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Example sentences for "verye"

Lexicographically close words:
vertus; verum; vervain; verve; very; veryly; vesica; vesical; vesication; vesicle
  1. Wherfore he loste not hys lyfe, but let it go: for he redemed for a thynge of verye small pryce, a ryght dere thyng.

  2. By thys the barbarous tonge is seperated from the verye true and naturall speche, as be the fyne metals from the grosser.

  3. By blacke is vnderstand ful of darkenes & consequently stepe downe and verye depe.

  4. The Gentlewoman bashfull for that offer, thanked hym verye heartilye praying him wyth sweete and smilinge Countenance, not to forget the waye to come to visite them, beyng wel assured, that hir mother would be very glad thereof.

  5. SPV Verye gladlye, yea, rather if I knewe perfectlye that my teeth would neuer ake, I would willynglye suffer too bee prycked depe with a nedle, and too haue both mine eares bored through with a bodkin.

  6. It is a mery tale too laugh at, but this bourd induceth verye graue and sadde thynges.

  7. It sheweth verye lyuely and most apertly vnto euery man his ful dutie.

  8. And I suppose there bee verye fewe, but that thei bee offêders in this thynge.

  9. Some of these be merye and verye pleasant, they wyll daunce and sing; some others be as colde and reasonable to talke wyth all.

  10. And I here a very good reporte of hym now, that he loueth his wyfe well, and vseth hym selfe verye honestlye; and was not this a good acte?

  11. It is the first thing that is taught them in their schooles: they are verye well nourtered, and courteous in their speeches, although it bee with them that they haue condemned by lawe.

  12. On the other syde was placed a very beautiful and stronge Mace, verye cunninglye wrought with damaskin.

  13. Wherfore verye sorowfull and pensiue hee departed, and retourned to the Campe.

  14. There was in olde time in that Iland a yery straunge lawe and ordynaunce, which many hundred yeares was verye well and perfectly kept and observed.

  15. Mary sir because that is the verye place from whence Ulisses companions coulde in no wise be gotten by perswasion.

  16. This daie one septer or mace and twoe pictures latelye and verye loveingelye given to this Companye by William Martyn[148] of the Clothinge in token of his love to this house was presented to this Courte and verye gratefullye accepted.

  17. There was a felowe dwellynge at Florence, called Nigniaca, whiche was nat verye wyse, nor all a foole, but merye and iocunde.

  18. A felowe, that was frowarde to his wyfe, vsed to be oute drynkynge many tymes verye late.

  19. No, quod the gentyll man, that nedeth nat: for I knowe verye well my wyfe hath shewed vnto you all the offences that euer I dyd, and moche more.

  20. Euen now I did see you verye merry, what hath altered your disposition?

  21. The wood that I haue spoken of, was to looke vppon verye pleasant, neyther ouer thick or more large in compasse than a man would wish, but building a delightfull shadowe, the trees full of small birdes and foules.

  22. His rigged large ears like a Fox-hounde flappingly pendent, whose vast stature was little lesse, then a verye naturall Olyphant.

  23. No other building maye goe beyonde this whatsoeuer, but may giue place verye well, of what kinde of Marble, and what manner of engrauing.

  24. D, in the middle in to two equall portions, that middle pricke (which here is F) is the verye centre of the sayde circle that I seke.

  25. I am the verye foote-ball of the starres, Th'anottomye [sic] of fortune whom she dyssects With all the poysons and sharpe corrosyves Stylld in the lymbecke of damde pollycie.

  26. And you are good And like your selfe, a verye god[103] in pyttie.

  27. A Baboone, A verye windye caske of emptynes.

  28. Verye good sir, I knowe y'are sonne unto the Mynion.

  29. Thys is he, my faythfull trustye spanyell, The verye typpe & truthe of true affectyon.

  30. Thou art all butye, spyces and perfume, A verye myne of imortallytie.

  31. All which kindes, Guilielmus de Conchis didde obserue in the Hyues of a certaine Consull of Rome, whiche properly were made of verye thinne and cleare horne.

  32. And to proue that the masse with all such popishe baggadge is verye Idolatrie / I neade not to bring mani reasons / for this one thing dothe easelie teache it.

  33. These, that is the Greekes, esteemed daunsing verye much, and all these which knew howe to helpe and comfort themselues with an instrument of musicke.

  34. And nowe requite I you with the like, not with the verye beste, but with the verye shortest, namely, with a few Iambickes.

  35. Sure verye straunge to be hearde of in these countries, and yet I heare some saye (I knowe not howe truely) that they haue knowne the like before in their dayes.

  36. And after this we make our excuse that the age is weake, the wyt not yet apte to learne, the profite to be verye small, and manye other thinges, whan in dede the fault is to be ascribed to euill brynginge vp.

  37. For I haue proued that they whych were very dull to lerne the preceptes of grammer and rethorique, were found verye apte to lerne the subtile artes.

  38. Here therfore we ought to be verye sparyng, because the losse of tyme may by no meanes be recouered.

  39. Furthermore it wyll helpe verye muche, if he that hathe taken vpon hym to teache a chylde, so sette hys mynd vpon hym, that he bear a fatherly loue vnto hym.

  40. Certes Aristotle so greate a philosopher vouchsaued to put oute a booke of phisiognonomye verye cunnynge and well laboured.

  41. And that mans donge helpeth agaynst poyson, the Panthers haue taught vs, and many mo remedies we haue learned of Brute beastes: yea and craftes also that be verye profitable for mannes lyfe.

  42. I wil not trouble you any lẽger, onelie wil I speake to your wisdome whyche is in other thynges verye sharpe and quycke of syght.

  43. And it is no maruell if we haue them not verye apte to learne honestye, seyng they are nowe already taught to myschiefe.

  44. Tomson and his fellow volunteers were heartily disgusted at having after all to surrender their prize, "the verye glory and staye of the Spanish armye, a thing of very great value and strength.

  45. The mouthe that is verye apparent and rounde with thycknes of lyppes, sygnyfyeth vnclenlynes, follye, and cruelltye.

  46. Nor there shall never bee founde anie good mason, whiche will beleeve to be able to make a faire image of a peece of Marbell ill hewed, but verye well of a rude peece.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "verye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.