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Example sentences for "sustain life"

  • Much of the chyle is dead before it enters the great thoracic duct and goes to the lungs without enough pure blood to sustain life.

  • It has been objected that there is not sufficient moisture and atmosphere in Mars to sustain life, and this must be answered by those only who are familiar with conditions affecting life on our own planet.

  • The intestines, cleaned with the fingers, made food when roasted on the fire, and pieces of hide, singed and roasted, helped to sustain life.

  • They discarded everything not absolutely necessary to sustain life, packed all their provisions into knapsacks, bravely shouldered them and started off on foot from the desert to reach California by the shortest way.

  • We had nothing to season the blood pudding with but salt, and it was not very good, but answered to sustain life.

  • There was no water to dress or cook it, but it helped to sustain life.

  • A modest outfit--barely enough to sustain life, yet all a woodsman carries when a long canoe journey with many carries must be taken.

  • Being thus crippled for means to act, the only course left to him was a return to his cabin seventy-five miles away, with only a hunting-knife to sustain life with.

  • Now, in this case, though the amount of nutriment taken daily was small, it was of such a character as to be well able to sustain life.

  • All were dead except three women, who, having found some hay, fed a goat with it, and thus obtained from this animal a pint of milk daily, on which they had managed to sustain life for a month.

  • One day Daniel discovered in some vats a deposit of sugar which he was glad to scrape to sustain life.

  • The sentence pronounced upon them was that they should be allowed only half a pint of water a day for each man, and barely food enough to sustain life.

  • They were given muddy and impure water to drink, and that not in sufficient quantities to sustain life.

  • For attempting to escape we were punished by having our miserable allowance reduced one third in quantity for a month; and we had found the whole of it hardly sufficient to sustain life.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sustain life" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    attempt has been made; ding dong; done over; ever came; great assistance; hand half; love good; mere girl; nature itself; noon comes; perpetual exile; right angles; safety valve; said town; she did not know; sustain life; sustain them; the ground; things which; through every; twenty cubits; when perfectly; will call upon the