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Example sentences for "aboue"

Lexicographically close words:
abortions; abortive; abot; aboud; aboudt; abought; abound; aboundance; abounded; aboundeth
  1. Gurlay aboue mentioned, in the dayes of Dauid Beaton Bishop and Cardinall of S.

  2. Beyng beside the fire he lifted vp his eyn to heauen twise or thrise, and sayd to the people: Let it not offend you, that I suffer the death this day, for the truthes sake, for the Disciple is not aboue his Master.

  3. These Articles aboue written, were geuen in, and layd agaynst M.

  4. Anthony, in the marquesate of Treuiso (being by him required vpon mine obedience so to doe) that all the premisses aboue written, either I saw with mine owne eyes, or heard the same reported by credible and substantiall persons.

  5. Of this city the Saracens report, that no Christian can by any meanes liue therein aboue a yeere.

  6. The women of this countrey weare aboue an hundreth tricks and trifles about them, and they haue two teeth in their mouthes as long as the tushes of a boare.

  7. Ezlem is distant from thence aboue a dayes iourney.

  8. There may no souldier serue there aboue 5 yeres, neither will they without friendship suffer them to depart afore 5.

  9. Minorites haue two places of aboad, vnto the which I transported the bones of the dead friers, which suffred martyrdom for the faith of Christ, as it is aboue mentioned.

  10. I passed also by another island called Sylan, which conteineth in compasse aboue ii.

  11. The breadth of the sayd prouince is fifty dayes iourney, and the length aboue sixty.

  12. Heerevnto were annexed certeine articles by way of instructions, of what points they should inquire, as partlie aboue is noted out of the addition to Matthew West.

  13. Some saie there died of the Scots that daie (being the two & twentith of Iulie, and the feast of Marie Magdalene) aboue twentie thousand.

  14. He was liberall aboue measure; either in regard of his owne abilities, or of the worthinesse of the receiuers.

  15. And albeit hee was but yong and his nature forward and free, yet his wisedome reduced both to a true temper of moderation; his desires being neuer aboue his reason, nor his hopes inferiour to his desires.

  16. This battaile continued aboue the space of nine houres, with incredible obstinacie; the doubt of victory being no lesse great, then was the desire: and yet neither part so hastie to end, as not to stay for the best aduantage.

  17. And because the riches of the clergie at that time were not onely an eye-sore vnto many, but esteemed also by some, to bee very farre aboue due proportion; Hee often fleeced them of great summes of money.

  18. The parts vnder the earth were neuer raised, but so much was cut away as did appeare aboue the ground; because it was an impediment for passage.

  19. His sonne William then duke of Normandie, and somewhat aboue 17.

  20. Enuious aboue all measure; nothing was so grieuous to his eyes as the prosperitie, nothing so harsh to his eares as the commendations of others.

  21. In the middest of this drunken ioylitie the ship strake against a rocke, the head whereof was aboue water, not farre from the shoare.

  22. And stand indebted ouer and aboue In loue and seruice to you euermore Por.

  23. I pray you come: While I remaine aboue the ground, you shall Heare from me still, and neuer of me ought But what is like me formerly Menen.

  24. And then having left his Bishopricke which was committed vnto him ouer the Church of Wilton, and having resigned the same vnto Hermannus aboue mentioned, passed ouer the seas, and trauailed through Hungarie vnto Ierusalem, &c.

  25. Free was he called of dispense, and somewhat aboue his power liberall: with large gifts he gat him vnstedfast freendship, for which he was faine to pill and spoile in other places, and got him stedfast hatred.

  26. Which neuer asked little, but euerie thing was hawsed aboue the measure, amercements turned into fines, fines into ransoms, small trespasses into misprison, misprison into treason.

  27. Moreouer, he subdued vnto the crowne of England (as we haue aboue signified) the Hebrides, commonly called the Westerne Islands.

  28. This kinde of whale is much lesse in quantitie then other kindes, hauing not in length or aboue seuen elles.

  29. Henry the thirde and wrote (aboue three hundreth yeeres since) learnedly of the lawes of this Realme.

  30. His words aboue recited were these: Island conteineth many people liuing onely with the food of cattell, and sometimes by taking of fishes.

  31. And likewise three pence vpon euery pound of siluer in the carying out of any such goods and marchandises which are bought in our realme and dominion aforesayd aboue the customes beforetime payd vnto vs or any of our progenitors.

