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Example sentences for "giuen"

Lexicographically close words:
gitten; gittern; gittin; gitting; giue; giues; giueth; giuing; give; gived
  1. Nature therfore has plaid the Tyler, and giuen it a most curious couering, or (to speake more properly) she has thatcht it all ouer, and that Thatching is haire.

  2. I thought (quoth the other) my daughter had beene your wife, for sure I am to-day shee was giuen you in marriage.

  3. How often the Gentlewoman his wife laboured vainely to recall him, is lamentable to note: but as one giuen ouer to all lewdnes, he communicated her sorrowful lines among his loose truls, that iested at her bootelesse laments.

  4. I haue yet but giuen them a fillip on the conceipt, Ile fell it to the ground hereafter.

  5. Truely the kingdome of the bloudsuppers for to theym is giuen daily out of your kingdome.

  6. This towne was giuen afterwards vnto the duke of Clarence.

  7. The earle of Salisburie, who led the battell, tooke the castell of Amberuilliers, the which was giuen to him by the king, and so this earle was the first that had anie territorie giuen him of the king in this new conquest.

  8. An other part of the armie was sent vnto the castell of Montioie, which likewise by such fierce assaults and manfull approches, as the Englishmen made thereto, was shortlie giuen ouer and yeelded.

  9. The archbishop of Canturburie, when he had intelligence giuen of this outragious prophanation of the church, caused the offendors to be excommunicat, as well at Paules, as in all other parish churches of London.

  10. And if so be that the lands, lordships, rents, or possessions, the which longeth to such maner of persons in the said duchie and places be not giuen by vs, the same persons shall be restored to them without any delaie.

  11. That inscutchen and creast (as like is) giuen him in laudable remembrance for his valiant recouerie of the standard at the sharpe and bloodie skirmish by Corbie.

  12. Sidenote: Thanks giuen to God for the victorie.

  13. Order likewise is giuen for drawing up all the votes made during our last sitting, in the businesse of Sales of Bishops' and Deans' and Chapters' lands into an Act, which I should be glad to see passed.

  14. Oh then my Father, Will you permit, that I shall stand condemn'd A wandring Vagabond; my Rights and Royalties Pluckt from my armes perforce, and giuen away To vpstart Vnthrifts?

  15. Determine truly, if that thankfulnesse, 95 Choise forme with the whole world giuen for a dowry, Could strengthen so an honest man with patience, As with a willing necke to vndergoe The insupportable yoake of slaue or wittoll.

  16. I hope I haue giuen no cause 85 In this, my Lord-- Nou.

  17. Good Master Parson be so good as reade mee this Letter, it was giuen mee by Costard, and sent mee from Don Armatho: I beseech you read it Nath.

  18. O sir, you haue ouerthrowne Alisander the conqueror: you will be scrap'd out of the painted cloth for this: your Lion that holds his Pollax sitting on a close stoole, will be giuen to Aiax.

  19. From this day, forward (said the King) Credit ought to be giuen to Archimedes, what soeuer he sayth.

  20. So thicke is the heauenly Palace, that the Planetes haue all their exercise in, and most meruailously perfourme the Commaũdement and Charge to them giuen by the omnipotent Maiestie of the king of kings.

  21. And, I thinke, a certaine God, rather then fortune, to haue giuen vs this gift, for our blisse.

  22. Nay I may further affirme, What persons of your nature and condition, euer were Arraigned and Tried with more solemnitie, had more libertie giuen to pleade or answere to euerie particular point of Euidence against you?

  23. Afterwardes sendes some of these Examinations, to the Assises at Yorke, to be giuen in Evidence against Iennet Preston, who for the murder of M.

  24. Neither should any man vpon the least occasion of offence giuen vnto him, escape his hands, without some danger.

  25. For these particulars were no sooner giuen in Euidence against him, when he was againe Indicted and Arraigned for the murder of these two.

  26. Lister, with his old Enemie and wicked Neighbour Iennet Preston; with some other such like practices: as vpon their Arraignement and Tryall, are particularly set foorth, and giuen in euidence against them.

