Whereupon, giuing them to vnderstand, that it was hurtful vnto vs, they ceassed to compel vs any more.
Then Chingis Cham keeping still the woman, sent her husband vnto them, giuingthem charge to come at his command.
Afterward the Emperor sent for vs, giuing vs to vnderstand by Chingay his chief Secretary, that wee should write downe our messages & affaires, and should deliuer them vnto him.
The foresayd solemnity was obserued vpon the 29 of Nouember; which day was wholly spent in fasting, prayer, and giuing of thanks.
Musquet being a crossebarre-shot happened to strike the gunner of the fort to death, euen as he was giuing leuell to one of his great pieces, and thus we parted from them without any losse or hurt on our side.
So it is besieged with sable coloured melancholie, I did commend the blacke oppressing humour to the most wholesome Physicke of thy health-giuing ayre: And as I am a Gentleman, betooke my selfe to walke: the time When?
O heresie in faire, fit for these dayes, A giuing hand, though foule, shall haue faire praise.
The king of England would not assaile the towne of Calis by giuing anie assault to it, for he knew he should but lose his labour, and waste his people, it was so strong of it selfe, and so well furnished with men of warre.
Amongst other came the lord Robert of Namur, and was reteined with the king as his seruant, the king giuing him three hundred pounds sterling of yearelie pension out of his coffers to be paid at Bruges.
And the better sort doo celebrate three or foure daies after, banquetting the newe made Loytia, and giuing him ioy of his newe preferment, euerie man seeking his good will and fauour.
And therefore they do build for them houses out of the cities and townes in the suburbes, giuing them straight commandement there to remaine in the said houses, and not to straggle and go abroad at all.
They may leaue their order at all times at their pleasure, giuing their generall to vnderstand thereof.
It is but foolery; but it is such a kinde of gain-giuing as would perhaps trouble a woman Hor.
Now part them againe, Least they consult about the giuing vp Of some more Townes in France.
First the faire reuerence of your Highnesse curbes mee, From giuing reines and spurres to my free speech, Which else would post, vntill it had return'd These tearmes of treason, doubly downe his throat.
That's euen as faire, as at hand quoth the Chamberlaine: For thou variest no more from picking of Purses, then giuing direction, doth from labouring.
Shylocke, albeit I neither lend nor borrow By taking, nor by giuing of excesse, Yet to supply the ripe wants of my friend, Ile breake a custome: is he yet possest How much he would?
And patient Fooles, Whose children he hath slaine, their base throats teare With giuing him glory 3.
For your stubborne answer About thegiuing backe the Great Seale to vs, The King shall know it, and (no doubt) shal thanke you.
And giuing him liberty to aunswere, he demaunded whether his Bondwomen being once manumised, could not be knowen carnally without violation of the lawes?
Hee complayned of ill lucke, accusing Fortune, but chiefly hys owne folly, for giuing himselfe so mutch to hunting, for the desire whereof, hee was thus straggled into vnknowen Countreyes.
Ouer whom he had hys wyll: for two or three dayes after the recitall of the endytement and giuing of the euydence, Charles was condempned, and his fine sessed at M.
He aided Burthred the king of Mercia against the Welshmen, and greatlie aduanced his estimation, by giuingvnto him his daughter in mariage.
The inhabitants of Vernueill, giuing too light credit herevnto receiued the duke of Alanson with all his armie into the towne.
That we will forever acknowledge and avouch the Lord to be our God in Christ Jesus, giuing up ourselves to Him, to be his people.
Neither will we suffer ourselues to be polluted by any sinfull waies, either publike or priuate, but endeauour to abstaine from the uery appearance of euill, giuing no offence to the Jew or gentile, or the churches of Christ.
Who giuing suck unto a childish Elfe, And, giving yt to such an actuall Elfe.
And all was for lacke of wisedome in the ruler, which deemed & taught as a child, giuing sentence of wilfulnesse and not of reason.
Robert Rust a cunning seaman, belonging to Blacknie in Northfolke, & maister of the ship wherein sir Iohn Arundell was imbarked, was the first that got to land, giuing example to others how to shift for themselues.
The dukes of Lancaster and Yorke were likewise there, giuing their attendance on the king with like furniture of men of armes & archers.
About the same time, Iohn Schakell esquier was set at libertie, the king compounded with him for his prisoner, giuing fiue hundred marks in redie monie, and lands to the value of a hundred marks by yeare.
But vnto this mans oth the archbishop and the other lords were so hastie ingiuing of credit.
Wherevpon giuing the charge vpon him, they put him to flight, and slue manie of his people.
This Archigallus (in the English chronicle called Artogaill) followed not the steppes of his brother, but giuing [Sidenote: He is giuen to nourish dissention.
Calice in the night about the third watch (which is about three or foure of the clocke after midnight) giuing order that the horssemen should take ship at an other place 8 miles aboue Calice, and follow him.
Giuing out to note, that you know aught of mee, This not to doe, so grace, and mercie At your most need helpe you, sweare.
Horace giuing the Poets a pill,[xi:3] but our fellow Shakespeare hath giuen him a purge that made him beray his credit.
Arthur informed heereof, with all spéed hasted thither, and giuing the enimies battell, slue the most part of Cheldrikes men.
Constantine were not of age sufficient to rule, Vortigerne himselfe was chosen, diuers of the nobles (whom he had procured thereto) giuing their voices to this his preferment, as to one best deseruing the same in their opinion and judgement.
The king giuing good eare vnto the bishops wholesome admonition, promised at that present to become a Christian, if he might reuenge his injuries receiued at the hands of the Westsaxons.
Lord 597, and spent his time for the more part in warres, not giuing place to idlenesse, but séeking either to defend or inlarge the confines of his dominion.
Wherevpon he marched straight to their campe and giuing them battell, vanquished them: and vsing the victorie as reason moued him, he lead his armie against those that inhabited the inner parts of Wales, spoiling the countrie on euerie side.
But king John was so far from giuing care to the popes admonitions, that he with more crueltie handled all such, not onelie of the spiritualtie, but also of the temporaltie, which by any manner means had aided the forenamed Stephan.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "giuing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.