Private enterprise had also been at work elsewhere, and the early pioneer graziers were now making south from the settlement towards the Shoalhaven River and the intermediate country.
If we add the two and a quarter millions of labourers which these farmers and graziersgive employment to, the male population employed in agriculture are nearly as four to one compared with those employed in manufactures.
No plant whatever deserves so much the attention of the graziers as this grass.
There came a great many graziersand farmers, whom they robbed of upwards of eight hundred pounds.
At Smithfield he used to be very dextrous in cheating country graziers of their cattle.
The Italian graziers were required to take at least a third of their herdsmen from freeborn adults, whereby brigandage was checked and at the same time a source of gain was opened to the free proletariate.
Moreover, the graziers themselves were in league with the butchers, and took care to slaughter the affected animals before the wasting of their flesh by the progress of the distemper had bereft them of their greatest value.
FIRST MAN It's all very well for graziers and shopkeepers to talk, but what about the small farmer?
For, when they be very young, many graziers will oftentimes anoint their budding horns or tender tips with honey, which mollifieth the natural hardness of that substance, and thereby maketh them to grow unto a notable greatness.
Placed in Hereford, Leicester or Northampton markets, they would have puzzled the graziers as to the land of their nativity; but no one would have hesitated to pronounce that they were rough Herefords.
Conspicuous amongst these graziers for his wealth, his luxury and his cruelty was one Damophilus, the man who had formulated the theory that the shepherd slave should keep himself by robbing others.
The treatment of pastoral slaves which had been adopted by the Roman graziers was imitated faithfully by the Italians and Siceliots of the island.
The broad plateau on which the town was set was thronged with shepherds in the winter season,[272] and some of the great graziers of Enna owned herds of these bold and lawless men.
The graziers have assured me of their credit, and some of them may be trusted for a hundred thousand pounds.
We may infer that the country had been deplorably ravaged or neglected in the civil wars, which, half a century afterwards, was to be covered by the fat beeves of the graziers of Elizabeth.
Wool had gone down, wheat didn't pay and graziers were doing badly; tho' formerly our cattle and wool was always a sure card'.
As dairy cattle they were not very good, since rearing for the east country graziers had long been the main object of Devon cattle farmers, but as grazing cattle they were excellent.
Faiths, north of Norwich, 'where the Norfolk graziersgo and buy them.
The stock-breeders and graziers of the United Kinudom have, equally with the corn-growers, to face the brunt of foreign competition.
The Jat is equal to the Gujar and Ahir so far as social purity is concerned, but still above them, because they are graziers and vagrants, while he is a settled cultivator.
Similarly the Gowari caste of cattle-graziers originated from the alliances of Gond and Ahir graziers.
Every Saturday farmers and graziers and buyers of corn and sheep do congregate in a sleepy fashion about the streets, but Dillsborough has no character of its own, even as a market town.
But after his death they went very soon, and from that day to the time of which I am writing, the park has been leased to some butchers or graziers from Dillsborough.
The famousgraziers and other people, how well willing soever they be taken to be, will not be known of their wealth, and by miscontentment of their loss, be grown stubborn and liberal of talk.
There are three insurance offices in London in which graziers can insure their beasts from disease.
The {81} farmers want flour mills and cheap money; the pastoralists and graziers complain of the tax levied upon them under the Meat and Dairy Produce Encouragement Acts.
Co-operation of a like kind prevails, to some extent, though not so largely as might be desired, between the graziers and the companies for the export of Australian meat.
Thus the prohibition of importing either live cattle or salt provisions from foreign countries, secures to the graziers of Great Britain the monopoly of the home market for butcher's meat.
The freest importation of salt provisions, in the same manner, could have as little effect upon the interest of the graziers of Great Britain as that of live cattle.
The small quantity of salt provisions imported from Ireland since their importation was rendered free, is an experimental proof that our graziers have nothing to apprehend from it.
But though the free importation of them, which was lately permitted only for a limited time, were rendered perpetual, it could have no considerable effect upon the interest of the graziers of Great Britain.
Of the Ahirs or graziers only 20 per cent tend and breed cattle.
The Ahirs or cowherds and graziers probably take their name from the Abhiras, another of the Scythian tribes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "graziers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.