While this new expiatory passion was still warm in her blood, she packed her boxes, soberly, and then as soberly wrote to Durkin.
She might have passed for a mere girl, but for the heavy shadows about the weary-looking, violet eyes and the betraying fullness of her soberly gowned figure.
So let us go back soberly to the orchard where the Putneys are, and wait till Betsy comes walking listlessly in, her eyes red and her cheeks pale.
Stashie, who had the bundle, walked around soberly to the front door, put it down, and knocked loudly.
And now beginneth he again to pace soberly forward," added Matcham.
It was by an effort that he answered soberly and literally, without betraying that the point of irony had irritated him, as, he did not doubt, it was meant to irritate.
In the morning we were able to look soberlyat the situation.
A few children were playingsoberly in the quiet streets.
We could just repeat the words again and again, doubting their truth, yet rejoicing soberly in their significance-- "We are through to the open country!
So she talked soberly to Nan, and tried to impress upon her mind the difference between liberty and license, telling several tales to enforce her lecture.
He listened soberly at first, and then his eyes began to twinkle, and he interrupted with numerous questions.
Once this would have been full of interest, but now it was mere routine, the sturdy veterans of the Ninth riding soberly forward, choked with dust, their hats drawn low over their eyes, wearied by a long night in the saddle.
I was amused at the earnestness with which she looked at me, apparently weighing my words as soberly as though they had important meaning.
Daniel Doyce faced his condition with its pains and penalties attached to it, and soberly worked on for the work's sake.
When Castle left the bank, about four-thirty, he walked soberly up town to the Coign Hotel and ascended to his room.
He soberly inspected a heavy revolver, placed it on a chair beside the bed, and retired with a sound not unlike a groan.
VI So, I soberlylaid my last plan To extinguish the man.
She took her own path soberly home again, not across the marsh this time, but half the way by the high-road.
They stamped and raked quite soberly for a moment, and then Isabel began to laugh again.
Lydia had refused to go, because, for some reason, she felt a little dull that morning, and Eben had soberly declared his peddling would take him another way.
Lydia, for her part, was soberly glad, yet there was a part of her anticipation that was incredible to her.
After that last glimpse of him, Amelia went soberly about the house, setting it in order.
Money seems to be the one idea, and men are ready to sell their souls for it," answered John, as soberly as she.
John soberlymade a memorandum to visit the ancient coach.
Nancy made no answer, but walked away, Ellen thought, rather moresoberly than usual.
Ellen felt sometimes, soberly and sadly, that she was thrown upon the wide world now.
She thought a great deal on the subject, and came soberly to the conclusion that it was her duty to disobey.
I have a great many things to make me happy," said Ellen, soberly — "but that is the greatest of all.
Ellen seemed the least interested person at table, and had made her selections with the least delay and difficulty; and now, as it was not her turn, sat very soberly looking on, with her head resting on her hand.
In front of them a middle-aged man, soberly dressed, and a tall girl were walking.
But rich or poor, he never changed his life by an iota, jogging soberly along his appointed if somewhat tortuous way.
He rode forth before the others, and lifted up his voice and loudly and clearly cried a blessing on the Dale and the dwellers therein, and then rode soberly down the bent, and the others followed him still silently.
Yet St. Clare once really and soberly tried to persuade me that it was my duty, with my weak health, and all I suffer, to let Mammy go back, and take somebody else in her place.
His cat was purring soberly on the threshold, and his parrot describing some strange evolutions in an iron ring that swung in the centre of his cage.
The next morning the old horse was found, without his saddle and with he bridle under his feet, soberly cropping the grass at his master's gate.
I could only hear now and then the shouts of the school-boys faintly swelling from the cloisters, and the sound of a bell tolling for prayers echoing soberly along the roofs of the abbey.
It was soberly lighted by a row of Gothic windows at a considerable height from the floor, and which apparently opened upon the roofs of the cloisters.
The young heir only shook his head soberly while he put a new bait on his hook and for a few minutes there was perfect silence.
If it be not the proper thing for us, let it be soberly argued against; let something better be proposed; let the country examine the matter coolly, and decide for itself.
The doctrine of repudiation has inflicted upon us a stain which we ought to feel worse than a wound; and the time has come when every man ought to address himself soberly and seriously to the correction of this great existing evil.
Everyone thought soberly for a minute, then Meg announced, as if the idea was suggested by the sight of her own pretty hands, "I shall give her a nice pair of gloves.
Then suddenly he tore up his music sheets, one by one, and as the last fluttered out of his hand, he said soberly to himself.
Her right hand kept firm hold of Guy, who was paddling barefoot in the stream: Edwin, the only one of the boys who never gave any trouble, was soberly digging away, beside little Muriel.
Scribner watched him ride off, then soberly turned and prepared to pack up and move on westward.
Lois, staring soberly and miserably out of the window, saw just then a stout girlish figure, leant to one side with the weight of a valise, pass hurriedly out of the yard.
She talked on about the wedding, and he listened soberly and assentingly.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "soberly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.