But the other point concerning the bastardie that they deuised to surmize in king Edwards children, that would he should be openlie declared and inforced to the vttermost.
The Actian and the Pythian Games Playes or Deuised were to praise thee, 70 Games in With all th' Apolinary names honor of That th' Ancients thought could raise thee.
Then" quod Tarquinius, "I haue deuised that thou shalte pare thine owne skin with a raser: therfore take thys knyfe and doe as thy byrdes doe portend and signifie.
The sonne lamentably began to lament his father's fortune, saying: "Oh deare father, what wicked furie hath thus cruelly deuised sodaine death.
Bindo beinge slaine by a polliciedeuised by the Duke and state, Ricciardo by fine subtelties deliuereth himselfe from foure daungers.
Then the poore old Lady Modesta, gaue him thankes for the honest affection that hee bare to her maistresse: and deuised meanes how the two louers might impart their minds together.
And because the offence of my wife semed so great as the doing of her to death was not sufficient to punish her, I deuised a torment which in mine opinion is worse vnto her than death.
In fine, Turnus was condempned, and therefore a new kind of death deuised for him.
But these, and such other acts as were deuised and established at this parlement, tooke none effect, as after it appeared.
To bring thence some old printed booke, to see whether they haue had print there before it was deuised in Europe as some write.
The like fell out at the port of Narue in Liefland, where his sonne Iuan Vasiliwich deuised to build a towne, and a castle on the other side the riuer, (called Iuanogrod) to keepe the towne and countrey in subiection.
To her I sent my gold to beg an hour of grace, ah gracelesse fornicatresse, my hostesse & she wer confederate, who hauing gotten but one piece of my ill golde into their kandes, deuised the meanes to make me immortall.
With my selfe I deuised how to plague him double for his base minde.
To all which continuall glistering of ineffable workemanshippe, there could no more bee deuised of equall comparison, although it were the Temple at Babylon with the three golden statues.
Peryllus there might go put vp his pypes, and blush with his deuised Bull, and Hiram the Iewe must heere giue place, or what founders els soeuer.
And after that he fansied diuers thinges in minde, he deuised (by the instinct of the deuil) to cause one of his nephewes, being of the age of XVIII.
And the kyng not able any longer to endure such a charge in his minde, pressed with griefe, deuised by what meanes he might enioye her, which was the cause of his disquiet.
The Citie brought to greate miserye, the fathers deuised meanes to deliuer the same, and sent vnto the Volscian campe, the mother, the wife and children of Coriolanus.
The Steward openly confessed the treason, which he had deuised against the Ladie, and the whole occasion thereof, and thinking to be reuenged of the refusall of loue by her denied, he framed this slaunder to make her lose her life.
The king astonied with that bold and desperate enterprise, fell into a great rage and furie, commaundinge Mutius presentlye to be consumed with fyre, vnlesse he would out of hand tell him the order of the purposed and deuised treason.
The yong gentleman Papyrius stepped foorth, declaring how importunate his mother was, to know whereuppon they consulted the day before, and therefore he deuised that fained tale, to pacifie her desire.
The Romaines and the Albanes being at warres, for iniuries mutually inferred, Metius Suffetius the Albane captaine deuised a waye by a combate, to ioygne bothe the cities in one.
Immediatlie after Easter he called a parlement, in which diuerse good statutes, and wholesome ordinances, for the preseruation and aduancement of the common-wealth were deuised and established.
Then the two kings by aduise and consent of both their armies deuised these ordinances.
Now by the rule of Algiebar, haue I deuised a very easie, briefe, and generall maner of working in this case.
Containing sundry pithie precepts, learned Counsailes and excellent Inuentions: right pleasant and profitable for all estates Deuised and written for the most parte by M.
But this opinion, bred by the sottishnes of the common people hath hitherto (as I hope) bene sufficiently ouerthrowen as a thing foolish & vaine, and as being deuised for the vpbrayding of our nation.
He considered that the Englishmen little regarded the keeping of penall lawes, and pecuniall statutes, deuised for the good preseruation of the common-wealth.
For being made priuie of this enterprisedeuised by Perkin and his complices, therevnto (as all naturall creatures loue libertie) he assented and agreed.
Sidenote: Who first deuised the execution of monie called a beneuolence.
But the king now drawing into age, and willing to fill his chest with abundance of treasure, was not satisfied with this onelie subsidie, but deuised an other meane how to inrich himselfe, as thus.
Which kind of leuieng monie was first deuised by king Edward the fourth, as it appeareth before in his historie.
For if many dead persons had retourned backe again into this life, the wicked spirit the diuell would easily haue deuised many sleights and wiles, and brought in much deceit into the life of man.
This they tooke very gréeuously, and whereas before they misliked him, they deuised this meanes to bee reuenged: forsooth to report that his wife was damned for euer.
The next day being the eighteenth of September, these men still endeuoured themselues to seeke all meanes possible to hinder and let our going to Hochelaga, and deuised a prettie guile, as hereafter shalbe shewed.
Which, villaine, shalbe ransomed with thy death, And not so meane a torment as we heere Deuised for him who thou saidst slew our sonne, But with the bitterest torments and extreames That may be yet inuented for thine end.
Aduise thee therefore, be not credulous: This isdeuised to endanger thee, That thou, by this, Lorenzo shoulst accuse.
Their answer was, that they were come to informe him of the treason which Perhennis had deuised to his destruction, that he might make his son emperor.
The order of the garter therefore was deuised in the time of king Edward the third, and (as some write) vpon this occasion.
Howbeit the making of siluer glasses had beene in vse before Britaine was knowne vnto the Romans, for I read that one Praxiteles deuised them in the yoong time of Pompeie, which was before the comming of Caesar into this Iland.
Can there be deuised any way by nature, or art, sooner or soundlier to seeke out, and take away the heart and strength of earth, then by great trees?
I my self haue deuised such an house, and I find that it keeps and strengthens my Bees much, and my hiues will last sixe to one.
This morning I had this new occasion of writing, that Sir Tho.
I am in preparations of that, with diligence, yet this morning I waited upon his Lordship, and laid up in him this truth, that of the B.
And surelie a man may thinke it good reason, that the report of such secret companie-keeping betwixt the king and the empresse, [Sidenote: Slanders deuisedby malicious heads.
For a kind of forfeiture was deuised by king Henrie, that those should lose their right inheritance in their woods, that chanced to kill any of the kings déere within the same.
The empresse therefore doubting the sequele, and séeing hir prouision to decaie, deuised a shift how to escape that present danger, which by force she was vnlikelie to performe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deuised" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.