In direct contrast with therapeutic suggestion, the psychoanalyst does not attempt to force anything upon his patient which the latter does not see himself, and find reasonable with his own understanding.
That day saw the death of my connection with treatment by suggestion; the therapeutic praise won by this case shamed and humiliated me.
There are, however, therapeutic artificial products whose importance lies in the domain of the dissociation of consciousness and of memory.
In order to achieve this aim, we must for therapeutic reasons enter into all those unconscious aspects of things brought forward by the dream material.
I think one can only emerge from all this uncertainty by means of much personal experience, which will indicate also which way best suits one's own personality and brings the greatest therapeutic success.
Both theories are really onlytherapeutic instruments out of the tool-chest of the physician, whose sharp and merciless knife cuts out all that is pernicious and diseased.
In practice the treatment is adjusted according to the therapeutic result attained.
For a doctor, the first way brings perhaps therapeutic success and fame; the second, reproach: such a man is not taken seriously.
The problem of the therapeutic effect of psychoanalysis is bound up in particular with supremely difficult questions, so that it would indeed be astonishing if we had yet reached final certitude.
Many analysts, especially those who have worked in psychoanalysis for a long time, previously used therapeutic suggestion, and are therefore familiar with its workings.
I found in many cases, especially when dealing with more mentally gifted patients, that I must recognise the therapeutic limitations of this method.
And this therapeuticstream is the one that flows for the "healing of nations!
A scientist, after possibly a lifetime of research, develops a new therapeutic agent or a new application of some old agent.
If writers for the medical profession want a lesson in the art of simplifying and popularizing therapeutic science, they should study this article on Osteopathy in the encyclopedia.
Some Osteopaths and other therapeutic reformers (?
Yet people speak of one doctor's superior knowledge of the best treatment of a particular disease as if that doctor had access to some mysterious source of therapeutic knowledge unknown to other physicians.
This graft consists in the over-use of therapeutic appliances that are all right in their place when legitimately used.
They come and go as Byron said some therapeutic fads came and went in his day.
In that paper I diagnosed the therapeutic situation of to-day as a "deplorable muddle," and I am glad to have my diagnosis confirmed by a prominent writer in the Journal of the Association.
The doctrine of "therapeutic liberty" seemed a fair one, and one that was only American.
Can we say that this therapeutic obsession was due to the illnesses of his family, which were, indeed, unending?
And lastly, there was the "eclectic therapeutic doctrine" which he himself put together piecemeal from all the others, to the final riddance of materia medica.
Any therapeutic power possessed by the eucalyptus may be referred to this substance, since, as just stated, it cannot be due to a bark alkaloid.
This opinion of its therapeuticvalue is not shared by British and American practitioners, who look upon it as a comparatively inert substance.
The practice of colouring this cerate with verdigris, which is general in trade, cannot be too severely censured, as its therapeutic action is thereby altered.
We are indeed astonished that it is not more widely known, as its therapeutic qualities, which are worthy of full credence, rival those of sarsaparilla.
The difficulty, however, of bringing it into a form adapted for administration has hitherto prevented phosphorus being extensively employed as a therapeutic agent.
A simple and ingenious method for the therapeutic administration of the serum of the blood of sheep and oxen has been lately devised by Dr Francis Vacher, the medical officer of Birkenhead.
This "treatment of diseases undoubtedly includes powerful therapeutic agents, which, in the hands of the educated and honourable practitioner, might be most beneficially resorted to as remedial agents.
The therapeutic action of gelsemium is believed to be due to the sedative effect it exercises on the nervous and arterial systems--hence its power in controlling the nervous irritability so prevalent during fever.
Bark acts likewise as an astringent, and this property, combined with the tonic and antiperiodic powers, is often of much therapeutic value.
It is probably the most powerful therapeutic agent known.
At Alexandria, above all places, where the life of luxury and dissoluteness repelled the serious, ascetic ideas took firm hold of the people, and the Therapeutic life, i.
The blessedness of talking out was a therapeutic discovery all Aunt Jane's own.
That was the outside question; and inside, all the little therapeutic fibres in Dr.
