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Example sentences for "giueth"

Lexicographically close words:
gittin; gitting; giue; giuen; giues; giuing; give; gived; givee; giveing
  1. Agayne, the affection, the loue, and familiaritie of the chylde, is prone to her that giueth it sucke.

  2. Afterwards the Duke (by his owne confession) vnderstandinge the sleightes, giueth him his pardon and his doughter in mariage.

  3. They are greatly delighted with any thing that is bright, or giueth a sound.

  4. Secondly, he determineth vtterly to destroy all such, and giueth his people the Israelites an example thereof in the Canaanites, whom their Land spewed out.

  5. The premises considered, it giueth to the name and profession no smal dignitie and preheminence aboue all other artificers, Scientificke or Mechanicall.

  6. Yet on the other side he thought his opinion would take no place, for that he had raygned seuentene yeares: But this should séeme to come from the prouidence of God, whiche giueth kingdomes and taketh them away.

  7. If a man should say that Darwent riuer giueth name to Darbie towne, he should not well know how euerie one would take it, and peraduenture therby he might happen to offend some.

  8. It may be (saith he) that some sand or other fine ground issueth out with this water from these hard rocks, which cleauing vnto those things, giueth them in time the forme of stones &c.

  9. Leland in sundrie places complaineth likewise of the decaie of parishes in great cities and townes, missing in some six, or eight, or twelue churches and more, of all which he giueth particular notice.

  10. For their league giueth no benefit to themselues, either in free traffike of their owne commodities, or benefit of the French, or other priuilege to the people of both.

  11. The Plimne or Plim, is the verie same water that giueth name to Plimpton towne.

  12. Forten creeke, which either giueth or taketh name of a village hard [Sidenote: Osterpoole.

  13. Which sinne is of sutch nature, that he neuer giueth ouer the party whom he maystereth, vntil he hath brought him to the shame of some Notable Folly.

  14. Euen so a benefite, from what hand soeuer it procedeth, cannot chose but bryng forth the fruicts of his Liberality that giueth the same, who by vsing largesse, feleth also the like in him to whom it is employed.

  15. This counterfeit =Samuel= giueth him neither comfort nor Counsell, but driueth him to vtter desperation.

  16. And because the Monks refused iudgement vpon plea of their owne lawes and liberties: the king choosing out certaine of the Aldermen of Paris, giueth them absolute and full authoritie, to make enquirie on the matter.

  17. Grace is only to be sought at his hands, who giueth grace, and not of them which themselues receiue grace.

  18. He giueth his grace plentuously vnto them, vpon whome he laieth great afflictions.

  19. There are also certaine hollowe places, through the which the winde whiszing, giueth a pleasant sound, as it were through a pipe, much like vnto singing, so that men wonder verie much thereat.

  20. Chapter saith: The spirite shall returne to God that giueth it.

  21. So we terme the Armes and Ensigne of a Noble man, by the name of that Lord himselfe, that giueth those Armes.

  22. Indéede the diuel giueth place, but he doth it as enemies doo, which by flying chuse a more fit place to fight in, or more apte to embushe themselues.

  23. Deuteronomie= speaketh: When thou shalt come into the lande whiche the Lorde thy God giueth thée, doo not thou learne to doo after their abhominable rites, and vsages of those nations.

  24. Thaumaturgike‡, is that Art Mathematicall, which giueth certaine order to make straunge workes, of the sense to be perceiued, and of men greatly to be wondred at.

  25. The ninth Moscua, that runneth thorough the Citie Mosco, and giueth it the name.

  26. The Bulsha Dworaney or chiefe horsemen, haue euery man a small drum of brasse at his saddle bowe, which he striketh when he giueth the charge, or onset.

  27. Which giueth them great aduantage against all their neighbors, euer inuading and neuer being inuaded.

  28. And if hee chance to take any mans wife, her husband is very glad thereof, and in recompense of her, oftentimes he giueth the husband one of his old store, whom he thankfully receiueth.

  29. It giueth both inwards and outwards a clearer light then glasse, and for this respect is better then either glasse or horne: for that it neither breaketh like glasse nor yet will burne like the lanthorne.

  30. If I be not deceiued in that which my mind giueth me to coniecture, the lacke of meanes to escape, otherwise than by shewing your selues valiant men, by Gods helpe will bring vs the victorie.

  31. It shall be your parts then to follow me, who will lead you the waie: for euen now my mind giueth me, that I shall passe thorough the battels, tread the capteines vnder foot, and run the king through with this my sharpe sword.

  32. And giueth hym a blowe on the lefte chieke, for a remembraunce of the Sacrament, that he come not for it againe.

  33. Ill husbandrie liueth, by that and by this:[E383] Good husbandrie giueth to erie man his.

  34. Tone giueth his corne in a darth, to horse, sheepe, and hog euery daie; The tother giue cattle warme barth, and feede them with strawe and with haie.

  35. The Sunne with his comfortable light, giueth life to euerie thing, and his nature is attributed to GOD.

  36. Call to minde that mighty princes haue beene reiected of their inferiors, how much more then a base and abiect person, but tract of time giueth place to them which expect the bountie thereof.

  37. The like engines might be made to play upon wyer strings disposed upon a concavous water, to make the musick resound, but because this description giueth light enough for the framing of diuers other, I thought good here to omit them.

  38. He which giueth in his supplication, doth stand in a place a little distance off with a present.

  39. The king sometimes taketh his out, and giueth them to his noblemen as a great gift: and because he hath vsed them, they esteeme them greatly.

  40. Among the rest there is one which they make great account of: for they say hee giueth them all things both foode and apparell, and one sitteth alwayes by him with a fanne to make wind towards him.

  41. Cardane giueth a reason hereof, namely, because Hydromel or water-hony, in long continuance will become wine.

  42. Christian man willingly giueth ouer to search into such hidden secrets and he accounteth it vnlawful to receiue or deliuer vnto others, opinions (grounded vpon no plaine and manifest places of Scripture) for certainties and trueths, Deut.

  43. The same author maketh the cause of sauours in water to be heate, because the earth being hote changeth and giueth sauour vnto the water.

  44. This Promontory is possessed and inhabited by a Gentleman of that name, who suitably to his name, giueth three Fusils for his coat, in this sort: A.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "giueth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.