Manie other things he redressed, to the contentation and commoditie of his subiects, who gaue God thanks that he had in such wise deliuered them out of the hands of cruell extortioners.
The king thus being earnestlie bent to make commoditie of those things, for the which he might get any monie at all, [Sidenote: The citizens of London present monie to the King.
An euerlasting Prognostication of the state and condition of euerye yeare, by the only Kalends of Ianuarie: written by that antient learned Leopoldus Austriacus, and others, for the commoditie of the wise Husbandmen.
Of the great commoditie and benefite of Waxe in Medicines.
Of the great commoditie and benefite of waxe in cap.
As we firste gather the honny from the combes, so do we the waxe for the comforte of the light, and other commoditie besides.
But with halfe money and halfe commoditie may be bought here the best sort of spices, and other commodities that are brought from the Indies, and without money there is here at this instant small good to be done.
When they are plãted and husbandeg as they ought, a principall commoditie of wines by them may be raised.
The richnesse of such a commoditie is so well knowne that I neede not to saye any thing thereof.
Aboue all things in this world he regarded peace, and studied dailie how to preserue the same, to the commoditie and aduancement of his subiects.
And for so much as it is a matter of necessitie, and that early or late, I must aduenture to paye my vowed debte, it is best both for my commoditie and also for my honour, to goe in her companie.
For in such a case they may be driuen to take so much commoditie as the custome amounteth to, and not to pay them in money, for such is the order from the Grand Signior.
This countrey, no doubt, promiseth good hope of great commoditie and riches, if it may be well discouered.
While the better sort of vs were seriously occupied in repairing our wants, and continuing of matters for the commoditie of our voyage: others of another sort and disposition were plotting of mischiefe.
Countreys new discovered where commoditie is to be looked for, doe better accord with a new name giuen by the discouerers, then an vncertaine name by a doubtfull Authour.
And about the same time, the king ordeined the exchange of monies at London, Canturburie, and Yorke, to the great commoditie of his people.
I beseech you give mee an assignation where I may wait upon you at your commoditie this Evening.
But though I shunne tediousnesse herein, I feare lest I shal breede you Nauseam, while I play the fishmonger: and yet, so large a commoditie may not passe away in silence.
The delay seemed to some to arise from the unwillingness of many of the lords to see "their carnal liberty and worldly commoditie impaired";[332] but another cause was also at work.
The Bishop served to cause the bishoprick to yeeld commoditie to my lord who procured it to him.
And while it is yong, it is eaten in Salats with other herbes, to the great commoditie of the stomacke and Liuer.
I, an't please your honour, have a commoditie of good broad cloth, not past two hundred; may I shippe them over?
You most take canuas to make bags to put your commoditie in from Alexandria, for there is none.
Turke, to be paid of the commoditie it selfe, or as it shall be rated.
Hauing paid custome inwards, you pay none outwards for any commoditie that you doe lade, more then a reward to the gate keepers.
He was also verie carefull for the aduancement of the commoditie & common wealth of his people, [Sidenote: Math.
What would it hinder euery officer of the Exchequer, and other of her Maiesties courts, who without checks doe suddenly grow to great wealth, honestly to bring foorth the mysticall commoditie of one yeeres profits?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commoditie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.