Frumerie, 1897), whatever its therapeutic value, cannot fail in a large proportion of cases to stimulate the sexual emotions.
Like bathing, massage is a hygienic and therapeutic method of influencing the skin and subjacent tissues which, together with its advantages, has certain concomitant disadvantages in its liability to affect the sexual sphere.
The ancient belief in the moralizing influence of music has survived into modern times mainly in a somewhat more scientific form as a belief in its therapeutic effects in disordered nervous and mental conditions.
Ferrand in a paper read before the Paris Academy of Medicine in September, 1895, gives reasons for classing some kinds of music as powerful antispasmodics with beneficial therapeutic action.
The effect of light upon the development of the smallpox eruption is a subject of considerable interest, and in recent years it has become one of therapeutic importance.
In the treatment of smallpox the therapeutic measures employed must necessarily vary with the severity of the disease and the condition of the patient in its successive stages.
The prophylactic treatment of smallpox is of vastly more importance than anytherapeutic measure, since it concerns a community and not merely an individual.
For the advancement of therapeutic knowledge it is indeed unfortunate that while the enthusiast is always so ready to write, the sceptic or unsuccessful experimenter is usually inclined to remain silent.
Each variety of arsenical ion has its own special physiological and therapeutic properties.
What is true of the bactericidal action of the salts of mercury is equally true of their therapeutic effect.
On the other hand, all the phosphides produce the same toxic and therapeutic effects, whatever the cation with which they are united.
Since all chemical, toxic, and therapeutic actions are ionic, they are proportional to the degree of ionic concentration, i.
It would be a serious mistake to omit the search for the important vital evidences which have been referred to, since these therapeutic and prognostic indications are of the highest value.
This is an important group of neuralgic affections, and one which I cannot help thinking is strangely misappreciated, very often, in a therapeutic point of view.
At the same time, the essential recipe of a patent medicine, deprived of its original cognomen and given a Latin name indicative of its composition or therapeutic nature, might suddenly appear in one of the official volumes.
Thus the Philadelphia pharmacists devised eight new standardized formulas, aimed at retaining the therapeutic goals of the original patent medicines, while brought abreast of current pharmaceutical knowledge.
Improvements in medical science, stemming in part from the establishment of the germ theory of disease, were providing a better yardstick against which to measure the therapeutic efficiency of proprietary remedies.
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy Formulary As the years went by and therapeutic laissez-faire continued to operate, conditions worsened.
Therapeutic immobilization, post-poliomyelitis immobility, and experimental restraint in normal subjects lead to a negative calcium balance, with hypercalciuria.
Far from discouraging me, however, failures have served to inspire me with fresh ardor to seek for light, and to persevere in my efforts to establish on the basis of statistical truth, the therapeutic merits of the agent which I employed.
When they meet with the requisite pathological conditions, these tendencies make themselves manifest in the shape of definite results, commonly known as therapeutic effects.
Many—or rather most—of the therapeutic effects of this as well as of most other remedies, correspond to certain physiological effects.
As to the permanent improvement in sleep, where this has been below the normal standard, it must always be due to the removal of some morbid condition, and thus belongs among therapeutic results, rather than physiological effects.
As however the galvanic current is of vastly greater importance in a therapeutic respect, than the faradic, so also much greater care is required in the choice of a galvanic than a faradic battery.
The remainder of the therapeutic indications, as given above, are admirably met by electric baths.
It will be seen that the few therapeutic effects which I have here enumerated, are in reality nothing more than intensified physiological effects, there being about them nothing that might be termed specific.
The therapeutic uses of a remedy are based on what we know of its physiological effects.
Leo Bennett, Therapeutic Gazette, 1893, having had "unusual success" in the treatment of that disease with the Stigmata maidis.
An early proving of the plant will not only enhance our therapeutic resources, but prevent the non-scrupulous from employing it empirically.
How unconsciously the Philistines of Old Physic bear testimony to the truth of our therapeutic law.
There is a great future for this new addition to our therapeutic resources, and it certainly deserves further investigation.
We may soonest think of Schuessler's therapeutic maxim, the biochemic principle.
I believe if I had not been acquainted with the therapeutic properties of the Boletus I would have been compelled to treat this lady every few weeks for two or three months with our usual remedies.
