressed them closely.

  21. A week's hunt through the mountains resulted in no better luck, and now, having had only fifteen days' rations at the outset, he was most reluctantly and savagely marching homeward to report his failure.

  22. Reluctantly the maid went along the corridor and tapped at the door.

  23. So he withdrew reluctantly to haunt the walk in front of the delicatessen store and wonder that the work upon which he had entered with such gusto was becoming so irksome.

  24. Reluctantly we unloaded and began the tedious task of relaying.

  25. But about 400 yards of heavy ice, including old rafted pack, still separated the 'Endurance' from the water, and reluctantly I had to admit that further effort was useless.

  26. He hesitated: named reluctantly a figure higher than that which he had had in mind: "Thirty-five dollars.

  27. A semi-exhausted and apathetic operator looked up reluctantly as Joan approached, with one glance appraising her from head to heels.

  28. This last consideration took him somewhat reluctantly to her side.

  29. But a meeting was inevitable; and that evening, just before the dinner hour, found her reluctantly knuckling the door of the back-parlour.

  30. She pushed the door open, moved reluctantly into the shadows and addressed herself wearily to the stairs, inhaling with a keen physical disgust the heavy and malodorous atmosphere in which her youth had been shaped toward womanhood.

  31. I cannot say how many of our regiment were killed, as I was reluctantly compelled to leave them, by a ball passing through my right knee, yet I hope I shall not lose my limb.

  32. I did so; and early next morning, the regiment being in marching order, I was reluctantly compelled to part from my almost broken-hearted faithful Augustine.

  33. I now lingered in the beautiful pine grove surrounding the Halfway House, hoping to see him again, but he did not appear, and I reluctantly started down the cog-wheel track.

  34. The doctor proved his staunch supporter, and even Mrs. Stanton said reluctantly that she supposed Harry might go, but that they must be very careful to bring him safely home to her again.

  35. Half reluctantly the others followed him, glancing back now and again till the tattered mass became a shadowy speck and faded away in the darkness.

  36. Bashville was reluctantly withdrawing when she added, "Mr. Byron gave me to understand that you tried to prevent his entrance by force.

  37. I appear here very reluctantly on the present occasion, and, as you are aware, I would not have appeared at all had I not been cited.

  38. In reluctantly consenting, Hubert urged that they first provide themselves with "some fat lightwood splinters" for kindling.

  39. It was time to return to camp, however, and they reluctantly drew in their lines.

  40. He knew that he ought to keep quiet, and, after reluctantly resigning himself to the necessity, he turned slightly on his bed of Spanish moss and fell asleep again.

  41. But Hubert and July, who were now twenty feet away, beckoned him frantically, and, thus urged, Ted reluctantly followed.

  42. July reluctantly gave up, declaring that they would have to let the ducks "go.

  43. Still more reluctantly they did this, not wishing a quarrel with the "cock of the walk.

  44. With a laugh on his lips Ted climbed down from their perch and was reluctantly followed by Hubert.

  45. Presently she rose up, glanced, smiling, at the pretty room, and leaving it reluctantly went downstairs.

  46. A desire he was constrained reluctantly to forego.

  47. He then went rather reluctantly up stairs, and presented himself, in no very amiable temper, to his father.

  48. That obedience, Miss Gourlay, which is reluctantly given, had better been forgotten.

  49. Here, as in other instances, Plato goes far beyond the limits set by the current sentiment of the Greeks, and in his later work is reluctantly constrained to abandon his scheme of community of wives and children.

  50. Slowly and reluctantly she turned towards him a face that, wavering with grief, looked strangely childish between her two greying plaits.

  51. She became aware that Yaverland's eyes were upon her, and she slowly smiled, reluctantly unveiling her good will to him.

  52. Ellen, admitting reluctantly as he gasped and chuckled, "Yon's not my own.

  53. The men with the collection plates could hardly hold their ground in the portals, and many worshippers were sent empty away, raising their hats as they reluctantly turned from the sacred precincts.

  54. An ardent Nationalist" thus expresses himself in the Separatist Herald:--"I fear we must reluctantly abandon hope of a Home Parliament for a few more years.

  55. Both are under a kind of Tory terrorism which makes them say the thing that is not, compels them against their wishes to fight, forces them reluctantly to make a show of opposition.

  56. It is due to us both that I should say I told her you had tried to form a good opinion of her, and very reluctantly received the view her mother suggested.

  57. I won't keep you long," and Stanton reluctantly followed him.

  58. Reluctantly did she consent to his taking upon himself new burdens and extended responsibilities, as he did in 1838, when his father resigned to him his active duties, by a liberal arrangement made for both of them.

  59. I feel that my danger now is, that I reluctantly do any thing that shall remove me from the influence of the atmosphere which it seems as if death had created around me.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reluctantly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    deliberately; easily; gently; haltingly; leisurely; moderately; protest; reluctantly; slow; slowly