And although I doe complayne of mine vnhappy fortune, yet I meane not to accuse you, onely contented that eche man doe know, that firme affection and eternall thraldome do deserue other recompence than a farewell so cruell.
In the meane season he saw seuen dombe men (which the Turke vseth as Instruments to kepe his secrets, and priuily to do sutch murthers as he commaundeth) and therewith immediately was wonderfully mased saying: "Beholde my present Death.
In meane while let vs reioyce, and thincke the goods, and richesse shee hath gotten of vs, wil not cause hir Bagges mutch to Strout and Swel.
In the meane tyme she prayeth thee to take a little payne.
The good olde woman willing to follow hir minde, suffred hir alone, and doubted nothyng of that which she did meane to do.
So that if Mustapha did at any time come to the Court, by that meane she might haue a better meanes to rid him of his life, if not, to tary a time, wherein he should be dispatched by the help of others.
In themeane time, I will make ready the Coardes and Tramelles, that vppon your comming, nothing want for the Furniture of our sport.
What meane the mermayds when they daunce and sing 'But certaine death vnto the marriner?
The erle of Chester in this meane while strengthened & fortified the castell of S.
Great slaughter was made on ech hand, and in the meane while the Nobles and gentlemen sought to get out of perill by flight.
The king in the meane while seized into his hands a great portion of the treasure which Hubert de Burgh earle of Kent had committed to the keeping of the templers.
The Welshmen in the meane season attempted not any exploit, but rather sate still in hope to come at length to some reasonable agreement.
I meane I did encounter that obscene and most preposterous euent that draweth from my snow-white pen the ebon coloured Inke, which heere thou viewest, beholdest: suruayest, or seest.
You are attaint with faults and periurie: Therefore if you my fauor meane to get, A tweluemonth shall you spend, and neuer rest, But seeke the wearie beds of people sicke Du.
Master, let me take you a button hole lower: Do you not see Pompey is vncasing for the combat: what meane you?
I will place, & put in the order or rowe of the first, playes and daunses: I meane such playes as by which man draweth or getteth to hymselfe, his neighboures money.
Holde thy tonge folish knaue I do not meane so 880 +Remdt+ I here now ye cannot agre, which of you should go +Wyll.
But the Queene in meanewhile with carks quandare deepe anguisht, Her wound fed by Venus, with firebayt smoldred is hooked.
In the meane whyle that the knyghte thus thought/ the Esquyer demaunded of hym/ wherof he was so pensyf/ P.
So likewise in a kyngdome, or common wealth, the moste meane and basest state of man taken awaie, the more principall thereby ceaseth: So God to [Fol.
But that we prouide for our sel- ues in the meane season, wée should in the ende liue vtterlie forsaked.
Macedonia rose from a base and meane people, to beare the whole regiment, and power ouer all king[-] domes.
The state full meane in hauen hath Ancre caste, in surgyng seas, full ofte in vaine to saue the maste, the shippe Ancre casteth.
This is not themeane to preserue it, but to dispoile it and make it lesse.
Take order in the meane time that all my noble men, the Baschats and the principall of my men of warre, be assembled together to morowe, in the middes of the greate halle of my palace.
For my progenitours haue left me none other inheritaunce but honestie, whiche I meane to kepe, so long as my life indureth.
But what meane I to alledge and remember the number of louers, being so infinite as they be?
Alas, sweete heart, thinke that God doth chastise vs with his roddes of tribulation, to make vs to know him: but in the meane time, he kepeth for vs a better fortune that wee looke not for.
In the meane time contention rose betwene the people and the fathers, howbeit the feare of forren partes, linked their mindes together, in the bands of concord.
In the meane time the Assertor required the mayde, offering to put in baile; the like offer made Icilius, of purpose to contriue and spende the time, till the ariuall of Virginius.
I dyed; and so by that meanemy lyf was savyd at that tyme.
The dropsie drowne this foole, what doe you meane To doate thus on such luggage?
And if you meane to anker in the said Bay, you may borow in four or fiue fadome of the Southermost point of the sayd Iland, which you may see when you ride in the road.
In the meane time we had as much as wee could doe all the night to mende our ropes, and to strengthen our bulwarkes, putting our trust in God, and resoluing our selues rather to die in our defence then to bee taken by such wretches.
