It was what she had given him, all these weeks, to be busy with, and she had again and again lain awake for the obsession of this sense of his uncertainty ruthlessly and endlessly playing with his dignity.
Among the numerous cascades in the Park, one of the most precipitous is the Sentinel, which endlessly comes tumbling down over a steep rough incline of thirty-two hundred feet.
Sam watched her with a cold admiration, speculating endlessly on what might be going on behind her mask-like face.
She and Buntingford had a common topic, which was endlesslyinteresting and delightful to them both.
He was capable of throwing all his small possessions into a large basket, and of taking them out again; an operation which he performed endlessly hour after hour; but of purpose, or any action that showed it, he seemed incapable.
He is endlessly tolerant and sweet-tempered; and sometimes will drop a little sweet and mellow maxim, the ripest fruit of sunny experience.
The experiment was made by Walt Whitman, and in a few of his finest lyrics, such as Out of the Cradle endlessly rocking, one gets the perfection of structure and form.
It circled endlessly above the clouds, dribbling out a fine dust,--the spores of every conceivable microorganism which could break down rock to powder, and turn that dust to soil.
The dozens of monstrous vegetables were the setting for riotous life: great slugs ate endlessly of the huge green leaves--and things preyed on them; bees came droning to gather the pollen of the flowers.
It is only when the flakes repeat themselves too endlessly for my eye to distinguish that I finally ignore them and walk contentedly in a storm.
Error endlessly assassinates itself in a futile effort to escape its immortality.
It was endlessly wearisome; who could say what might be happening meanwhile in England?
To Michael they were goblins that lived only in this gulley of fetid sunlight through which the trains endlessly clanged.
However, the argument that might have gone on endlessly was quenched suddenly by the vision of the night seen by Stella and Michael simultaneously.
After hall Avery came up to Michael's room, and while the rain dripped endlessly outside, they talked lazily of life with a more clearly assured intimacy than either of them could have contemplated the term before.
Bad enough for their peace of mind to meet her at a pilgrimage, but much worse to have her settled in their midst, gossiping as endlessly as she gossiped in her prologue, and amplifying her reminiscences for a less sophisticated audience.
They iterate and reiterate endlesslythe discussion of cookery, old and new; of the care of children; of the overwhelming subject of clothing; and of moral instruction.
The huge fellow was docile, quiet, and endlessly strong, but needed constant supervision.
He is endlesslystrong and keen about things in general, and now that the minister has arrived, can leave for a few days' outing.
The little grayish, yellowish adobe huts reminded him of Chinese vistas in color and outline; but to me it was Mexico only, unique, endlessly beautiful.
We will talk of all these things by your endlessly friendly fire in due time again (oh how I gnash my teeth with homesickness at that dear little Chilworth St. vision of old lamp lit gossiping hours!
It was an infinite interest to have them here for a good many weeks--they are such endlessly interesting people, and Alice such a heroine of devotion and of everything.
One thing she is bent upon, and that is keeping up the supply, multiplying endlessly and scattering as she multiplies.
I refer to Walt Whitman's "Out of the cradle endlessly rocking," in which the mockingbird plays a part.
If the evolutionary impulse fails on one line, it picks itself up and tries on another, it experiments endlessly like an inventor, but always improves on its last attempts.
Could not the environment have acted upon it endlessly without causing it to change toward higher and more complex forms, had there not been some indwelling aboriginal tendency toward these forms?
Not thus I am to do, but in my heart to break All the reluctance; it must have on me No pleasure; else I am endlessly tortured.
You bring Your own thoughts with you; and they are vinegar, Endlesslyrusting what should be clear steel.
Fill up this deficit: at once you suppress space and time, that is to say, the endlessly renewed oscillations around a stable equilibrium always aimed at, never reached.
She stopped as if to turn away, hesitated, lingered, gazing out with sober eyes at the confusion of limousines, touring cars and taxis that rolled endlessly by, with here and there a high green bus lumbering above all the traffic.
But we are still endlessly far from such a perfect system.
We cannot participate here in these inexhaustible discussions, because all these questions are to-day still so endlessly far from the field of psychological experiments.
Rather than toil meekly for someone else and obey a master's every wish, they had chosen to discover for themselves the true richness of this endlessly rich land and they were discovering it.
Endlessly he related tales of new babies, new weddings and new engagements.
The rest could profitably be spent in just looking at this endlessly fascinating water.
Endlessly baffled, but endlessly unconquered, the hosts of the firs thrust out their grim spire-topped vanguards, at intervals, into the hostile vacancy of the barren.