Hang him dishonest slaue, we cannot vse Him bad inough.
For they Say the cuckally knaue hath legions of angels, For the which his wife seemes to me well fauored, 140 And Ile vse her as the key of the cuckally knaues Coffer, and there’s my randeuowes.
Not I, I assure thee; setting the attraction of my Good parts aside, I vseno other inchantments: Quic.
And we vnderstand him well, How he comes o're vs with our wilder dayes, Not measuring what vse we made of them.
Le chien est retourne a son propre vemissement est la leuye lauee au bourbier: thou mak'st vse of any thing Const.
And although great authors somtyme in long workes vse some of these fautes, yet must not their examples be folowed, nor brought into a cõmon vsage of speakyng.
So translacion in the whych comonly is the greatest vse of eloquuciõ, applieth wordes not the selfe proper thinges.
In speakynge and wrytynge nothyng is more folyshe than to affecte or fondly to laboure to speake darkelye for the nonce, sithe the proper vse of speach is to vtter the meaning of our mynd with as playne wordes as maye be.
To lyke vse serue examples and similitudes, as in Esaye: The Oxe knewe hys owner, and the Asse the maunger of hys master, but Israel hathe not knowen me.
Howe be it the rethoricianes vse thys worde Prosopopeia, that is descripcion of a personne to comprehende the sixe kyndes folowinge.
And they that vse thys kynde, bee vehement, various, copious, graue, appoynted and readye thorowlye to moue and turne mens myndes.
The vse of circũstances profiteth to amplifie, to extenuate, to euidence, to confirmacion, and probabilitie.
But thys is more playne in the latine because of the concordes, albeit in englyshe for the verbe we may vse this example.
Such as cã not hãdsomly vse them selues in that mery conceyted slendernes of wordes, fall into a drye and feble kynde of oracion.
O Frier, the damned vse that word in hell: Howling attends it.
Pet: I see no bodie vse you at his pleasure, if I had, I would soone haue drawen: you know my toole is as soone out as anothers if I see time and place.
And thou like a knaue must stand by, and see euery Iacke vseme at his pleasure.
Iuli: Yes Pilgrime lips that they mustvse in praier.
Come cordiall and not poyson, goe with mee To Iuliets Graue: for there mvst I vse thee.
These ceremonies theyvse when that one neighbour dooth visite an other.
And wee finde by good account taken out of their histories, that they had the vse thereof long time before vs in Europe.
At this day they say that they are friends one with another, and that is, for that they bee all Gentiles, and do vse all one manner of ceremonies and rites.
For euerie barke doth vse a different sound the one from the other, to the which the duckes are vsed, and their ears full thereof, so that they neuer fayle their owne barke.
Of these two last sorts of vessels pirates and rouers at the sea do commonly vse (for in those seas there be very many), for that they be very nimble to fly and to giue assalt as occasion doth serue.
Their vse is much in ornament, and comforting the spirits, by the sence of smelling.
They vse also mosse tyed on aboue the clay with some bryer, wicker, or other bands.
There is great vseof them: Deus, et natura nihil fecit frustra.
Some vse to bare trees rootes in Winter, to stay the setting til hotter seasons, which I discommend, because, 1.
The vse is much in meates, more in Physicke, most for Bees.
Goe, bid thy Master rise, and come to me, And we will both together to the Tower, Where he shall see the Bore will vse vs kindly Mess.
Moreouer there was a tenth granted by the clergie to be paied to the kings vse at two seuerall termes in that present yeare.
There were slaine diuers earls & great lords of Spaniards, but for that our writers do not rightlie note the Spanish names, but write them corruptlie as strangers vse to doo, we here omit them.
Also there was a subsidie granted of six pence in the pound, foure pence to the vse last mentioned, and two pence to be imploied at the kings pleasure.
Trupenie get thee in, thou shalt among them knowe, How tovse thy selfe, like a propre man I trowe.
I vse to kisse all them that I loue to God I vowe.
Certaine Songs to be song by those which shall vse this Comedie or Enterlude.
My Lord, whatsoeuer lies within our power Your maiestie may more commaund in wordes Then vse perswasions to your liege men, bound By loue, by duetie, and obedience.
O farre better man, vse euery man after his deserts, Then who should scape whipping?
My lord, I will vsethem according to their deserts.
If thou desirest a learned daughter, I pray God giue her a wise and religious heart, that she may vse it to his glory, thy comfort, and her owne saluation.
I am glad your Grace, Ha's made that right vseof it Card.
Good Cromwell Neglect him not; make vse now, and prouide For thine owne future safety Crom.
We in our vulgar haue not the vse of the like halfe foote.
A great nobleman and Counseller in this Realme was secretlie aduised by his friend, not to vse so much writing his letters in fauour of euery man that asked them, specially to the Iudges of the Realme in cases of iustice.
Yea and though it were not altogether so directly spoken the very sounding of the word were not commendable, as he that in the presence of Ladies wouldvse this common Prouerbe, Iape with me but hurt me not, Bourde with me but shame me not.
How euery wilde and sauadge peoplevse a kind of natural Poesie in versiete and rime, as our vulgar is.
They neuer eate of anie thing that is set or sowen, and as at home they vse neither planting nor other manurance, so when they com abroad the refuse to feede of ought but of that which nature without labor bringeth foorth.
But emonge these simple sowles, a fewe clothes serue the naked; weightes and measures are not needefull to such as cannot kyll of crafte and deceyte and haue not the vse of pestiferous monye, the seede of unnumerable myscheues.
These they vse only for drinkynge pottes, and to fetch water in, but not for meate, for the inner substance of them is sowrer then gaule, and the barke as harde as any shelle.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.