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Example sentences for "loue"

Lexicographically close words:
loudest; loudly; loudness; loudspeaker; loudspeakers; loued; louely; louer; louers; loues
  1. This said, he exhorteth them vnto the loue of God, and to prayer and almes.

  2. For the loue which I did beare to the excellent Gouernour, and which I beare to you hath no limit.

  3. Cittie, and the like from many of the nobilitie, and some of the gentry, wʰ was well payd for loue or fere of his raling in verse or prose, or boeth.

  4. As I that dar makine no demande To quhat I wot It lykith loue co{m}mande.

  5. I loue not learning so ill, that I will impaire the reuenues of anie one house by a pennie, whereby it may be vpholden.

  6. Moreouer they bite verie sore, and loue candles exceedinglie, as doo the men and women of their countrie: but I may saie no more of them, bicause they are not bred with vs.

  7. Neither are we so hard to strangers as Horace wold seeme to make vs, sith we loue them so long as they abuse vs not, & make accompt of them so far foorth as they despise vs not.

  8. Manie disputable opinions may be had of warre without the praising of it, as onelie admittable by inforced necessitie, and to be vsed for peace sake onelie, where here the Scots sought warre for the loue of warre onelie.

  9. They reteine also the ancient name (lord) still, although it be not a little impugned by such as loue either to heare of change of all things, or can abide no superiours.

  10. For that man that is ruled by sapience, must needs loue & dred our Lord God, and who so loueth & dreadeth him, it must consequentlie follow that he must keepe his commandements.

  11. But the English challengers required nothing but renowme for their reward, being allured onelie with the loue of praise; and thus when these pastimes of chiualrie were quite ended, euerie man got him home to his owne house.

  12. For manie that hated the father, bare good will and heartie loue towards the sonne, whose yoong yeares and great towardnesse allured the hearts of manie to wish him well.

  13. Well wife, heere take my hand, vpon my soule I loue thee dearer then I do my life, and ioy I haue so true and constant wife, my iealousie shall neuer more offend thee.

  14. Come mistris Page, Ile be bold with you, Tis pitie to part loue that is so true.

  15. How now mistris Page, are you are reading Loue 20 letters?

  16. With both the humors I will disclose this loue to Page.

  17. By the Lord thou art a traitor to saie so: What made me loue thee?

  18. Farwell, I loue not the humor of bread and cheese: And theres the humor of it.

  19. But first you must giue me leaue to Be acquainted with your humor, 75 And afterward to loue you if I can.

  20. But harke thee, hath misteris Page and mistris Ford, Acquainted each other how dearly they loue me?

  21. You loue sack, so do I: As I am sure I haue no mind but to loue, So I know you haue no hart but to grant 5 A souldier doth not vse many words where a knowes A letter may serue for a sentence.

  22. By my troth I think you work by {I}nchantments, Els they could neuer loue you as they doo: Fal.

  23. O woman I am I know not what: In loue vp to the hard eares.

  24. What is Lauinia then become so loose, Or Bassianus so degenerate, That for her loue such quarrels may be broacht, Without controulement, Iustice, or reuenge?

  25. For loue of her that's gone, Perhaps she culd it from among the rest Ti.

  26. A charitable wish, and full of loue Moore.

  27. I care not I, knew she and all the world, I loue Lauinia more then all the world Demet.

  28. And had you not by wondrous fortune come, This vengeance on me had they executed: Reuenge it, as you loue your Mothers life, Or be ye not henceforth cal'd my Children Dem.

  29. And for our fathers sake, and mothers care, Now let me shew a brothers loue to thee Ti.

  30. Aaron, a thousand deaths would I propose, To atchieue her whom I do loue Aron.

  31. Heer'es no blush nor labor great, 35 no sweat; Heres no payne nor repentance when againe Loue cooles.

  32. Loe now hee shineth yonder A fixed starr in heaven, Whose motion is vnder None of the planetts seaven; And if the soñ should tender 5 The moone his loue and marry, They never could engender So fayre a starr as Harry.

  33. Those drossy heads & irrepurged braynes w^{ch} sacred fyre of loue hath not refined may grossly think my loue smale worth contaynes because shee is of body smale combined.

  34. Now sir," sayd the seruaunt, "I do indeede perceyue what maner of thing the contagion of loue is.

  35. And for that he would not employe hys tyme in vayne, when he founde hir alone and at conuenyent leysure, began to preache vnto hir in thys wyse with sutch countenaunce, as she perceyued the Counte to be far in loue with hir.

  36. The Maiden neuerthelesse ceased not to loue him, and to proue all possible wayes to make him hir owne.

  37. Sometime with a Puncheon wel sharpned, seruing him in steede of a Penknife, he graued the successe of his loue vpon an hard stone.

  38. It is the couert fire which Loue hathe kindled in his intrailes, it is loue whych hath raysed the true effects of gentlenesse, and hath consumed the conceipts of displeased mind.

