A man must leave those foolishe maner of laughings, groase and uncomely.
Wherfore we must not trouble men with so base and absurde matter as dreames bee: especially suche foolishe things, as most times men have.
So that we must not abhorre them, as some rude and rusticall fellowes, full of foolishe simplicitie, doe: that would faine beginne the letters we write to Kinges and Emperours after this sort, vz.
The Goddes Uenus, as foolishe Poetes dooe feigne, beyng the aucthour of Loue: loued Ado- nis the soonne of Cynara kyng of Cypres.
Sir, I am just of your opynion I; For what extreame beast but a foolishe curre Would envye that which he hym selfe dispyses?
O tys a foule and damned sorcerye And maks the best of wisdome and of men, Of fame and fortytude, more loosse then ayre, Foolishe as idyotts, basse as cowardysse.
It was none but Roister Doister that foolishe mome.
Now will I in too, for I thinke so God me mende, This will proue some foolishe matter in the ende.
Ah foolishe woman, ah moste vnluckie Custance, Ah vnfortunate woman, ah pieuishe Custance, Art thou to thine harmes so obstinately bent, That thou canst not see where lieth thine high preferment?
Nor any foolishe dolte shall cumber you, but I, I, who ere say nay, wyll sticke by you tyll I die.
Few wold have thought, that so learned a man wold have gevin so foolishe ane answer; and yitt it is evin as trew as he bayre a gray cowll.
It is euen as foolishe to say, the Pope (who wil be counted aboue all Councels) hath confirmed this or that miracle to be true, which they say was wrought in some one monasterie or other.
In the which booke albeit very briefly, yet doth hee as he is wont in all things, very finely & eloquently intreat of this matter, and of other foolishe superstitions.
Adam was soe foolisheto thinke he might have hidden himselfe, but David sayth "Yf I goe into the wildernes, etc.
There is a foolishe rime runnes up and downe in the Court of Sir Henry Bromley, Lord Thomas Haward, Lord Cobham, and the Deane of Canterbury, Dr.
Bilson, Rauens as he had reade it would needes be shewing his foolishe witt in the margent, in scoffing at the booke.
This faire and chaste Ladie was so resolued in the loue of her husbande, that she toke no regarde of the countenaunces and foolishe fashiones of this maister Louer.
Take heede, I beseech you, that a vaine hope doe not deceiue you, and a foolishe desire abuse you.
Shal I be so vnconstant in mine old dayes to become an vnshamefast minister of your fonde and foolishe loue, a thing which I neuer did in the ardent time of youth?
And afterwards let the vulgar sort blabbe what they liste of the bolde and foolishe enterprises of Adelasia, when my harte is contented and desire satisfied, and Alerane enioyeth her that loueth him more than her selfe.
And albeit that he was fare and comely, yet so simple and foolishe as hee had much a do to tell the nomber of sixe.
The Wisedome of a woman to withdrawe the foolishe loue of her husband, wherewith he was tormented.
It is a foolishe part to remember those things, and to forget thy selfe.
The Wisedome of a woman to withdrawe the foolishe loue of her husband, wherwith he was tormented.
Being assured that if she knewe howe contrary to my promise I haue enterprised this foolishe fact, I should vtterly forgoe the honest and common conuersation whiche I haue with her aboue al other.
I thincke it time that trouth doe remoue from you the foolishe loue, that you beare to him which loueth you not: and that iust and reasonable loue should expell from you the feare, which out not remaine in a noble and vertuous hart.
Ah foolishe woman, ah moste unluckie Custance, 95 Ah unfortunate woman, ah pievishe Custance, Art thou to thine harmes so obstinately bent, That thou canst not see where lieth thine high preferment?
Now will I in too, for I thinke so God me mende, This will prove somefoolishe matter in the ende.
I am assured that not onlie shulde they haue bene iudged foolishe but also enraged, and sclaues to Satan, manifestlie fighting against God and his apointed ordre.
Which showes those foolishe sorte, whome wicked loue dothe thrall, Like brutishe beastes do passe theire time, and haue no sence at all.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foolishe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.