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Example sentences for "sparingly"

Lexicographically close words:
sparer; spares; spareth; sparge; sparing; spark; sparke; sparked; sparking; sparkle
  1. This part of St Luke's Gospel seems drawn from such sources, and the connecting matter is sparingly supplied.

  2. It never was very great, for, though the species has a large range, it is sparingly dispersed through the forests.

  3. When it enters California it prefers the elevated valleys and canyons of the Sierra Nevadas, though it occurs sparingly among the coast ranges.

  4. The next morning my landlady did me the honour to drink coffee with me, but helped me very sparingly to milk and sugar.

  5. As I neither drank brandy nor ale, he told me I lived far too sparingly for a foot traveller; he wondered how I had strength to walk so well and so far.

  6. Generally, they present the form of diluvial ridges, sparingly covered with forest, and bearing a growth of prairie-grass and herbage.

  7. In the satisfaction of this desire, as it first appears, the soul sparingly takes part; nay, it oft unsparingly regrets and disapproves the satisfaction.

  8. It is, perhaps, most frequent in the New Forest, Hampshire, thence it is found more or less sparingly to Cornwall.

  9. Boiled potatoes are very good feeding, and are still better if a little grain is mixed with them; Indian meal is both economical and nutritive, but should be used sparingly at first.

  10. While others fed freely, or joined in the quiet joke, which could escape the lips of even men chastened as his companions, Eben Dudley had tasted sparingly of the viands.

  11. Whisky was to be had at the price of liquid gold, brandy was treasured above rubies, and served out sparingly by the Hand of Authority, as medicine in urgent cases.

  12. Out of the same fear of loosing them they use wery sparingly the dart of excommunication except against such as lives al the more scandoulously.

  13. Experience hes learned them to use it wery sparingly and meekly, for when they would have put it in execution on som they have lost them, they choosing rather to turne papists then do it.

  14. Capillitium of very slender threads, straight or often sinuous, stretching from the columella to the wall of the sporangium, simple or outwardly sparingly branched at a sharp angle.

  15. Capillitium rather scanty, of slender colorless threads, sparingly branched, ascending from the columella.

  16. Capillitium of dark-colored threads, radiating from the columella and sparingly branched.

  17. Capillitium of slender, dark colored threads, simple or sparingly branched, radiating from the columella to the wall.

  18. Of small twigs and moss, lined with feathers, usually placed at low elevations in spruce or coniferous trees; eggs dull bluish white specked sparingly with black (1.

  19. They lay three to five eggs, white, specked and scrawled sparingly with blackish (.

  20. In hollow stumps at any elevation from the ground but usually near the ground, and most often in birch stubs; eggs white, sparingly specked with reddish brown.

  21. In thickets or clumps of briars, either on the ground or just above it; made of strips of bark and skeletons of leaves lined with hair; eggs whitish sparingly specked at the large end with brown (.

  22. Of leaves and strips of bark, lined with fine grasses; on the ground in clumps of weeds or blackberry vines; eggs white, sparingly spotted around the large end with rufous (65.

  23. In the damp depressions, if not wet enough for a bog, arbor-vitae and hemlock are common, while on the ridges sugar maple and linden are characteristic, though hemlock occurs here sparingly also.

  24. A few grasses and some low herbs occur sparingly among the sedges.

  25. Cultivated-field habitat: Cleared fields occur only sparingly in the regions visited, and these fields are small in size.

  26. Corporal punishment is a necessity, sparingly used but vigorously used when indicated.

  27. At night she ate sparingly of the dinner, which usually was meat, potatoes, another vegetable, and a dessert.

  28. These remarks also apply to the cooking of a variety of millet,[29] which is sown sparingly with the rice.

  29. And so the haggling is continued, A and his party doling out the marriage effects as sparingly as possible, taking care to make presents to the more vehement and unyielding parties on the other side.

  30. Then reduce the bridge in thickness from its feet upwards--very sparingly at these feet, but tapering to pretty thin at the top, say a bare sixteenth of an inch.

  31. If this be so, continue on these lines, sparingly adding more powder, but freely using the oil.

  32. There is something peculiarly fascinating about Falaise, for it combines many of the features that are sparingly distributed in other towns.

  33. Above the archway there are three floors sparingly lighted by very small windows, one to each storey.

  34. Lettuce must be eaten sparingly at this meal, as it causes a sleepy feeling.

  35. It was rugged and sterile, and farms were sparingly dispersed over it.

  36. Their fuel was the stalks of shrubs sparingly scattered over a sandy desert.

  37. For this third coat a fresh rubber should be made, the inside being sparingly supplied with spirits of wine instead of polish.

  38. It has the odour of thyme, is sparingly soluble in water, but very soluble in alcohol, ether and in alkaline solutions.

  39. They are mostly white crystalline solids, possessing a characteristic odour; they are sparingly soluble in water, but readily dissolve in alcohol and ether.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sparingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    carefully; economically; husbandly; moderately; poorly; slightly; sparingly; sparsely; thin