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Example sentences for "glossopharyngeal"

Lexicographically close words:
glosse; glossed; glosses; glossiness; glossing; glossy; glottal; glottis; gloue; glove
  1. Two foramina pierce the exoccipital just in front of the occipital condyle and transmit respectively the glossopharyngeal and pneumogastric (fig.

  2. Of the two holes at the base of the triangle, the one nearer the middle line and leading into the cranial cavity, is for the exit of the ninth or glossopharyngeal nerve (fig.

  3. The fifth nerve, the seventh nerve, the glossopharyngeal nerve, and the successive elements of the vagus nerve correspond with the posterior head-cavities.

  4. This compound nerve together with the glossopharyngeal soon attains a very complicated structure, and presents several remarkable features.

  5. The cranial nerves just enumerated present in their further development many points of similarity; and the glossopharyngeal nerve, as it develops in Elasmobranchii, may perhaps be taken as typical.

  6. It should be noticed that there are only five strands indicated as springing from the spinal cord to form the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves.

  7. A description of the part of this referring to the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves is given at p.

  8. Longitudinal and horizontal section through the hind-brain at stage O, shewing the roots of the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves in the brain.

  9. Note: Taste depends mainly on the contact of soluble matter with the terminal organs (connected with branches of the glossopharyngeal and other nerves) in the papillæ on the surface of the tongue.

  10. Next anteriorly to the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves comes the facial nerve; a nerve which supplies the hyoid segment, or, rather, according to van Wijhe the two hyoid segments, for embryologically there is evidence of two segments.

  11. It follows from this that the branchial segments supplied by the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves ought to have arisen from appendages bearing branchiae.

  12. These are those already considered, the foremost of which are supplied by the IXth or glossopharyngeal nerves.

  13. The most posterior of these, the hyoid segment, is a branchial segment of the same character as those supplied by the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves; represents, therefore, the foremost pair of branchial appendages.

  14. Also, the afferent or sensory nerves of the skin over the whole of this head-region are supplied by the trigeminal nerve, while the afferent nerves to the visceral surfaces are supplied by the vagus, glossopharyngeal and facial nerves.

  15. Immediately anterior to this glossopharyngeal segment is seen in the figures the segment supplied by the VIIth or facial nerves.

  16. The latter segments are, however, the glossopharyngeal and vagus segments, the branchial musculature of which is derived from the ventral segments of the mesoderm.

  17. The hypoglossal and the glossopharyngeal nerves, both running alongside of the lingual artery.

  18. The glossopharyngeal and the vagus (or pneumogastric) nerves, leaving the skull together, immediately behind the auditory capsule.

  19. The glossopharyngeal passes along in front of the hypoglossal nerve and proceeds along the base of the tongue.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "glossopharyngeal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.