When you use a douche there is always some of the solution left in the vagina and that destroys wholly or in part the infective germs.
Often the children crawling on the floor would introduce the infective material directly, by putting their little fingers in their mouths.
Is not this the way that infective diseases have appeared on the earth from age to age?
In 1865, Villemin communicated to the Academie des Sciences his discovery that tubercle is an infective disease; that he had produced it in rabbits, by inoculating them with tuberculous matter.
As with typhoid, so with Malta fever, cholera, and some other infective diseases.
In both cases 90 and 91 the high position of the wound in the fixed portion of the pharynx no doubt accounted for the absence of any infective trouble.
In other cases, the plug is infective owing to the presence of septic micro-organisms, and this is likely to lead to the formation of small pyaemic abscesses.
The nature of the physical symptoms, the mental confusion and hallucinations which accompany it, as well as the fact that it frequently follows some other infective disease, leave no doubt as to its toxic origin.
A considerable number of cases follow upon attacks of infective disease such as typhoid fever, scarlet fever or rheumatic fever.
The infectiveorigin of puerperal mania is undoubted, though, as yet, no special pathogenic organism has been isolated.
Other insanities may, it is true, arise at this period, but those which occur within the first fourteen days after parturition are generally of infective origin.
Scarlatina is more contagious than any of these, because it shows so much on the surface of the body and scatters its infective matter into the atmosphere of a room with the fine scales or dust of desquamation.
It has ceased to attack infants and children because other infective and non-infective diseases more appropriate to the modern conditions of the population are attacking them instead.
Diphtheria is perhaps the most obscure and complex of all the infective diseases in its causes and favouring conditions.
Sex has little or nothing to do with the incidence of the infective virus.
The children that die of it are probably most of them such as had only escaped dying of the measles or other infective disease, or of the non-specific catarrh, which had preceded the whooping-cough.
A further instance of infective periostitis is that met with in acute laminitis.
What is really the case, of course, is not that the discharge itself is infective, but that it is contaminated with infective material.
The infective material has set up a chronic inflammation of the keratogenous membrane, leading to abnormal secretion, and, in place of the horny cells it should normally secrete, is thrown out an abundance of a serous fluid.
When the necrosed portion of bone is small, and is free from infective properties, it is quite possible that it may, as is the case with small spots of necrosis in softer tissues, be removed by a process of absorption.
They are apt to be allowed to get extremely dirty, and so, by carrying infective matter from the foot of one animal to that of another, undo the good that the warmth of the poultice is bringing about.
It may so happen, as sometimes in fact it does, that the animal may die as a result of the infective fever so set up.
This is the periostitis that follows on the infliction of a slight injury to the membrane--an injury without an actual wound and free from infective material.
The problem was found to be a much more difficult one when it was learned that after a given brief period the fly again became infective and remained so for an indeterminate period.
This the writer interprets as satisfactory evidence that the lesion is not produced by any living infective agent.
Still more important is the proof that in pneumonic plague the patient is directly infective and that the disease is spread from man to man without any intermediary.
The role of the infective granules in certain protozoal diseases.
Once the organism has undergone its twelve day development, the mosquito may remain infective for weeks.
It was found, too, that whatever the infective agent might be it was capable of passing through a Berkefeld filter and thus belongs to the puzzling group of "filterable viruses.
The flies remain infective for forty-eight hours after feeding on a diseased animal.
If they acquired the disease in the larval or nymphal stage they retained it during molting and wereinfective in the subsequent stages.
Ticks remained infective as long as they lived and would feed for a period of several months.
The part played by Musca domestica and allied (non-biting) flies in the spread of infective diseases.
In his summary in Osler's Modern Medicine, he continues "But this is not the only proof that these flies can carry the infective agent.
As these cavities lie in close relation to the middle and posterior cranial fossæ, infective conditions in the tympanum and mastoid cells are liable to spread to the interior of the skull.
It does not contain the antitoxins and opsonins which are normally found in the plasma and lymph, hence the liability to infective meningitis after injuries and operations on the central nervous system.
A more severe staphylococcal infection may give rise to a carbuncular swelling with great œdema, and lead to infective phlebitis of the facial vein and general septicæmia.
This is an acute infective condition, which usually attacks young children, and implicates both glands, either simultaneously or consecutively.
The enlargement may be progressive from the first, or may remain stationary for years, and then begin to develop somewhat suddenly, sometimes after an injury or as a result of some infective condition.
Infective emboli are liable to lodge in the lung or pleura, and set up pulmonary abscess, gangrene of the lung, or empyema.
Amputation may become necessary should gangrene ensue from injury to the popliteal vessels, or if infective complications threaten the life of the patient.
The course of actinomycosis is usually a chronic one, but occasionally the fungus gets into the blood, when the course is that of an acute infective disease or even pyaemia.
We are much more likely to go on finding better means to perpetuate them: and this means that there will always be work for the doctor, though the infective fevers will have been banished from the earth.
It really would appear that if the flies were destroyed infective diseases would fall to small proportions.
There are other infective diseases, in which we have not yet found the causative micro-organism, but we presume its existence.
Infection is a general term that includes contagion; and contagious diseases are infective diseases that may be transmitted directly or indirectly from patient to patient.
It appears that such destruction of infective germs occurs in the tank, and depends in degree upon the rapidity with which sewage is passed through the tank.
The former change may be accompanied by exudation, and simulate the early stages of abscess formation; the latter is the specific effect, and results, as in leprosy and tubercle, in infective nodules.
