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Example sentences for "mornyng"

Lexicographically close words:
mornin; morning; morninge; mornings; morns; mornynge; morocco; moroccos; moron; morons
  1. They deck all the forefront or eves of their howses betymes in the mornyng with greene bowes, in remembrance of his resurrection.

  2. Soe betyme in the mornyng we departed from Cusattes; and paid out to the howse, for expenses, 4 ta.

  3. They decked all the eves of their howses this mornyng with flagges and mugwort, in honer of the great feast which is held to morrow, being the 5th day of the 5th month.

  4. And at son rising in the mornyng we arived at a place called Yew,[21] under a hill, without howses, having made this day and night past 45 leagues.

  5. This mornyng still cold, snowey wether, with much wind northerly, and soe remayned all day and the lyke per night following, with a hard frost.

  6. This mornyng calme raynie wether, but after, a stiff gale, northerly, all fore nowne, but after vered southerly.

  7. We came to an ancor towardes night at a towne called Moro, 30 leages short of Miaco, and stayed the tide; and soe put to sea againe and made 22 leagues till mornyng at son rising.

  8. Oure junk Sea Adventure put to sea this mornyng betyme from Cochy.

  9. Early in the mornyng the justice uprose, To the gates first gan he gon, And commaundede to be shut full cloce Lightile everychone.

  10. To Caerlel went these good yemen,[L201] On a mery mornyng of Maye: Here is a fyt of Cloudesli, And another is for to saye.

  11. And when they came to mery Caerlell, In a fayre mornyng tyde, They founde the gates shut them untyll, Round about on every syde.

  12. Beholde, there is a letter which thou shalt present to morrow in the mornyng to my Father at his vprysing, which peraduenture shall please him better than thou thinkest.

  13. And in this yere Sir Richard Wiche sometyme vicarie of Depford, and another secular man were dampned for heretiks, and brent at Tour hille, in a mornyng at vij of the belle.

  14. The day folowyng, early in the mornyng the trumpetter of the carauana gaue warning to all the Mamalukes to make ready their horses, to directe their journey toward Syria, with proclamation of death to all that should refuse so to doe.

  15. Wherfor it shal be wel done, if you take of this composition folowyng euery mornyng the weight of ij.

  16. Butter in a mornyng with sage and rewe fastynge in the sweatynge tyme, is a good preseruatiue, beside that it nourisheth.

  17. And this day in the mornyng I wente to Sen Lauerauns Chirche; and there I spak to hem and told hem ye merveylid that thei wold take any distresse or warne any of your tenaunts that thei shuld pay yow no mony.

  18. Please you to wete that thys day in the mornyng the parson of Snoryng came to Thomas Denys and fechyd hym owt of hys hows, and beryth hym a hand,[282.

  19. Yesterday in the mornyng come inne th'erle of Pembroke[198.

  20. And on Monday erly in the mornyng I came to Calais to have spoken with you, but I came to late.

  21. If Syme myght be forborn it wer well done, that he war at Norwyche on Wednysday in the mornyng at markett.

  22. I am thus makinge my bitter playnts, the night is past away, day light approcheth, and the bright shining mornyng begynneth to cleare the earth.

  23. For with it and with the chewing of the rinde of lemmon in the mornyng and in the daye tyme for to preserve health it hath a greate strength and property.

  24. The nexte day in the mornyng came twelue Lordes from Mexico, among whome was Cacama Neuew to Mutezuma, who was Lorde of Tezcuco a yong man of .

  25. And in the mornyng to proue the Mexicans intent, Cortes commaunded the market to be vsed as in time past.

  26. The nexte day in the mornyng Cortes wente forth to runne the fieldes as he had done before, leauing halfe his menne to kéepe the campe, and bicause he shoulde not be espied he departed before day, & burned aboute .

  27. The nexte night followyng he with all those Indians as well men as women whiche attended to serue and prouide the Spanishe campe, wente from thence: so that in the mornyng all the cotages were emptie, where those seruitors had bene.

  28. And thairafter the Erle Boithwell departed for that nycht: and upoun the nixt day in the mornyng returned, with some of his honest freinds, and came to the sermoun with the Erle foirsaid; whairat many rejoised.

  29. To Caerleil wente these bold yemen, All in a mornyng of maye.

  30. LI To Carleile wente these bold yemen, All in a mornyng of maye.

  31. Fytte the Second LII And when they came to mery Carleile, In a fayre mornyng tyde, They founde the gates shut them untyll About on every syde.

  32. XVI Then Robyn goes to Notyngham, Hym selfe mornyng allone, And Litull John to mery Scherwode, The pathes he knew ilkone[966].

  33. And on the next mornyng after Mr. Phylyp and the Baylly of Cosshay com to Haylysdon with a grete nomber of pepell, that ys to say viij.

  34. Hayllesdon, and put them in the Pynfold, and so kept hem styll ther from the seyd Satour day mornyng un to Monday,[143.

  35. Pleasythit your most Royall mageste to be aduertysyd how the Freer carmelyte browght vnto me this mornyng a boke willing me on your gracyous behalf with all spede to send the same vnto your highnes.

  36. For Schir Edward into the land 560 Wes with his menyhe neir at hand; And in the mornyng richt airly He herd the cuntre men mak cry, And had wittering of thair cummyng.

  37. Tharfor thai thoucht in the mornyng Till ysche, but langer delaying, And till suppris thame suddanely; For thai thoucht thai suld traistly ly, 120 For the trewis that taken war.

  38. Gret myst in-to the mornyng fell, Swa that men mycht nocht se thaim by, For myst, ane bow-draucht fullely.

  39. Thys scoler thankyd hym, and for that nyght departyd to hys lodgyng in Flete Strete, and in the mornyng erely as he poyntyd cam to hym to the sygne of the Bull.

  40. To Caerlel wente these good yemen, In a mery mornyng of Maye.

  41. Early in the mornyng the justice uprose, To the gates fast gan he gon, And commaunded to be shut full close Lightile everychone.

  42. This mornyng fayre calme wether, or rather a littell wind easterly till about nowne, and then the wind vered northerly, a greate gust all the rest of the day, but not so much per night.

  43. Yossen word we were ready to departe to morrow mornyng toward Firando.

  44. We went this mornyng betymes to Codgskin Donos, before son ryseinge, because we would be sure to find hym within; but had answer he was sick and therefore willed us to come againe at nowne, for that he would not goe out all this day.

  45. Adames, and Mr. Wickham, and Mr. Eaton departed from Firando this mornyng towards Miaco; and ther was 11 peces ordinance shot affe for a farewell.

  46. We wayed ancor this mornyng an hower before day, but we[re] forced to stop the tide for want of wynd; but, a gale coming up after at W.

  47. At this place we understood the Corean embassadors departed from hence yesterday in the mornyng with 450 men in their company, Coreans, 3 of them being princepall, and all goe in like authoretie.

  48. The Hollandes generall sent his nois of trompets[273] to geve me a salve this mornyng before day, unto whome I gave a bar plate containing 3ta.

  49. We departed this mornyng from Bingana Tomo towardes Firando-- And we paid for our diet 9ta.

  50. We put over the bar of Osakay an hower before day, and made this day 35 leagues, day and night, geting 5 leagues past Mouro this mornyng by son rising.

  51. Betyms in the mornyng the kyng sent to envite us to supper, because he understood our junck was ready to departe towardes Syam.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mornyng" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.