By this tale ye may lerne a good generall rule of physyke.
They keepe in like maner a generall feast with great banquets that day their king was borne.
Whereupon our Generall moued with singular commiseration of their misery, sent them his owne chyrurgions, denying them no possible helpe or reliefe that he or any of his company could affoord them.
Where, by Polidore Virgil it may seeme, that the lord Henry of Lancaster earle of Derbie should be generall of the English men, that (as before you heard) went into Barbary with the French men and Genouois.
To the illustrious Prince, Vespasian Gonsaga Colonna, our Lieutenant and Captaine Generall of our Realme of Valentia.
A true report of the honourable seruice at Sea perfourmed by Sir Iohn Burrough Knight, Lieutenant generall of the fleet prepared by the honour.
Trebigh, a priuiledged franchise, is by his Lord, Master William Wray, conuerted to a generall welcomer of his friends and neighbours.
I can impute this generall enlargement of saleable things, to no cause sooner, then the Cornish mans want of vent and money, who therethrough, to equall others in quality of price, is driuen to exceed them in quantitie of measure.
The same author bringeth the generall slaughter of Danes vpon S.
The name Loutea is more generall and common vnto moe, than equalitie of honour thereby signified, agreeth withall.
The fourth degree or dignitie is called Totoc,[102] and this is captaine generall of all souldiers, as well footmen as horsemen.
They may leaue their order at all times at their pleasure, giuing their generall to vnderstand thereof.
They haue these in so great number, yt a generall may ioine together in 4 dayes an armie of more than 600.
This was a law so generall amongst them, that the queene her selfe did obserue and keepe it.
This Rump hath many a rotten and unruly member; "Give the generall the oath!
Four rich maces before them went, And many heralds well content; The Lord Mayor and the generall Did march before the King withall.
You may order the city with hand-granado, Or the generall with a bastonado, - But no way for a Rump like a carbonado, Which no body can deny.
The twenty-second of lovely May At Dover arrived, fame doth say, Where our most noble generall Did on his knees before him fall, Craving to kiss his hand, So soon as he did land.
In winter they lie beneath the pure snows from heaven, and the summer daisies look up to God from their ashes: and so they all sleep together "untill the generall day.
And now, deere Ladie, let us celebrate Our happie royall nuptials and my sonnes With this our sweete and generall amitie Which heaven smile on with his goulden eye.
I, doe so, pray thee, thou shalt die in a very honorable cause, thy countries generall quarrell right.
Flores; I am heere admiring The cunning strangenes of your antick worke: For though the generall tract of it be rough Yet is it sprinckled with rare flowers of Art.
If in some flowrye meade th'ast hym interrd The poyson of hys synns will choake the sprynge, And, if thou hast not layd hym deepe enoughe, Corrupt the ayre & cause a generall plauge.
I am markt for death, I feele a generall fayntnesse through my lymmes; Expence of bloud will soone expend my life.
The Duke of York is gone down thither this day, while the Generall sat sleeping this afternoon at the Council-table.
My Lady Duchesse, among other things, discoursed of the wisdom of dividing the fleet; which the Generall said nothing to, though he knew well that it come from themselves in the fleet, and was brought up hither by Sir Edward Spragge.
And a Generall Pardon also was read by the Lord Chancellor, and meddalls flung up and down by my Lord Cornwallis, [Sir Frederick Cornwallis, Bart.
But, what pleases me most, he tells me that the Solicitor-generall did protest that he thought I spoke the best of any man in England.
Captain Cocke told me that the Speaker says he never heard such a defence made in all his life in the House, and that the Solicitor-generall do commend me even to envy.
That Sir Christopher Mings is wounded in the leg; that the Generall is well.
He tells me how the Generall is displeased, and there have been some high words between the Generall and Sir W.
Generall [Duke of Albemarle], for he spake to me of it with much zeale and concerne, and I believe laid load enough on Lo.
I in great hopes of my place of Surveyor-Generall of the Victualling, which will bring me L300 per annum.
Let the Introduction to his Text be brief and perspicuous, drawn from the Text itself, or context, or some parallel place, or generall sentence of Scripture.
In applying Comfort, whether generall against all tentations, or particular against some speciall troubles or terrours, he is carefully to answer such objections, as a troubled heart and afflicted spirit may suggest to the contrary.
Sherley or any other did purposs but y^t y^e generall should be first & fully supplyed.
Majore Gibons was madegenerall over y^e whole, with such comissions & instructions as was meete.
Jan: the house which they had made for a generall randevoze by casulty fell afire, and some were faine to retire abord for shilter.
But no spetiall leake could be founde, but it was judged to be y^e generall weaknes of y^e shipe, and that shee would not prove sufficiente for the voiage.
That's not my meaning, but breath his faults so quently That they may seeme the taints of libertie, The flash and out-breake of a fierie mind, A savagenes in unreclamed blood Of generall assault.
Yet lay him in this stall, and from the Orient, Starres, and wisemen will travell to prevent Th'effect of Herods jealous generall doome.
This seems to be the first mention of its culture in England though Gerarde in The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes describes it.
Gerarde, Herball The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes.
Yt is an order amungst ye papistes for ye releyse of prisoners aswell Jesuytes as Laymen that there be a generall colleccion which beginneth at ye L.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "generall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.