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Example sentences for "lobbyists"

Lexicographically close words:
lobbies; lobbing; lobby; lobbying; lobbyist; lobe; lobed; lobelia; loben; lobes
  1. It lay during the last Congress in the one person who was the accomplished intermediary between the expert lobbyists and the legislation of Congress.

  2. At the State Capital in Albany, one bright spring morning in the same year, the legislature rose and shook itself, and the Sergeant-at-Arms was instructed to drive the squad of lobbyists out of the building.

  3. Now if we break the force of it by giving them warning that swarm of lobbyists will get busy and stay busy all night," Rawson added.

  4. Third, the employment of professional and incidental lobbyists and the subsidizing of newspapers, or their representatives, for the purpose of influencing members of legislative bodies and their constituencies.

  5. Editors, reporters and correspondents are even retained as active lobbyists and give the railroad managers' cause the benefit of their prestige.

  6. To such an extent is the lobby abuse carried that some large corporations select their regular solicitors more for their qualifications as lobbyists than for their legal lore.

  7. This was occupied by the committee, national officers, the lobbyists and other workers until July, 1919, when the amendment had been submitted by Congress.

  8. Both had lobbyists actively working at the Capitol, members of Congress were confused and there was a considerable feeling that some plan for united action should be found.

  9. Yet the lobbyists and schemers enriched by these plunder schemes, who bore the brand of "swindler" in scarlet letters of infamy upon their foreheads, did not lose their places in Washington society.

  10. But the most adroit lobbyists belong to the gentler sex.

  11. The most unscrupulous lobbyists that have ever haunted the Capitol were well known as devoted adherents of William H.

  12. This Congress forced lobbyists to disclose who pays them and what legislation they are trying to pass or kill.

  13. We should require lobbyists to tell the people for whom they work what they're spending, what they want.

  14. When the last Congress killed political reform last year, it was reported in the press that the lobbyists actually stood in the halls of this sacred building and cheered.

  15. It will raise critical questions about the way we finance our campaigns and how lobbyists yield their influence.

  16. Lobbyists for polluters have been allowed to write their own loopholes into bills to weaken laws that protect the health and safety of our children.

  17. Three times as many lobbyists are in the streets and corridors of Washington as were here 20 years ago.

  18. The fair lobbyists did not want to give up even that vantage-point in order to admit the men who were to listen.

  19. Even lobbyists and corporations and political considerations fail to hold sway under such conditions.

  20. There are also the operations of lobbyists who, to affect important legislation for this great interest or the other, buy or sell stock for the benefit of legislators whose votes they desire to influence.

  21. Head-quarters had been opened at the Algonquin Club, and there Addicks, Whitney, Towle, and the lawyers and lobbyists were holding day and night sessions.

  22. I guess none of them lobbyists will get much out of me!

  23. All day long now, Hurlbut and his lieutenants, disregarding the routine of bills, went up and down the lines, fending off the lobbyists and such Republicans as were working openly for the bill.

  24. You will read of the lobbyists and find that not all of them are men.

  25. Lobbyists must be honest with each other.

  26. He could bother, too, the intriguing members of the "third house," as the lobbyists are called.

  27. Not all the Washington lobbyists are outside of Congress.

  28. To the lobbyists and members Pullwool was munificent; it seemed as if those gentlemen could not be paid enough for their "influence;" as if they alone had that kind of time which is money.

  29. Such, indeed, was the desperate condition of lobbyists in this State, that, had it contained a single philanthropist of the advanced radical stripe, he would surely have brought in a bill for their relief and encouragement.

  30. Meanwhile, lobbyists poured into Washington to guard the interests of the producers of lumber, pig-iron, sugar and other materials upon which the tariff might be reduced.

  31. Miss Grim and Miss Ruth Harl were stationed at Springfield as permanent lobbyists and Mrs. McCulloch directed the work.

  32. The liquor forces always employed lobbyists against the suffrage bills and fought the movement secretly and openly.

  33. Mrs. Holmes was made chairman, headquarters were taken in Baton Rouge and 46 lobbyists were at the Capitol day and night during the session.

  34. A ruling was made, aimed at the women, that no lobbyists should be permitted on the floor of the Assembly.

  35. He is tormented by lobbyists who will never let him alone until he has proved himself to be a man of incorruptible character and iron will; and that takes time.

  36. The whole army of lobbyists have camped on my doorstep ever since we began to draw up this bill.

  37. Paid lobbyists are kept in attendance during the legislative session for the same purpose.

  38. Their lobbyists and retainers surround every department of the government.

  39. In addition to the friends of these corporations in the legislative halls, paid lobbyists throng the capital, supplied with stocks and money, to be used "where it will do the most good.

  40. As a rule, lobbyists and rings have shaped and controlled legislation for years, and have constituted themselves one of the established institutions at the national capital.

  41. It is not something you want to leave a host of lawyers and lobbyists to decide among themselves.

  42. The evils growing out of the practice of the special interests in maintaining paid lobbyists near the legislature have led to attempts in a number of states to restrict such abuses by legislation.

  43. In several states lobbyists are required to make known the purpose of their business and to register their names with the secretary of state, and after the adjournment of the legislature to file a sworn statement of their expenses.

  44. They were regarded as celestial lobbyists and they were respected and feared because of their supposed power.

  45. Lobbyists were employed to influence members of Congress.

  46. Rumors circulated to the effect that bribery was being practiced, that the lobbyists for the lottery were making liberal offers for votes.

  47. The usual expeditionary forces of lobbyists concentrated in Washington and the Senate talked it over, while Summer came on and Washington grew hotter and hotter.

  48. On May 26 he issued a public statement calling attention to the "extraordinary exertions" of lobbyists in connection with the tariff.

  49. Now, the House has already passed financial reform with many of these changes, and the lobbyists are trying to kill it.

  50. It's time to put strict limits on the contributions that lobbyists give to candidates for Federal office.

  51. For example, over the years, a parade of lobbyists has rigged the Tax Code to benefit particular companies and industries.

  52. But for far too long, lobbyists have rigged the Tax Code with loopholes that let some corporations pay nothing while others pay full freight.

  53. Each time lobbyists game the system or politicians tear each other down instead of lifting this country up, we lose faith.

  54. It's time to require lobbyists to disclose each contact they make on behalf of a client, with my administration or with Congress.

  55. That's why we've excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs or seats on Federal boards and commissions.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lobbyists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.