As Tully in his oracion now often alleged argueth against Clodius by signes goynge afore the dede / as that Clodius sayd thre dayes afore Mi- [E.
As in the oracion that Porci[us] Chato made agaynst the sumptuousnes of the women of Rome / thus begynnynge.
As in men is noted au[-] dacity / women be comonly tymerouse.
Of the seconde parte of con- tencion / called confutacion.
Thyrdly that he departed out of the city / what tyme it had ben most expedient / ye / & also great- ly requisite for hym to haue ben at home.
It had ben best for bothe parties yf it had pleased the goddes to haue sent our fore faders that mynde / that you of Rome wolde haue ben content with the Empyre of Italy / and we Carthaginoys with Af- frike.
I wyll that myne executoures shall gyue to my doughters at the tyme of theyr maryage euery of theym an hundred shepe / suche as they wyll.
For ofte[n]tymes yf a man lacke this property / he may aswell tell that that is against hym as with hym / as experience doth dayly shew.
Or if disputacion be had in company vpon religion / and I wolde declare the very na- ture of religion / my theme shulde be this simple or one thynge religion.
As if one wolde praise Sceuolaes acte / of the whiche mencion was made afore / he may.
After this Iudas was baptyzed and was named quyryache[G]/.
Naturally, the possession of a piece of the true Cross would be esteemed as a most precious property.
Other on of som ordre, Othere elles prophite, Ayens the lawe he lyveth, Yf Latyn be trywe: Non licet nobis legem voluntate, sed voluntatem conjungere legi.
For yf he be feer therfro, Ful ofte hath he drede That fals folke fetche away Felonliche hus godes.
Wel yerne he aspieth, To robbe me and to ryfle me, Yf ich ride softe.
Themperour answerd: yf I come agayn fro the batayll hool and sounde, thenne I shall do justyce for the deth of thy sone.
Burd Vynollys and the other Johan de Seint Johan dit Dolot, and in lyke wyse I boughte anothyr prysonner clepyt Johan Villers for the delyveraunce of Mautbye[50.
Framlingham, the seat of the Duke of Norfolk, is not more than thirty-two miles from Bury, from which he wrote on the 16th.
As touchynge the fyn in the Kyngs Benche for Osebern and Foke, the fyne were cessed this terme, but I hadde no leyser to talke with Croxton ther of yet, &c.
Wherby I hope and conceyve that ye be in good cas for your maner of Gr[esham], for truly I was right weel comforted therof.
Item, he seyd that I was amercyid for stoppyng of the seyd [way][245.
I seyd to hym that ze had sewyd to my Lord Moleynys dyvers tymys for the maner of Gressam syth ze wer dissesyd, and ze cowd never gete no resonabyl answer of hym; and ther fore ze entred azen, as ye hopid that was for the best.
And please you to hafe in knoulege that at whyche tyme ye were delyvered out of pryson by the moyen of ij.
I sopose ze xuld have seche thyngs of Ser Jon Fastolf, if ze wold send to hym; and also I wold ze xuld gete ij.
I have wretyn to yow to fore this tyme; and I suppose that he wole have a nisi prius of the same atte seid assises.
And in his lyfte hand a dolabre and he ought to haue on his gyrdell a trowell For by this is signefied all maner of werkemen/ as goldsmithes.
And first hit apperteyneth that the kepars of the cyte be dilygente.
This philosopher was so Juste and trewe that he had leuyr dye/ than to lyue longe and be a fals flaterer wyth the sayd kynge.
And of the cruelte of the peple of rome speketh the good man of noble memorye Iohn the monke late cardynall of rome in the decretall the syxte in the chapitre gens sancta where he sayth/ that they ben felo[=u]s ayenst god.
Possibly there are modern realms that are not any happier now than they would be if governed in strict accordance with the rules laid down by the earnest author of the game and play of the chess.
Petrus Alphonsus, and is also in the "Gesta Romanorum.
The causes wherfore this playe was founden ben thre/ the first was for to correcte and repreue the kynge .
Nowe to conclude yf it had not bene for some nobillmens causis who hes promised to be owres we hade not appointted wt the quene at this tyme.
The following Discourse, one of the most curious and valuable contributions to the History of early discovery in the New World, has remained practically unknown from the date of its composition to the present time.
Wherefore all their warres are no more warres, then the playenge of children when as they playe at jogo de cane or reedes.
This brute of Segnior Columbus did so inflame my harte, that I determyned also to doe some notable thinge.
The Princes of Germanie, the Duke of Saxonie, the Lantsgrave of Hassia, the Duke of Cleve, the Duke Cassimere, have susteyned wronges sufficient to make them his mortall enemies.
England, to subdue the Moores in their owne contrie.
For this coaste is never subjecte to the ise, which is never lightly seene to the southe of Cape Razo in Newfounde lande.
Ebba, and there remained without a chantry until the following summer.
Egidius, where the first warden was Brother Peter of Spain, who wore an iron corselet next his body and furnished many other examples of perfection.
In the name of God: here begynneth the rewle and the lif of the bretherne minoris, the first chapiter.
If she will fare well, yf she wyll go gay, A good husbande euer styll, What euer she lust to doe, or to say, Must lette hir haue hir owne will.
And they came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him.
He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back, and stood by the bank of Jordan.
The cap, in this instance, is tilted to one side of the head, instead of being worn flat on the top; it is jewelled at intervals along the brim, and plumed.
Nor is there much evidence that the freeholders suffered generally from the agrarian changes of the sixteenth century.
But at the centre of this maze of dry and infinitely diverse details there is a real regrouping of social forces going on, and a rearrangement, at once rapid and profound, of economic and political ideas.
Both in the earlier, and in the later, period, the county which was affected most severely was Northamptonshire, where 2.
Nowe if I should demand of the gredie cormoraunts what they thinke should be the cause of sedition, they would saie, 'The paisent knaves be too welthy, provender pricketh them.
There is by this time much anger against depopulating landlords, much talk of the good customs of Henry VII.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yf" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.