The bristled throat Of the submitted sacrifice with ruthless steel he cut.
All her life she has had to play in a ruthless game, but the trump that she has learned to lead oftenest is unexpectedness.
The set of Gilmore's heavy jaws became tense with this thought and with the ruthless strength of his purpose.
While he talked a boy came to the door and was dragged in by a ruthless hand.
When pursued they usually separate, except the females, which keep with their young, and go before to break the track for them; nor will they leave them under any circumstances until brought down by their ruthless pursuers.
The sun shone upon the beautiful green isle as brilliantly as if no ruthless invader had passed and laid it in ruins.
This play (whenever written) was extensively revised during the ruthless mood that gave birth to Measure for Measure.
Shakespeare had little hand in thisruthless chronicle.
Later, the Afghans swooped down from the Iran mountains, until they, too, were expelled by the ruthless onslaught of Tartar hordes.
And in fact, primitive conditions allow of a greater drive and of far more ruthless measures than could be tolerated under purely capitalist social conditions.
If, on the other hand, there is ruthless accumulation, this surplus residue becomes a public calamity, and the result is a crisis.
By these means ten thousand ruthless soldiers and unreclaimed barbarians were let loose upon us, while we were sitting in the sun listening, I may say truly, to those gracious counsellings which breathe nothing but peace and good-will.
One of them was a ruthless reprobate, who wanted to put me to death; but the other beggit my life: at the moment, however, my spirit was as it were in the midst of thunders and a whirlwind.
And calling to mind all that had taken place, and the ruthless revenge with which the cruel prelates were actuated, I saw, as it were written in a book, that for my part and conduct I was doomed to die.
Even my grandfather was smitten with consternation and grief; for he could not but think that such a temporal outrage would be followed by a terrible temporal revenge as ruthless and complete.
Surely the killing of unsuspecting men, innocent women, and sleeping children in this way is the most ruthless outrage ever attempted in war.
The ruthless and utterly inexcusable barbarities committed by the German army were surely without parallel in the whole history of the world.
But that such should be the case affords no excuse for crimes which rank among the greatest committed by the ruthless German army.
Stories of German brutality and ruthless disregard of these rules of civilized warfare as set out above were, from the opening of the war, continually reaching England.
The restrained and dignified words in which our own Official Press Bureau made known the ruthless sacking of Louvain constitute a fearful indictment of German Militarism, which can give official sanction to such an appalling deed.
But wave and wind swept ruthless on, For they were monarchs there; And Xerxes, in a single bark, Where late his thousand ships were dark Must all their fury dare.
On perjured craft and ruthless guilt his power a tyrant Dane has built, and Sweden's crown, all blood-bespilt, rests on a foreign brow.
The last sad relics of her temples are but the barracks of a ruthless soldiery.
Far rather would she be the slave of a man whose ruthless domination extended even to herself.
The same fiery, militant spirit that had driven him from one end of his country to the other still left him yearning for the ruthless battle of wild places and wilder men.
While possessed of many faults and of a savage, ruthless nature, the elements of greatness and of heroism were strong within him.
The French broke and scattered in headlong rout and were followed throughout the night by the ruthless Prussians, who cut them down without mercy.
But this bold militant attitude was only maintained through a rigid discipline, and by a ruthless suppression of every attempt to break the ranks.
No infidel writer, such as Hume, Voltaire or Ingersoll, ever suffered such ruthless attacks as have been made upon Mr. Russell.
Organized authority is perverted from its Divinely appointed function of restraint and punishment of crime into a ruthless rule of might and bloodshed.
What offence has been committed by any of your family to merit such persevering and ruthless hatred, I cannot tell.
Very few indeed were there amongst the Saxons who had not grievous cause to cherish the most deadly hatred against these ruthless oppressors and usurpers, the Normans.
Blood-curdling were the dreadful scenes of slaughter that were enacted; not less than two hundred thousand Saxons perishing in that ruthless massacre.
A Viking, with savage instincts, and implacable, undying hatred of my enemies; indulging in ruthless butchery and indiscriminate massacre of helpless women and children.
Their dignity was not a pompous dignity, but the dignity of high tragedy, of unconquerable courage and ruthless fate; not the dignity of the well-appointed house and the tradition of excellent manners.
But it was as ruthless as that of the ocean, and on July eleventh the country was declared in danger.
Napoleon, who respected nothing and nobody, was utterly ruthless in his dealing with national and patriotic aspirations.
The terror of the Danes was frequent and very real; and the men who lived on the banks of the estuary of the Thames were more exposed to Danish raids, more familiar with their ruthless mood, than most of the inhabitants of our island.
He spoke with almost ruthless force, but the coldness of tone was incomparable with the steely light in his blue eyes.
Could there be any mistaking those cold tones, thatruthless decision?
Then Lal Hobhouse, the best-hated man on the countryside for his ruthless genius in obtaining work from those under him, and the driving force of Jeff's side of the partnership.
It was the sense of being subject to the ruthless bondage of Nathan which, just now, maddened him.
Immediately there began a great andruthless slaughter.
The lordly and oftentimes ruthless manner of the rulers has naturally cowed the subject.
There was nothing so ruthless anyhow as an old childhood friend, to whom you had made foolish youthful confidences and who brought them out any time he felt like it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ruthless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.