These words imply that, at last, the damned soul shall submit; for to lie down is an act that signifies submission, especially to lie down to be beaten.
And in that he is said to take his hands full of sweet incense, it signifies that Jesus Christ was to offer up His sacrifice in the presence of His Father in a way of intercession and prayers.
His definition of the difference between grace and mercy is very striking: 'Mercy signifies pitifulness to objects in a miserable condition.
Grace and mercy therefore are terms that have their distinct significations; mercy signifies pitifulness, or a running over of infinite bowels to objects in a miserable and helpless condition.
But grace signifies that God still acts in this as a free agent, not being wrought upon by the misery of the creature, as a procuring cause; but of his own princely mind.
This particle, as well as nasig signifies reciprocalness, but depending on any one circumstance.
Before nouns of time signifies to do till the root points out, and then is rendered into Bisaya by Guica, as: He spent the night in praying.
The particle naquig, signifies to stimulate to perform what the root points out, and is employed with reciprocal verbs, and those implying company in the action.
This particle is formed from the particles naga and pa; and signifiesto allow, to order, to have done what the root points out.
The particle na, is joined to the neuter verbs and signifies what the root points out.
This particle is joined to the reflexive verbs, and signifies what the root points out.
Before nouns of place signifies to go there, as: Where are you going?
Before roots of musical instruments, signifies to play on them, as: Play you on the guitar?
Taga signifies also until, and points out the end of the action, as: To the knee.
The potential naca, signifies to do in fact, what the root to which precedes points out, containing in itself the faculty of doing.
The particle mi, signifies to do what the root points out, and is ordinarily compounded with verbs denoting motion.
But it's over, you know; so what signifies making the worst of it?
On the contrary, a diastema occurring at the side of a canine tooth signifies a congenital malformation.
For Lutherans the divine Church signifies a congregation of men who acknowledge the Bible and the Lutheran catechism.
The name is of good omen, Quipai being an Indian word which signifies 'Rest Here,' and I shall be glad for you to rest here so long as it may please you.
Thus anatomy, in the writings of Paracelsus, signifies not the dissection of dead animals to determine their structure, but it means the nature, force, and magical designation of a thing.
Doron signifies the palm of the hand: of course it was equivalent to 4 inches.
The Latin word æs sometimes signifies copper, and sometimes brass.
This Ahmed el Makur (signifies one who is wounded, applying more especially to the sort of wound he received) was destined to become the founder of a new dynasty in Darfur, and this is how it came about.
The fact being that a 'cradle,' in American farming, signifies a machine for cutting down corn wholesale.
Farming upon shares' signifies that the owner furnishes the land, implements of husbandry, and seed; the other contracting party finds all the labour required; and the produce is divided between them.
There is no possibility of misconstruing Sir Leicester's burning wish to see him or the desire he signifies to have the room cleared of every one but the housekeeper.
The word PAMPA, of Araucanian origin, signifies grass plain, and justly applies to the whole region.
The northern island was called by the natives Ikana-Mani, a word which signifies the fish of Mani.
In the widest sense it signifies all ecclesiastical writers (i.
In the narrower and more frequent sense it signifies only those ecclesiastical writers of the older post-Apostolic period who conform, more or less, to the Catholic tradition.
In medicine the word etiology, signifies the study of the causes and origin of disease.
Moses, and consequently must be a comment of the writer, or of a later editor of Deuteronomy, "beyond Jordan" signifies the land of Moab.
It only signifies that, when taken in its highest sense, it was meant to form character in men.
Again, wherever the expression "beyond Jordan" is used in the portions where the author speaks for himself, it signifies the land of Moab.
It is scarcely necessary to remind readers that, from the point of view of the critics, J signifies one of the constituent documents of the Pentateuch which uses the name Yahweh for God.
This signifies the completion and conclusion of philosophy, which is equivalent to saying that philosophy as such passes out of existence, while its place is taken by the science of the human mind, a part of natural science.
This signifies the thorough refutation of the belief in miracles.
The end sanctifies the means" signifies in other words that in ethics as well as in economics, the profit must justify the investment of the capital.
And now at last the most prominent theorists of natural science have adopted the view that explaining signifies nothing else but simply and completely describing the processes of nature.
And it is a step which cannot be retraced, because it signifies a sober awakening after centuries of vain imaginings.
Ale' signifies a merry gathering, a feast, a merry-making.
Alcohol is the Hebrew Kaal (Chaldaic cohal), with the same prefix, and signifies something highly subtilised, pure spirit.
But all these organs are in an undeveloped state, as the flower is in the bud; develope is a French word, and signifiesto unroll, or unfold.
The term Satan signifies an adversary, and is applied to any angel sent upon an errand of punishment For example, Numbers xxii.
The name of pecten, which signifies a comb, was given to the scallop-shell from a supposed resemblance in the fluting of the shell to the teeth of a comb.
You see it bears some resemblance to a heart, and hence the scientific name of the genus is Cardium, which signifies a heart.
It never signifies anything, because no man who really means business has the patience to be practically engaged.
Black signifies sorrow, and is used on Good Friday and in Masses for the dead.
Green signifies hope, and is used on Sundays from the Epiphany to Pentecost, unless some feast requiring another color falls on Sunday.
The oilsignifies the strength we receive, and the balm that we should be free from the corruption of sin, and give forth the sweetness of virtue.
Violet signifies penance, and is used in Advent and Lent.
White signifies innocence, and is used on the feasts of Our Lord, of the Blessed Virgin, and of some saints.
Red signifies love, and is used on the feasts of the Holy Ghost and of the martyrs.
It is made in the shape of a peacock, hence its name taus, which signifies "peacock.
So, as I was determined to go the vole, I have taken care you shall dip as deep as I; it signifies nothing plunging.
A SOFT road is a road through quagmire and bogs; and SOFT weathersignifies that which is very rainy.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "signifies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.