And in the meane space there arriued a French ship of Cane in which was capitaine one Monsieur de Barbaterre, of whom wee bought some two buts of wine and bread, and other victuals.
But in the meane while conuey your selfe from out of this place.
Verily, I meane your well disposed and vertuous minde, whose beawtie alwayes encreaseth with age.
What meaneyou by that you speak of him that dwelleth within?
And I for my part in themeane while, shall pray vnto Christ, that the thing which you do, may be vnto the ioy and felicitie of vs both.
Neither would I thinke it much so to doe, if by that meane I might call you backe from thys kind of life, not only most foule & shameful, but also most miserable.
But in the meane while saye those three wordes which I require of you.
A modest meane to Mariage, pleasauntly set foorth by that famous Clarke Erasmus Roterodamus, and translated into Englishe by N.
But in the meane while it seemeth you haue forgotten my name, my name is Maria.
The Rookes are reason on both sides, Which keepe the corner houses still, And warily stand to watch their tides, By secret art to worke their will, To take sometime a theefe vnseene, Might mischiefe meane to King or Queene.
Sidenote: It is not like that in this councell writers meane the parlement that was adiorned from Leicester to Westminster, where it began in the octaues of saint Martin, in this second yeare 1415.
In the meane time they within Cosneie were so hard handled, that they promised to render their towne to the Dolphin, if they were not rescued by the king of England within ten daies.
The Frenchmen in the meane while, as though they had beene sure of victorie, made great triumph, for the capteins had determined before, how to diuide the spoile, and the soldiers the night before had plaid the Englishmen at dice.
But in the meane time vittels began sore to faile them within, that onelie vinegar and water serued for drinke.
In which meane while, the earle of Suffolke was sent foorth to discouer the countrie, and the king wan by assault the towne of Baugencie, and after when vittels began to faile, he marched forward, meaning to pursue the Dolphin.
In the meane time, whilest the watch was departed, and before other were come into their places to relieue it, the Englishmen setting vp their ladders, entered and brake open one of the gates to receiue the other that followed.
King Henrie in the meane time following victorie and his good successe, sent the duke of Clarence to the sea coast, where (with great difficultie) he got the towne of Baieux, whereof the lord Matreuers was appointed capteine.
By a Ladder set against a Castle wall, they meane a seedge about a Town or a Fortresse.
By the Ant running into the Corne, theymeane provision.
By an Eagle flying against the Sun, they meane windy weather.
By an armed man shooting in a Bowe of steele, they meane Rebellion.
By a Lace tyed in many knots, theymeane mutual Love.
By a Lapwing sitting uppon a Cluster of Grapes, they meane a plentiful Vintage.
By a man walking in water without a hed, they meane a thing unpossible.
By a man hiding his privy members with his hands, theymeane Temperance.
By a Sceptre and an eye on the top thereof looking downwarde, they meane power and polisie.
In the meane time, praying you gentlie to accept of these, and graciouslie to entertaine the new Poet*, I take leave.
Hope ye that ever immortalitie So meane harpes worke may chalenge for her meed?
Yet ere that anie way I doe betake, I meane my gossip privie first to make.
To all those happy blessings which ye have With plenteous hand by heaven upon you thrown, This one disparagement they to you gave, That ye your love lent to so meane a one.
I can either by himselfe or otherwise attaine too, I meane likewise for your favour sake to set foorth.
In the meane time to live in good estate, Loving that love, and hating those that hate; Being some honest curate, or some vicker, Content with little in condition sicker.
No Muses aide me needes heretoo to call; Base is the style, and mattermeane withall.
Ile send her to you presently: And Ile deuise a meane to draw the Moore Out of the way, that your conuerse and businesse May be more free.
Nay, when I haue a suite Wherein I meane to touch your Loue indeed, It shall be full of poize, and difficult waight, And fearefull to be granted Oth.
Lord let us runne Meane waies, and call them stars, but not the Sunne.
Yet God through man shind still in this cleere brooke, Through meane shewes into maiesty wee looke.
I could adde hereto, a promise of more correctnesse, or enlargement in the next Edition, if you shall in the meane time content you with this.
Pascall Lane hath Thursdaie comme a moneth to be examined and in the meane tyme not to hange out banners and not to cutt unles he acquainte the m{rs} therewithall.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "meane" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.