Any person once admitted on recommendation may go to read in this Library at stated hours and may consult any book or manuscript he pleases on applying to the librarian.
Staccato dots and staccatissimo dashes, when two parts are being written on one stave, should be placed below the note if applying to the lower part, and above if applying to the higher.
I was particularly refreshed by the two following points contained in the first chapter, in applying them to the building of the Orphan House: 1.
I went on, into prayer respecting myself; and whilst applying likewise his unchangeable love, and power, and wisdom, etc.
The latest great work on the Trinity, by the Jesuit Father de Regnon, suggests that Abelard's fault was in applying to the Trinity his theory of concepts.
Take, for an example, an entire class of her miracles, applying to the discipline of the Church!
Nature is the best waterer of plants, and it is good policy to leave the matter as much as possible in her hands; but we must assist her now and then by applying it ourselves.
This delicacy of adjustment requires some little practice, and the young rider should always ask his teacher to show him the proper mode of applying the curb-chain.
That this is the real cause of its falling off may be proved by taking a still lighter fragment of iron, such as a piece of very slender wire, and applying it to the key.
Applying the above rule, a day for a year, when would the 1,335 days of Daniel's prophecy end?
Applying to various places for lodging, at each place they were turned away; until finally they found a location where they could sleep in a stall with the cattle.
White, according to the principles already laid down, develops his pieces as fast as possible, but in so doing he also tries to hinder his opponent's development, by applying pressure wherever possible.
P - Q R 4, applyingone of the cardinal principles of the high strategy of chess-- A unit that holds two.
The general rule in the latter country, applying to old and young, is to work from sunrise to sunset, an hour and a half being allowed for meals.
The wage falls below that of Connecticut, while the general conditions of living are practically the same, the statements made as to the first applying with equal force to the last.
In some States, acts applying to the whole State forbade the sale outside of towns.
For years it was difficult in many localities for a young man to secure proper preparation, and the total of poorly prepared students applying for admission to the colleges increased.
All these provisions, though applying equally to all the population, greatly lessened the negro vote.
The panic was complete; two were immediately overthrown, and the remaining three wheeled about and dashed for the town, applying the whip and spur to their steeds.
And now, by applying his palm to his front, he illumines those chambers of which he speaks, and also the niches therein.
The Cabinet interpreted the prohibition asapplying only during the period before the Commonwealth organization should be established, and upon the basis of this interpretation advised the President that the measure was constitutional.
Mr. Rives was with the Abolitionists upon the abstract principle, but against them as to the time and means of applying it.
The difficulty was in applying it to the Governor and the Territorial judges appointed by the President.
In applying this table, as gas analyses may be reported either by weight or volume, there is given in Table 33[36] a method of changing from volumetric analysis to analysis by weight.
For use in applying this formula it is convenient to tabulate values of the product / 1 1 \ 0.
After applying the second soap wash to the concrete slopes, the men had to be held by ropes to keep from slipping.
In making the soap solution two men attended four kettles, one man kept up fires, two men carried solution to men applying it.
Then a waterproofing contractor agreed to make the reservoir water tight with paper and tar, by applying it on the inside.
Waterproofing with Sylvester wash consists in applying alternately to the concrete surface a soap solution wash and an alum solution wash.
Mr. Gascoigne felt that he wasapplying a sharp remedy to poor Rex's acute attack, but he believed it to be in the end the kindest.
States within the limits of Texas applying to come into the Union were left to decide for themselves whether they would permit slavery within their limits or not.
On the contrary, an insolvent, applying in the insolvent debtors' court for the release of his person, could not proceed one step beyond filing his declaration.
We shall otherwise be utterly incapable of conceiving or applying appropriate remedies.
The most auspicious mode of applying for this advice was deemed to be the submission of a projet of a treaty, presented by the British minister, and to be laid before the Senate for their opinion upon its acceptance.
The despondent lover, after applying in vain to an Italian magician for a love-philtre, at length determines to adopt the bolder line of writing to his scornful lady.
It was on a very beautiful day that he wondered this, and he was more than a little happy because he had just been applying his rule to unusually good effect, when, lo!
Jack Frost's advice in case he ever was in doubt as to the course he was to take, and in a twinkling had whipped out his rule and was down on his knees applying it in good earnest.
The audiences of King William's time were quick at noticing and applying political allusions; and Government looked as sharply after the dramatic poets as it did after the Jacobite plotters.