  32. Leon there is a mountaine which at a great hole belcheth out such mightie balles of flames, that in the night they shine farre and neare, aboue 100.

  33. And he so tamed the Scots, that none of them durst build a ship or a boate, with aboue three yron nailes in it.

  34. For he is the most grettest and hyest in dignyte aboue alle other and most worthy.

  35. For the glorye of the peple is the dignite of the kynge/ And aboue all other the kynge ought to be replenysshid with vertues and of grace/ and thys signefieth the purpure.

  36. Marrie sir, a place of great promotion, where thou shalt by one turne aboue ground, rid the world of a knaue, & make a goodly ensample for all bloodie villaines of thy profession.

  37. Neither aboue ground nor vnder ground, Drawing out red into white, Swallowing that downe without chawing, 1200 That was neuer made without treading.

  38. But ouer, and aboue all these the Pope, by the gifte of Constantine the greate, hath libertie to weare al the ornamentes Imperialle.

  39. Lieutenants (the one was Meerbecks sonne, and the other was Lieutenant to captaine Bynon) which had receiued aboue 50.

  40. The other kind is called flake yse, blue, very hard and thinne not aboue three fadomes thick at the farthest, and this kinde of yse bordreth close vpon the shore.

  41. Here ye must note, that there is difference amongst writers about the supputation and account of these yeares, insomuch that some making their reckoning after certeine writers, and finding the same to varie aboue thrée C.

  42. It is written that he had by his wife three daughters without other issue, whose names were Gonorilla, Regan, and Cordeilla, which daughters he greatly loued, but specially Cordeilla the yoongest farre aboue the two elder.

  43. THat thynge is now entreated while fortune is fauourable vnto you / that we ought moost to abhorre / and you sure- ly ought aboue all thynges to desyre / that is to haue peace.

  44. THe periode or conclusion stan- deth in the briefe enumeracion of thinges spoken afore / and in mouyng the affections / as hath ben aboue expressed.

  45. And lift their heads aboue them that oppresse them.

  46. On, for the braue yong sonn aboue his head Comes Northward, that he may his glorie meete; whilest the fresh earth in all her pride doth spread greene veluit carpettes vnderneath his feete.

  47. The Earth, and all things which on the Earth remaine, Euen all the world, doth to the Lord pertaine; Amid the Sea, Hee founded hath the Land And made this GLOBE aboue the floods to stand.

  48. It fills this world, but it doth shyne most bright Aboue the heauens, in th' vnapproached light.

  49. Celts certaine diuines and philosophers called Sarronides, whom aboue all other they haue in great estimation.

  50. Ile) the authoritie of Nennius a Briton writer may be auouched, who wrote aboue 900.

  51. Then you lost The view of earthly glory: Men might say Till this time Pompe was single, but now married To one aboue it selfe.

  52. Your Grace ha's giuen a President of wisedome Aboue all Princes, in committing freely Your scruple to the voyce of Christendome: Who can be angry now?

  53. If we did thinke His Contemplation were aboue the earth, And fixt on Spirituall obiect, he should still Dwell in his Musings, but I am affraid His Thinkings are below the Moone, not worth His serious considering.

  54. What can happen To me, aboue this wretchednesse?

  55. Heauen is aboue all yet; there sits a Iudge, That no King can corrupt Camp.

  56. Enter Lord Chancellour, places himselfe at the vpper end of the Table, on the left hand: A Seate being left void aboue him, as for Canterburies Seate.

  57. In this conflict were slaine aboue six hundred men of armes, and a great number taken.

  58. In witnesse of all the which things aboue written, I Richard duke of Yorke (aboue named) subscribe with mine owne hand and seale.

  59. The residue of the English people fled to Burdeaux and other places, of whome in the flight were slaine aboue a thousand persons.

  60. The Englishmen leaped on horssebacke, and followed them so, that they slue and tooke aboue eleuen hundred persons, among the which were taken the baron of Coloses, the vicount of Rone, and others.

  61. The commandement by the capteine of Kent, sent vnto Thomas Cocke aboue said.

  62. First, where the said Richard duke of Yorke hath declared and opened (as his aboue said) title & claime in maner as followeth.

  63. This aboue all; to thine owne selfe be true: And it must follow, as the Night the Day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.

  64. At her house were met aboue thirty Gentlemen.

  65. A great spoone in Ilford, holding aboue a quart (Marg.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aboue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.