Like the ghost of her former self, Rome seemed to stretch interminably into the ever deepening purple haze.
Wildernesses of broken arches stretched interminably into the bluish haze, amidst woods and wild vegetation, which had arisen as if to reassert their ancient possessions of the deserted site.
Old Lady Loring was, perhaps fortunately, with Amy at Baden-Baden, though four days can be interminably long even in a bachelor party.
The plateau, 400 yards wide, seemed to trend away interminably to the north-east.
But these efforts were unsuccessful; the line of entrenchments continued interminably far to the west, and was clearly held by the enemy in sufficient force to render an assault hopeless.
The saloon was brilliantly lighted by eight chandeliers with dependent glass lustres; and at each end two mirrors, the height of the room, prolonged interminably the magnificent scene.
A fountain of antique workmanship threw up a jet d'eau of iced water, scented with eau de Cologne; and the whole was lighted by four splendid chandeliers interminably reflected, for the walls were mirrors divided by marble pillars.
Rankin lived in Sussex Square, which seemed to him an interminably long way off.
At West Point, there was an array of shipping scarcely less formidable, and the windings of the interminably crooked Pamunkey were marked for leagues by sails, smoke-stacks, and masts.
The whole country was crossed with deeply-rutted roads, as if some immense city had been lifted away, and only its interminably sinuous streets remained.
We were together from morning till night, month after month; we walked interminably about Rome and frequented its ruins, and wandered far out over the Campagna and along the shores of famous Tiber.
Of what use were the novels she interminably read, if not to teach her such things as that?
The first half-hour seemed interminably long, and the horizon was continually searched with the aid of powerful glasses for a sign of the wrecked airship.
The minutes of pounding through the slate-grey seas seemed interminably long, and the flying clouds of icy spray stung every exposed part of the human frame.
He was not accustomed to be kept waiting, and to wait half an hour after he had seen her enter just ahead of him was interminably vexing.
Massingale had been waiting interminably for Dore.
What added to the interest and singular appearance of the scene was, that this arch of the snow-pillowed sky sprung directly up from a boundless sea of verdant foliage that stretched interminably around.
Only think of sailing beyond the Mississippi, in a steamboat, still westward more than two thousand miles, and find your course at every step skirted with the most rich and fertile lands which stretch away interminably before you!
Since very early morning, and all through this interminably long hot day, we have been crossing the great desert prairie.
The winter is interminably long and severe, lasting from the beginning of October to May.
She ate them successively, with increasing deliberation, and afterwards she lingered interminably over her toast and marmalade.
About him the mingled odor of roses and mignonette was sweet and heavy; the fountain plashed interminably in the night, and above him the chestnuts and acacias rustled and lisped as they had done seven years ago.
It was interminably slow, and it was laborious; but, to speak comparatively, it was safe.
So much, with interminably slow pauses, we accomplished before the light waned in the summer-house and Isabel called us in to supper, which we ate together in a low-ceiled parlour overlooking the garden.
And we moved interminably forward through the gas-lit and crowded streets, under the mild night.
I had hungered and thirsted for years; I had travelled interminably through the hot desert of my brilliant career, until I had almost ceased to hope that I should reach, one evening, the pool of water and the palm.
The proposed operetta became the chief topic for discussion as the unusually long week dragged interminably along toward that fateful Saturday.
The afternoon dragged interminably to the perplexed sophomore and she hailed the ringing of the closing bell with thankfulness.
While hurtling down the slopes, you saw the intervening flat as interminably broad and hot and breathless, or interminably broad and icy and full of arctic winds, according to the season of the year.
I wonder if I shall stay on here interminably friendless, and soured like most of the others.
She is a welcome change from the Tapers and Tadpoles of Common Room, who argue interminably upon the day's play and the moral defalcations of boys in their respective houses and forms.