  39. For cleanely and innocent bees, of all other things, loue and become, and thriue in an Orchard.

  40. Nay, I will giue thee a kisse, now praie thee Loue staie Petr.

  41. Loue me, or loue me not, I like the cap, And it I will haue, or I will haue none Pet.

  42. And I am one that loue Bianca more Then words can witnesse, or your thoughts can guesse Gre.

  43. Gentlemen, that I may soone make good What I haue said, Bianca get you in, And let it not displease thee good Bianca, For I will loue thee nere the lesse my girle Kate.

  44. Nature moueth euery manne to loue hymself and his, so thy care and paine be to a godlie purpose.

  45. Did you loue her liuyng, loue her also departed, her vertuous shewed vnto vs, her immor- talitée.

  46. If thou hopest of loue of a harlot though thou enioye her otherwise, thou art deceiued.

  47. With both the humors, I: I will discusse the humour of this Loue to Ford Pist.

  48. The dozen white Lowses doe become an old Coat well: it agrees well passant: It is a familiar beast to man, and signifies Loue Shal.

  49. I loue the sport well, but I shall as soone quarrell at it, as any man in England: you are afraid if you see the Beare loose, are you not?

  50. Do not betray me sir, I fear you loue M[istris].

  51. Thou mightst as well say, I loue to walke by the Counter-gate, which is as hatefull to me, as the reeke of a Lime-kill Mis.

  52. I wold haue no words of it) my Master himselfe is in loue with Mistris Anne Page: but notwithstanding that I know Ans mind, that's neither heere nor there Caius.

  53. But I pray thee tell me this: has Fords wife, and Pages wife acquainted each other, how they loue me?

  54. Well, to my purpose then, when we to loue thus crie, To helpe vs hence poore silly men from this our miserie.

  55. When this I vnderstand, to loue I vowed then, Forswearing cleane the Ginnie land for comming there againe.

  56. We mind truly to prooue the Portingals no more: But now t'assay rather what loue Negroes will shew a shore.

  57. And then to loue on hie we call for helpe and grace, And him beseech vnfainedly, to fetch vs from this place.

  58. The singular loue which we haue conceiued one toward the other is like to a garden of pleasant birds: and the Lord God vouchsafe to saue and keepe you, and send your Maiesty an happy end both in this world and in the world to come.

  59. If the like loue in this our age were in our people that now become great trauellers, many knowledges, and many trades, and many herbes and plants might be brought into this realme that might doe the realme good.

  60. Which first ill lucke will I recite, then iudge you plaine, If loue plagued me not now rightly this yeare to goe againe.

  61. He liued not past fiue yéeres in gouernement of the kingdome, but was taken out of this life to the great sorrow of his subiects whome he ruled right worthilie, and so as they had him in great loue and estimation.

  62. And if you would more vnderstand of the loue that I beare you, assertaine your selfe, that so much as you haue, so much you are woorth, and so much I loue you, and no more.

  63. He was also a prince of much bountie, and verie liberall, whereby he obteined great loue both of his nobles and commons.

  64. Tis a villaine Sir, I doe not loue to looke on Pro.

  65. Sais, O put off thy kirtle of silke, Ffor some and all shall goe with mee; And to my owne lady I must itt beare, Who I must needs loue better then thee.

  66. Pray him for one nights lodging and two meales meate, For his love that dyed vppon a tree; Of one ghesting and two meales meate, For his loue that dyed vppon a tree.

  67. Yes, as I loue the woman that wrong'd him Duk.

  68. Ioy to you Mariana, loue her Angelo: I haue confes'd her, and I know her vertue.

  69. This we came not to, Onely for propogation of a Dowre Remaining in the Coffer of her friends, From whom we thought it meet to hide our Loue Till Time had made them for vs.

  70. He shall not Isabell if you giue me loue Isa.

  71. My brother did loue Iuliet, And you tell me that he shall die for't Ang.

  72. Oh pardon me my Lord, it oft fals out To haue, what we would haue, We speake not what we meane; I something do excuse the thing I hate, For his aduantage that I dearely loue Ang.

  73. I protest, I loue the Duke, as I loue my selfe Ang.

  74. Therefore fasten your eare on my aduisings, to the loue I haue in doing good; a remedie presents it selfe.

  75. Loue That respits me a life, whose very comfort Is still a dying horror Pro.

  76. Likewise, some of his company were desirous to returne to Cuba, among whome, was one Pedro de Aluado, who was farre in loue with a woman of that countrey.

  77. This Countrey lyked well oure men, and the greate loue of the people.

  78. Al this did Cortez for to get their loue and fauour, bycause there were many that loued hym not, althoughe in very trouth he was of his own nature liberal and large in experiences with al his souldiers in the warres.

  79. I doe not speake how acceptable it will be to God our sauiour, for whose loue I do chiefly and willingly hazard my goods and trauel.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "loue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.