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Example sentences for "helpers"

Lexicographically close words:
helpa; helpe; helped; helpen; helper; helpes; helpeth; helpful; helpfully; helpfulness
  1. Yet the more messengers and helpers the better, and Erlingsen was rather vexed to see Hund go with alacrity to unmoor the boat and offer officiously to row the pastor across the fiord.

  2. And throughout the voyage our earnest cry to GOD was that He would overrule our stay at home for good to China, and make it instrumental in raising up at least five helpers to labour in the province of CHEH-KIANG.

  3. After a little season of thanksgiving with my dear wife, I called my native helpers into our little chapel, and translated to them the letter.

  4. After tea and further rest, we would go with our native helpers to some tea-shop, where several hours might be spent in free conversation with the people.

  5. Instead of hissing helpers pursuing their vocations in stable or saddle-room, they began bustling about with saddles on their heads and bridles in their hands, the day of expected ease being changed into one of unusual trouble.

  6. Leather, though not the man to work himself, had a very good idea of work, and right manfully he made the helpers at the Eclipse livery and bait stables strap and groom his horses.

  7. In the Conversation Book there appears a record of a consultation which may fairly be set down as that of the meeting at which Beethoven's helpers employed their stratagem.

  8. On Saturdays Mrs. Morrison hired two helpers for half a day, for half a dollar each.

  9. Many of these are highly honorable and wise citizens, who are of great value to the country, although they can usually be nothing but helpers in any good cause.

  10. Your clean shirtwaist," cried one of these helpers sympathetically, as she pulled a fragile bit of dimity and Cluny lace from under the taxi-cab where it had fluttered.

  11. One of his stalwart young helpers would fill her glass as many times as she wished, for the single first payment.

  12. With wild shouts and yells, the hunters and their native helpers tried to turn back the elephant tide, but it was useless.

  13. The flashlights had ceased popping before this, and when the two lads and their helpers had reached the shop, there was no one in sight.

  14. In three days everything had been carried up, and the N'Gômô helpers were able to go home.

  15. Since all mankind will not be raised at once, but gradually, during the thousand years, each new group will find an army of helpers in those who will have preceded it.

  16. And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I have set a fire in Egypt, and when all her helpers shall be destroyed.

  17. They shall know that Jehovah permitted anarchy to start in Christendom, and will recognize Him, when they see that all their helpers are destroyed.

  18. We are delighted to have these new helpers in the Heavenly realm.

  19. Parents order their spirit helpers to accompany him and dissuade him if possible.

  20. As soon as they commanded their spears and headaxes their invisible helpers flew and they went to Dangdangáyan of Naglitnan.

  21. When the helpers saw her they came to tell me and I did not wish to go, but they compelled me.

  22. The helpers said, "Do not worry about that.

  23. It rains continually so party cannot cook; but the spirit helpers of child's mother feed him, and he shares food with companions.

  24. Aponibolinayen commanded their spirit helpers to get Ginalingan of Pindayan, who was a sister of Iwaginan, to make dawak [240] and stop the blood of Aponitolau.

  25. Spirit helpers go to summon aid of two men who turn out to be their brothers--were miscarriage children who had been raised by the alan.

  26. Kanag said to him, "This is why I came here, and they sent their spirit helpers with me to find a pretty girl to marry, so I will not go down.

  27. Not long after Aponitolau commanded his spirit helpers to go and get betel-nuts, to send to the relatives who lived in other places, to invite them.

  28. Some of the spirit helpers who had gone to the palace said, "Good morning.

  29. The spirit helpers of Aponibolinayen always fed Kanag, and Ligi and Dagoláyan ate with him.

  30. I did not like to go to the pretty girls who attended the party, so I started to go down to eat the fruit of the trees, but they sent their spirit helpers to follow and take care of me.

  31. As soon as the pretty girl arrived at the well the helpers saw the girl who appeared like the flame of fire about the betel-nut blossoms.

  32. Ares and fell Enyo maddened there: Blood ran in torrents, drenched was all the earth, As Trojans and their alien helpers died.

  33. Then did the Trojans gird Their battle-harness on; then armed themselves The Aethiop men, and all the mingled tribes Of those war-helpers that from many lands To Priam's aid were gathered.

  34. Ha, in thy many helpers dost thou trust Who with thee, like so many worthless flies, Flit round the noble Achilles' corpse?

  35. An ex-convict, who is one of my helpers now, was prayed out of practically a life sentence by Mother Wheaton.

  36. I shall need all my helpers then," she finished, smiling; and Waveney understood her.

  37. Fortunately, one of Russ' helpers was free a moment later, and he went for the extra roll of film, while the dead man enjoyed his part to his satisfaction.

  38. When a play is decided on, the director or one of his helpers goes over the manuscript and picks out all the scenes that take place in one location.

  39. As the search spread to a wider and yet wider area, the alarm went with it, and new helpers arrived, men on horseback and men on foot.

  40. A second or two later it came to a stand before the inn amid a crowd of helpers and stable lads, whose lanthorns dazzled the travellers' eyes.

  41. Then it was hard for Mary and her helpers to get to the different places.

  42. Mary with her helpers quickly made a stretcher to carry Etim.

  43. First, this simpel creature had much travayle with divers fellows and helpers to gather many old Bibles and other doctors and glosses to make one Latin Bible.

  44. Several wood-cutters and their helpers were armed with hatchets, and some had scythes with the edge turned out.

  45. Will the millers and their helpers shower blows upon you?

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "helpers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.