  27. Giuen in our seege before the citie of Yorke.

  28. The earle of Britaine, being a man of a stout stomach, and meaning to defend that which was thus giuen to him, [Sidenote: Castell of Richmont.

  29. For there are Angels giuen of God vnto men to kéepe them.

  30. Women, which for the most part are naturally giuen to feare more than men, (for which cause S.

  31. For the lawe was giuen by =Moses=, but grace and truth sprang vp by Christ.

  32. For there was a libell found in his coffers, giuen vnto him against me, written by maister =Carus=.

  33. And when they had giuen him a drinke beréeuing him of his senses, and causing him to fome at the mouth, then they sayd he striued and wrestled with death, euen as Christ did in the mount Oliuet.

  34. Yet was he something more inclin'd to mirth Before we left him, and I take it, 10 He hath giuen order for a play to night, At which he craues your highnesse company.

  35. Madde for thy loue, What haue you giuen him any crosse wordes of late?

  36. This nauie did set forward from London toward the enimies, who hauing warning giuen them from Alfrike, escaped away without hurt.

  37. Although other take that to be Danegilt, which was giuen vnto such Danes as king Egelred afterwards reteined in his seruice, to defend the land from other Danes and enimies that sought to inuade his dominions.

  38. Vpon knowledge giuen into Denmarke of the cruell murder of the Danes here in England, truth it is, that the people of the countrie were greatlie kindled in malice, and set in such a furious rage against [Sidenote: Hen.

  39. He was much giuen in his latter daies to vertue, as he that [Sidenote: Polydor.

  40. Manie great assalts he caused to be giuen vnto the citie, but the Londoners and others within so valiantlie defended the wals and gates, that the enimies got small aduantage, and at length were constreined to depart with losse.

  41. Then said the king; “Lauds be giuen to the father of heauen, for now I know that I shall die heere in this chamber, according to the prophesie of me declared, that I should depart this life in Ierusalem.

  42. England, with a great surplusage besides giuen to hir by the king.

  43. The lord Fitzwater answered herevnto, that he was not present in the parlement house, when iudgement was giuen against them, and all the lords bare witnesse thereof.

  44. The dead bodies might not be buried, without great summes of monie giuen for libertie to conueie them awaie.

  45. So these things haue bene declared vnto the king, who hath giuen commandement, that nothing being found in the fields, as mines, and such like, shall be taken away from any man.

  46. But, as I am giuen to vnderstand since our comming from thence, the Portugals haue attempted the place and doe inhabite it, and haue put the French from their accustomed trade.

  47. The next day I went on land to see certaine cottages, and I found many women and children holding vp their hands and kneeling before a Crosse which I had giuen them.

  48. Thou hast vndoone thy selfe, thy sonne, and me, And giuen our rights vnto the house of Yorke.

  49. Anioy and Maine, both giuen vnto the French, Cold newes for me, for I had hope of France, Euen as I haue of fertill England.

  50. Giuen to Captiuitie, me, and my vtmost hopes, I should haue found in some place of my Soule A drop of patience.

  51. I may say so, in this respect, for that he hath deuoted, and giuen vp himselfe to the Contemplation, marke: and deuotement of her parts and Graces.

  52. I haue no great deuotion to the deed, And yet he hath giuen me satisfying Reasons: 'Tis but a man gone.

  53. In this parlement sentence was giuen against earle Ferrers for the forfeiture of his earledome: then was Edmund the kings yoonger sonne put in possession both of the earledome of Darbie and Leicester.

  54. This yeare, the office of the earle Marshall was giuen to Roger Bigod, earle of Northfolke, in right of his wife the countesse, that was eldest daughter vnto the great earle William Marshall.

  55. Sidenote: The bishop of Winchesters counsell giuen to the king.

  56. Peter of Sauoie that was uncle to the queene came into England, and was honorablie receiued and interteined of king Henrie, who had giuen to him the earledome of Richmont.

  57. Guy de Rochford a Poictouin, to whom about two yeares before the king had giuen the castell of Rochester, was now banished the realme, and depriued of all that he held in this land.

  58. Wee may rather take notice of those other names which by Astronomers Geographers Divines and Poets are giuen vnto them.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "giuen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.