About the same time, at the speciall instance of the king, in a conuocation of the cleargie holden at Paules in London, it was ordeined, that saint George his daie should be celebrate and kept as a double feast.
Printed by the speciall procurement and for the especiall use of our English Prelats, in the yeare of remembrance, Anno 1637.
Then studieng to aduance such onelie as he knew to be his speciall [Sidenote: 415.
Neuerthelesse, how generall soeuer the name of Scots then was, sure it is, that no speciall mention of them is made by anie writer, till about 300 yeares after the birth of our sauiour.
One thing onlie I mislike in them, and that is their vsuall going into Italie, from whense verie few without speciall grace doo returne good [Sidenote: So much also may be inferred of lawiers.
To my full worshipfull, speciall gode maister, John Paston, Squyer, abidyng at Norwich.
A[fter] my mostspeciall recomendacion, like your maisterchip wete that the office[236.
And if I myght be recommaunded unto my speciall maister and youres, with all loliness and trewe service I beseech you hertely as I can.
Ye may veryly thynke he ys your speciall god lord, and that ye shall knowe in tyme comyng.
After this, he began to remember his speciall freends, of whome some he aduanced to honour and dignitie, and some he inriched with goods and possessions, euerie man according to his deserts and merits.
But what was the cause that he had conceiued some inward grudge towards the king; or how it chanced that the king had withdrawen his speciall fauor from him, manie haue doubted.
Christes doctrine, the feare of God, punishment of sinne, and discipline of honestie, were had in speciall regarde.
The two firste poyntes be speciallbenefites of nature: which neuerthelesse, be well preserued, and moch encreased by good order.
Religion, and at last to thinke nothyng of God hym selfe, one speciall pointe that is to be learned in Italie, and Italian // hand.
Pallas be // Pallas from alwayes at his elbow, that is Gods speciall grace // heauen.
Good of memorie, a speciall parte of the first note euphues, and a mere benefite of nature: yet it is so // Memorie.
Giuen to loue learning: for though a child haue all the giftes of nature at wishe, and perfection of memorie at wil, yet if he haue not a speciall loue to learning, he shall neuer attaine to moch learning.
In writing this booke, I haue had earnest respecte to three speciall pointes, trothe of Religion, honestie in liuing, right order in learning.
Religion, and honestie of liuing: and hath bene wholie within the compasse of learning and good maners, the speciall pointes belonging in the right bringyng vp of youth.
For such a labor, were one speciallpeece of that worke of Imitation, which I do wishe were gathered together in one Volume.
I haue heard oft alledged, and therefore it is most true that doctor Turner said; Italie is not to be seene without a guide, that is, without speciall grace giuen from God, bicause of the licentious and corrupt behauiour of the people.
Beleeue me sister, of all the men aliue, I neuer yet beheld that speciall face, Which I could fancie, more then any other Kate.
I, when the speciall thing is well obtain'd, That is her loue: for that is all in all Pet.
He does you a speciall favour Lady, to give you his open hand, for tis commonly shut they say.
Hans, my very speciall friend; fait and trot, me be right glad for see you veale.
Caper, and jerke, and Firke, and dandle the body above them, as it were their great childe; though the speciall jerker be above this place I hope here lies that shud fetch a perfect woman over the Coles yfaith.
For in time paste the Christianes came euery day to communicate by a speciall commaundemente, and ordenaunce.
The latter is largely reprinted in "Continuation of Certain Speciall and Remarkable Passages," May 4-11.
That none should robbe or take any Indian captiue without his speciall licence and counsellers.
And y^e next day following he assaulted the same, with speciall cömaundement giuen to his army, not to kil any but only such as should resist.
Their fatnesse, because it is so liquid, may well be termed oile, and hath many speciall vses.
But to exclude them from being the speciall causes of so speciall an accident, there are further reasons then I thinke fit at this present to be alleadged.
There were at the time aforesaid three ships absolutely determined to goe for the West Indies, at the speciall charges of M.
And this is the summe of their Religion, which I learned by hauing speciall familiaritie with some of their priests.
What speciall meanes may bringe Kinge Phillippe from his highe throne, and make him equall to the princes his neighboures; wherewithall is shewed his weakenes in the West Indies.
M253) And, in choice of all artesanes for the voyadge, this general rule were goodd to be observed, that no man be chosen that is knowen to be a Papiste, for the speciall inclynation they have of favour to the Kinge of Spaine.
Whereunto he answered, That he should be welcome, and that he would receiue him with speciall good wil, and accomplish all that his Lordship would command him.
Not a whit, we defie Augury; there's a speciall Prouidence in the fall of a sparrow.
O for two speciall Reasons, Which may to you (perhaps) seeme much vnsinnowed, And yet to me they are strong.
That speciall noatis be taken of such houses infected as sell cloth, silke and other wares and make garments and aparrell for men and women.
But put their specialltrust in God for evermore, Who will, no doubt, from misery each faithfull man restore.
Wherein sundry Propositions are laid downe, plainely discouering the wickednesse of that damnable Art, with diuerse other speciall points annexed, not impertinent to the same, such as ought diligently of euery Christian to be considered.
And for which also Mr. Smyth as preferring allwaies mocions of speciall consequence was exceedingly commended.
In 1624 it is spoken of as "a commoditie of speciall hope and much use.
Which worthy speech," says the record, "had of the whole court a very great applause as spoken freely to a speciall purpose, and therefore thought fitt to be considered and put in practice in his due time.
But this day was diverted and wholy taken up by a speciall report orderd by the Committee for the Bill of Conventicles, that the House be informed of severall Conventicles in Westminster which might be of dangerous consequences.
And you may be sure that I will not stirre without speciall leave of the House; that so you may be freed from any possibility of being importuned or tempted to make any other choice, in my absence.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "speciall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.