Mersch had once more had an opportunity of viewing with astonishment the rapidity with which the therapeutic action of Tuberculin may be manifested in such cases.
The details of this arrangement are founded solely upon the therapeutic operation of medicines, as used to cure diseases, and not in any way upon their physiological action upon a healthy man.
The therapeutic actions of Iodine have been ascribed by Dr.
The subject assigned to me as the text of this Essay concerns this problem:--"On the mode in which Therapeutic Agents introduced into the stomach produce their peculiar effects on the Animal Economy.
The general mode of action of these four classes of therapeutic agents is laid down in the four remaining propositions, about as far as it seems to me to be capable of a positive definition.
Attempts have been made to account for the modus operandi of therapeutic agents generally, in three different ways.
It is probable that Chlorine, Bromine, and their compounds, closely resemble the preparations of Iodine in their therapeutic operations.
It has already been hinted that Hahnemann had felt an intense desire to obtain some clear, safe and philosophical guide to the therapeutic action of drugs.
By its great therapeutic law, it has introduced new light, order, beauty and efficiency into the theory and practice of medicine.
These therapeutic effects are attributed to the TOH of the stream.
The whole procedure is very well adapted to secure therapeutic effects by suggestion.
Therapeutic Magical Procedures It was said in Chapter XIV.
The fact is, warm peppermint tea, although in the estimation of the learned it is not entitled to any confidence as a therapeutic agent, yet is an efficient anti-spasmodic in the hands of reformers and common-sense farmers.
If we are accused of exhibiting undue levity in discussing a therapeutic problem, we can only answer that it is impossible to consider seriously the Charlie Chaplins of the nostrum world.
The Council holds that complex mixtures of remedial agents are from every point of view inimical to therapeutic progress and therefore to the public welfare.
As the therapeutic claims are all similar, it is not necessary to quote them extensively.
Every drug exerts undesired side actions, and it is the aim of the modern physician to try to select the one which will have a maximum of therapeutic with a minimum of undesired actions.
To quote these earlier articles without regard to the later work, which in most eyes discredited them, constitutes in effect an exploitation of this brand of hexamethylenamin under unwarranted therapeutic claims.
Though a mass of testimonials was often to be had for them, these contained no evidence that the mixture was superior to its potent ingredient, or that its therapeutic effect had been determined.
The committee consists entirely of pharmacists, or of men with a pharmaceutical training, and it cannot presume either to judge therapeutic practice or to follow any particular school of therapeutic practice.
The present advertising booklet for Somnoform does not present acceptable evidence of the therapeutic value of the preparation.
The therapeutic claims made for the preparations are exaggerated and unwarranted.
Notwithstanding, the manufacturers still call their product Secretogen and make for it practically the same therapeutic claims as before.
The Council asked for more specific information as to the composition of the remedies, particularly as to the preparation and nature of the serum; it also asked for evidence of the therapeutic value of the preparations.
Roughly one hundred fifty miles east of the beaches of Los Angeles, in Joshua Tree National Monument, was a rock climbing route called "Therapeutic Tyranny.
Thus children and young people whose development is not yet complete are especially likely to benefit by the impetus given to growth and the blood-forming organs, and the therapeutic value in their case rarely fails.
For other pharmacological characters and the therapeutic employments of coca see Cocaine.
The technic and application of this method of treatment has also been described (Therapeutic measures).
Two distinct therapeutic actions may be derived from the wet compress, depending upon whether or not an impervious covering is employed.
It is preferable to use flannel bandage (see Therapeutic measures) for the reasons mentioned.
In many cases, especially those in which no pain is present, nothing in the way of therapeutic measures can be done.
In such cases, in addition to the ordinary therapeutic remedies, the regular administration of whiskey should be advised.
At present thetherapeutic use of the X-ray is rightly falling into the hands of the dermatologist and the medical clinician.
It is obvious that this can be accomplished only through the agency of certain definite manual and therapeutic measures, the physiologic actions of which are well understood and known to be reliable.
The two general therapeutic actions, aside from those of causing hyperemia, are antiseptic and astringent.