Sunday such as we find wintry here, in our innocence of your ferocities of climate; to which in your place I should speedily succumb.
Such are these cruelties, these ferocities of separation.
The mutual hatreds and ferocities of men could not persist before a common Fate, so sublime, so tragic.
But among the heathen themselves there will be a resting from war: the factions and ferocities of that wild Semitic world, which Amos so vividly characterised,[874] shall cease.
Robespierre identified his "Supreme Being" with nature, of whose ferocities the poor Girondins soon had tragical evidence.
Woe henceforth to any gods suspected of taking sides with the dragon in this man's life-and-death struggle with the ferocities of nature, and with his own terrors reflected from them!
The ferocities of outward nature appeared with all their force in man, and renewed their power with the fine armoury of his intelligence.
His temper was sanguinary in the extreme, and led him, in his treatment of the loyalists, to such ferocities as subjected him, on more than one occasion, to the harshest rebuke of his commander.
Manifestly these ferocities were de bonne guerre in the society to which Homer sang.
If later Greece expurgated the Homeric ferocities to the dead, why are they left standing?
Finally, I do not suppose that the ferocities of Achilles towards Hector, and at the funeral of Patroclus, are an expurgated version of a lay in which they were narrated with pride and pleasure.
The ferocities are sometimes prompted by personal vengeance.
In contrast with his natural clemency, the wrath of Achilles for Patroclus's sake is all the more monstrous; he far transcends the customary ferocities of dishonour to the dead.
On the dead "unseemly things" are wrought, with little or no rebuke from the poet, except in the case of the extreme ferocities of Achilles against Hector and the twelve Trojan captives.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ferocities" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.