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Example sentences for "feared that"

  • Also I feared that if I should run, now there was a warrant out for me, I might by so doing make them afraid to stand, when great words only should be spoken to them.

  • As a matter of fact I feared that he might regard it, as he most probably would have done, as a mere chimera of my own imagination.

  • At first I feared that, as is so often the case in Italy, savage dogs might be kept there at night to attack any thief or intruder.

  • Every moment I, however, feared that he might realize I was following them; but I did not mean that they should escape me.

  • There was a reason for his extreme frugality; he feared that if he ate and drank like other people he might lose his phenomenal thinness, which was of inestimable value to him in a professional point of view.

  • It is to be feared that this is a game of Anti-christ[29] or a sign that he is close at hand.

  • And it is to be feared that this is indeed "the people of the captivity," [Ps.

  • He feared that he had blundered into a perilous predicament.

  • He feared that if the Shawnees planned to kill him they would carry out their intention with little delay.

  • He feared that she, too, was attempting to deceive him with some clever bit of treachery.

  • He feared that it might be the signal for his death.

  • Our bear's flesh, even though roasted, was already high, and we feared that we should be unable to eat it for supper.

  • Looking up, I saw that the sky was overcast, as on the previous evening; and I feared that I might still find it a very difficult matter to make my way, even should the wolves go off and allow me to descend the tree.

  • We feared that on landing we should have to wade through a swamp infested by snakes, and probably by alligators, before we could reach dry ground.

  • Lord Ormersfield welcomed her in an almost fatherly manner, and made her sit down, telling her that she had come at a good moment, since Louis had just received a letter; but he feared that it was not a very good account of Isabel.

  • Isaac, his father, feared that it was due to poor circulation of the blood, and he hesitated to perform the circumcision.

  • The smoke was still rising from the ruins of Sodom, and Abimelech and his people, seeing it, feared that a like fate might overtake them.

  • Yet, when God bade Noah go out of the ark, he refused, because he feared that after he had lived upon the dry land for some time, and begotten children, God would bring another flood.

  • He reproached them with living apart from one another, and with their jealousies, for he feared that, after his death, they might go so far as to shed human blood.

  • I knew what he wanted me to do, but I feared that we should waste too much valuable time.

  • I feared that he would die without revealing the hiding-place of his hoard, and impressed with this idea, I dashed a pot of cold water in his face, and poured more wine down his throat.

  • For a time we feared that he was in danger of becoming a snob, but the great democratizing forces of the conflict carried him into the current.

  • We feared that we might not be up to the atmosphere of an onion novel.

  • I feared that you--that I--" She paused and he questioned gravely.

  • Her body seemed nerveless and she feared that if she rose her limbs would not support her, or, if they did support her, she must fly like a mad thing from the house.

  • It is much to be feared that a large amount of the professed faith of this our day is deplorably superficial, and that many who throng our preaching rooms and lecture halls are, after all, but wayside and stony ground hearers.

  • It is greatly to be feared that many of our so-called prayers never go beyond the ceiling of the room.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "feared that" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being composed; being modernized; card tricks; could only have been; doubt about; feared lest; feared that; handle them; largely used; mile long; original work; public house; put them; said some; she had always been; struck him; then take out the; thou have; though small; thought necessary; white flag; written originally; young orchard