The part which England had taken in mediating the Treaties of Breslau and Dresden, which ceded Silesia to Prussia, had been mistaken by the Austrian Court; although in fact both wise and friendly, it had excited deep displeasure.
Fragments of this work were published by his friends, the Jansenists, under the title, Thoughts on Religion, 1669, though not without mediating alterations.
Even his maiden work, Thoughts on the True Estimation of Vis Viva, 1747, betokens the mediating nature of its author.
Since all things are distinguished only by "more or less," the possibility of mediating members or proportions between them is given.
This the mediating Powers were laudably alert to do.
Wherefore, in Heaven's name, trim your ship again, if possible, ye high mediating Powers.
But the intrinsic value of art must be unique, for it is the value of a unique activity--the free expression of experience in a form delightful and permanent, mediating communication.
Fox enlarged much on "that most fatal of all the innumerable errors of ministers," their rushing into a ruinous and unnecessary war, instead of mediating between France and the allied powers.
This divine activity, moreover, is declared to be the activity of Christ; as he is the mediating agent in creation, so he is the mediating agent in preservation.
God is the Creator, but it is through Christ as the mediating and as the final Cause.
We cannot regard either of these mediatingviews as self-consistent or intelligible.
Marivaux, on the other hand, saw the need of mediating between the stilted heroics of Scudery and what he deemed the ignoble realism of Le Sage.
Le Sage saw the imperative need of mediating between the stilted heroic romances a la Scudery and the grotesque travesties of Scarron and Furetiere.
In short, it was a region mediatingbetween New England and the South, and the East and the West.
Thus this Southern zone of the Middle West, particularly in Indiana and Illinois, constituted a mediating section between the South and the North.
These mediating spirits were also made in Plutarch's theology to furnish an explanation of oracles and all forms of prophecy, of the inspired enthusiasm of artist, sage, and poet.
Or it found a place for all the gods of heathendom, as ministering or mediating spirits in the vast abyss which separates us from the unapproachable and Infinite Spirit.
Our resources are untouched; we are more and more becoming by the force of circumstances the mediating nation of the world in respect to its finances.
It is in that sense that I mean that America is a mediating nation.
The immediate cause for this gradation of values probably lies in the fact that political activity, which here forms the mediating link, is itself of the nature of a free vocation, requiring the exercise particularly of mental capacities.
Mathematics, on the other hand, may possess axioms, because it can always connect the predicates of an object a priori, and without any mediating term, by means of the construction of conceptions in intuition.
This mediating representation must be pure (without any empirical content), and yet must on the one side be intellectual, on the other sensuous.
Now, one conception cannot be connected synthetically and yet immediately with another; because, if we wish to proceed out of and beyond a conception, a third mediating cognition is necessary.
We may see proceedings going on which are mediating between cause and effect, by the assistance of the inner surface of our eyes.
These invisible agencies are connecting links, mediating between cause and result, in connection with material-spiritual or spiritual-material phenomena of whatsoever nature brought to our consciousness.
It also introduced new mediating layers in the design process.
In the universe of ideographic languages (such as Chinese and Japanese), the mediating function of images constituting the written is different.
With each new specialization of a mediating element, humans constitute a body of practical knowledge, in the form of experience, that can be used again and again.
Not only artificial languages-instruments of knowledge and action, new pragmatic dimensions, in fact-but also natural languages are increasingly used in a mediating capacity.
The computer is one of the varied embodiments of these mediating elements, but by no means the only one.
And law, like politics, relies on rhetoric, on language as themediating mechanism of concepts.
The necessary integrative dimension of mediations makes the strategy of using mediating entities, along with the appropriate coordination mechanism, socially relevant and economically rewarding.
The surprise comes in noticing how these characteristics become part of the practical experience of sharing what is not present by involving a mediating element.
Through mediating elements, such as signs, language, tools, and even ideas, the individual gets a different perspective on the practical experience.
Retroaction from mediating function to language and back to action entails progressive fine-tuning, never-ending in fact, since human beings are in continuous biological and social change.
The power of insertion Self-constitution in mediating and mediated practical experiences is different from self-constitution in direct forms of praxis.
Without any doubt, the most pervasive mediating role is played in our day by legal professionals.
Moreover, in some of the most important cases of settlement of disputes by conciliation, the mediating party has not been a permanent board but a disinterested individual, e.
Most frequently, however, in Great Britain, the mediating party abstains from pronouncing a definite judgment of his own, but confines himself to friendly suggestions with a view of removing obstacles to an agreement between the parties.
Another form of conciliation is that in which the mediating board represents a wider group of industries than those affected by the dispute (e.
The more alike the components of such a vicinal group of people, the easier, freer and more effective will be the mediating function of the central one.
Footnote 15: In reply, Lord Palmerston expressed entire concurrence in the justice of the principles which the Queen indicated as being those which ought to guide a mediating Power.
The mediating power ought rather to make Denmark feel that it requires more than a cessation of hostilities, a plan of reconciliation, and a solution of the questions in dispute, before she can hope permanently to establish peace.
Just as the references to God's appearing to man suggested luminous powers mediating the vision of God, so the passages which represent God as speaking suggest powers mediating the voice.
As we found in prophecy the direct revelation of God giving way to a mediating angel, so either "the Glory" or "the Name" of JHVH takes the place of God himself.
They no longer believed that God might be seen or heard by human powers, and therefore their visions had to be translated into rational thoughts by a mediating angel.
Mulot, one of the mediating commissioners, to the Minister, Oct.
Satan, the supposed mediatingintelligence resident in the sun.