I have thought since, that ministering Spirits might have been passing to and fro on that Beam, unperceivable to my mortal Sense.
For more than a year the Countess was his tender nurse and constant companion, ministering to his comfort and arranging plays and tableaux for his entertainment.
And all this time he was, outside the prison, living the life of a good man--helping the needy, ministering to the poor.
Following him were a pair of bright-looking young squaws whose sole occupation in life seemed to consist in ministering to the various wants of his sulky chiefship.
We lost no time in ministering to their wants, though we still had no grain for our horses, but the men made merry over abundant coffee, bacon and beans, and bread and molasses, and were unspeakably happy.
Passing that end of the castle in which the kitchen and pantries lay, where ministering spirits ran busily to and fro, they dipped once more into silence and darkness.
She did it all with eager devotion and ingenuous confidence, as if in ministering to her husband she had found the end and aim of her existence.
Gabriel has the more quiet task of imparting a sense of the ever-presence of ministering 567:3 Love.
We were not at all alike, for I was wholly selfish, while she found her greatest pleasure in ministering to others' happiness; but she crossed my path at last, and then I thought I hated her.
Nellie, too, was very kind, ministering carefully to the comfort of her stepsister, who had ceased to be a rival, for well she knew J.
But he was placed in that lofty station which exposed him to the influence of parasites, who flattered his pride, and corrupted his heart, by ministering to his pleasures.
The lowliest cottage-home may become a Bethel, with a ladder of love set between earth and heaven, traversed by ministering angels!
According as each hath received a gift, ministeringit among yourselves, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
And next he turns to those gifts which are to be exercised in deeds, and not in words: If any man ministereth, ministering as of the strength which God supplieth.
Slowly, slowly, the light figure went round the great circle of gazers, ministering obediently to their pleasure, waiting patiently till their curiosity was satisfied.
Her whole time is spent in acts of charity, and ministering to the spiritual and bodily welfare of the poor for miles round her residence.
Woman, or rather ministering angel, she seemed, and it was strange that all present took her beautiful service, as things of spiritual beauty are usually taken, without much notice.
The work of class (1) consists principally of ministering to the sick and wounded, holding services when possible, especially on Sundays, and giving the patients and staff frequent opportunities of the Holy Communion and other ministrations.
They bear no arms, but theirs is the highest of all service, that of ministering to the wounded and dying.
When pain and anguish wring the brow A ministering angel thou.
Who are these who soar up as clouds and eagles to the cause of all resurrection, ministering to the Mother of God?
And he worshipped the angel not as God, but as God's ministering spirit.
I venerate and worship angels and men, and all matter participating in divine power and ministering to our salvation through it.
Hence angels descended to Him, ministering to Him as their God and Lord, and men, adopting the life of angels, are carried up to heaven.
In ministering to the needs of the Belgians you find a glorious privilege, a priceless opportunity.
Let us try to lose ourselves in ministering to others, one of the surest anodynes for grief and pain.
We do this chiefly, perhaps, by ministering to our instinctive love of colour; which to many temperaments is like food to the hungry, and satisfies as insistent a demand of the mind as food to the body.
Blessed little offices of loving-kindness--what ministering angels are they to the donor as well as the receiver!
Forgotten like you, often blasphemed, it has confided to you some of its heavenliest messages, and that perhaps is why above your gentle comings and goings, we sometimes seem to hear the rustling wings of ministering angels.
Yet there is a kind of ministering beauty which may make its way everywhere--the beauty which springs from the hands of our wives and daughters.
Ordered away on six months' sick leave, Henry Martyn had the joy of once at least ministering to his soldier flock in the 'new church,' which he had induced the authorities to form out of an ordinary bungalow.
When ministering to a dying man he found that the daughters had removed to another house, where they were cheerful, and one of the students was reading a play to them.