By continuity of tissues, infective giant-cell systems encroaching upon neighbouring tissues, or discharge from lungs or bronchial glands obtaining entrance to the gullet and thus setting up intestinal disease also.
There are two large works widely used, one by Professor Crookshank, entitled Bacteriology and Infective Diseases, the other by Dr.
The air can only be infective when filled with organisms arising from dried surfaces.
It is in this field of preventive medicine--that is to say, preventing infective matter from ever entering the tissues at all--that science has triumphed in recent years.
When expectoration becomes dry, the least current of air will disseminate the infective dust, which can by that means be readily reinspired.
The cultivation beds also have an inimical effect upon infective bacteria.
The result of the introduction of the parasite is what is termed an "infective granuloma.
It appears to be infectious by means of infective dust, and contagious by prolonged and intimate contact with the plague-stricken.
Each infectiveoyster must contain infected sewage, which presupposes that typhoid excreta from patients suffering from the disease have passed into that particular sewage untreated and not disinfected.
Diphtheria is an infective disease characterised by a variety of clinical symptoms, but commonly by a severe inflammation followed by a fibrous infiltration (constituting a membrane) of certain parts.
Persons engaged in disinfection work should wear rubber boots, coats and caps which should be washed in a disinfectant solution and the change to ordinary clothing made in a special room so that no infective material will be taken away.
All this material should be burned since it probably contains the infective agent.
Stock vaccines are made up from organisms like the infective agent in a given case but derived from some other person or animal or from laboratory cultures.
In foot-and-mouth disease no visible lesions seem necessary to permit the localization of the unknown infective agent.
A "polyvalent" vaccine contains several strains of the infective agent and a "mixed" contains several different organisms.
From the fact of this arrangement lymph glands are subject to inflammatory diseases in the vicinity of diseased structures, because infective material being conveyed in the lymph stream lodges in the glands and produces irritation.
In case of infective inflammation there will often be found a prick or tear by which the septic matter has entered, and in such case the inflammation will for a time be concentrated at that point.
The infective material gains entrance into the colt through the open umbilical cord as a result of its coming into contact with litter, floors, or discharges from its dam contaminated by one of the organisms which cause the trouble.
It is often due to embolism ofinfective material, gangrenous matter, etc.
These may result from injuries sustained by the womb during or after parturition, from exposure to cold or wet, or from the irritant infective action of putrid products within the womb.
Study the tables of mortality in Italy for infective diseases, i.
Thus, for example, when the microscope revealed to medicine the existence of micro-organisms, and bacteriology arose as the positive study of epidemiology, it altered the whole procedure in the cure and prophylaxis of infective maladies.
The greater mortality, so to speak, of the infusions in 1877 was due to the presence of hay which diffused its germinal dust in the laboratory air, causing it to approximate as regards infective virulence to the air of the Alpine loft.
If you catch something from me, it will be infective indeed!
There should have been a collection of infective material and a reasonably complete identification and study of the infective agent.
Many infective organisms floating in the air are drawn into the mouth in the act of respiration and this is a common method of falling a victim to contagion.
Arnold, Lancet (London, 1907) reports similar experiences with some of the most virulent types of infective bacteria.
It is now recognized by medical writers that the mouth is one of the principal, if not the principal channel of infection for many infective diseases.
Two molts occur during development of the eggs; the first takes place outside the host resulting in a resting or infective stage.
This nonmotile stage isinfective whereas the motile embryonic stage is not.
The resting stage was infective while the active stage was not.
The first molt occurs outside the host resulting in the formation of an infective resting stage.
Moore, 1946): Cockroaches containing infective acanthellas of Moniliformis dubius were fed to one snake.
Leucophaea maderae, Panama (Foster and Johnson, 1939): Captive monkeys became naturally infested with Protospirura muricola by eating cockroaches that contained infective larvae of the worm.
After the egg in the infective stage is eaten by the host, the second molt occurs before the egg hatches.
Moore, 1946): Cockroaches containing infective acanthellas of Moniliformis dubius were fed to three toads.
Moore, 1946): Cockroaches containinginfective acanthellas of Moniliformis dubius were fed to two frogs.
Transmission of the nematode is direct, eggs in the resting embryonated stage beinginfective (Dobrovolny and Ackert, 1934).
In diseased conditions it may occasionally possessinfective power, but this is a speculation rather than a practical fact acknowledged by the sanitarian.
But is there no danger in using organic refuse, which may be infective and dangerous, as an application to the land?
The smell of fried bacon which oozes through the keyhole of your bedroom may be accompanied by all the infective potentialities of all the inmates of the house.
Where there is overcrowding, the collections of putrescible filth are multiplied, and with them probably the productive foci of infective particles.
Every wound and sore, when antiseptic precautions are not used, becomes a most active and dangerous focus, and every patient suffering from an infective disease is probably a focus for the production of infective particles.
The infection of all these diseases is communicable through the air, and where there is overcrowding, the chance of being infected by infective particles, given off by the breath or skin, is of course very great.
Three groups of hyphomycetae, algae, and schizomycetae, have been demonstrated to occur in the animal and human organism in infective diseases.
The group of infective tumors is represented by tuberculosis, syphilis, and glanders.
Alongside of these general infective diseases produced by bacilli, local affections also occur, which indicate the presence of these organisms at the point where disease begins.
The schizomycetae furnish, without doubt, by far the most numerous group of infective diseases.