But aboue twentye yeeres agone, there was nothinge more vsed amonge the Brabanders, then the common Bathes.
And many times disguised patches or coxecomes doe come amonge them to make sporte: whiche kinde of men, althoughe of all other it be most to be abhorred, yet you wil scant beleue howe muche the Germaines are delighted with them.
My Rose shall safely here abide, With musicke passe the daye, Whilst I amonge the piercing pikes My foes seeke far awaye.
But since your Grace on forrayne coastes, Amonge your foes unkinde, Must goe to hazard life and limbe, Why should I staye behinde?
It groweth much amonge Rye wherefore I thinke that good ry in an evell and unseasonable yere doth go out of kinde in to this wede.
A planet in his triplicite is like a kynge in honour, Amonge his sencible people.
Than after-ward soghte I in my tables the annis collectis et expansis, and amongemyn expanse yeres fond I 3 yeer.
Also take the flowres and put them in a chest amonge youre clothes or amonge bokes and moughtes shall not hurte them.
When wolves set upon wilde Bores, although they bee at variance amonge themselves, yet they give over their mutual combats, and joyne together against the Wolfe their common adversarie.
Than came Baldeȝynȝ with thronge but Lukafer is To reskue there here lorde, 872 rescued by a great And nubens with hem amonge throng.
Amonge the muses nyne celestyalle Byfore the hyest Iubyter of alle 371 THE ORIEL TEXT.
Also this god, by his coming, made not 110 pees alone betwene hevenly and erthly bodyes, but also amonge us on erthe so he pees confirmed, that in one heed of love oon body we shulde perfourme.
But amongethy playning wordes, me thought, thou allegest thinges to be letting of thyne helpinge and thy grace to hinder; wherthrough, me thinketh, that wanhope is crope thorough thyn hert.
And the LORde sayd: See/ the people is one and haue one tonge amonge them all.
And the children of heth answered Abraham saynge vnto him: heare vs lorde/ thou art a prynce of God amonge vs.
And Adam hyd hymselfe and his wyfe also from the face of the LORde God/ amonge the trees of the garden.
So shall my rightwesnes answere for me: when the tyme commeth that I shall receaue my rewarde of the: So that what soeuer is not speckeld and partie amonge the gootes and blackeamonge the lambes/ let that be theft with me.
And my master made me swere saynge: Thou shalt not take a wyfe to my sonne/ amonge the doughters of the cananytes in whose lade I dwell.
Moreouer yf thou knowe any men of actiuyte amonge them/ make them ruelars ouer my catell.
And Abraham stode vp from the coorse and talked with the sonnes of heth saynge: I am a straunger ad a foryner amonge yow/ geue me a possession to bury in with you/ that I may bury my dead oute of my sighte.
Only in this will we consent vnto you: Yf ye will be as we be/ that all the men childern amonge you be circumcysed/ tha will we geue oure doughter to you and take youres to vs/ and will dwell with you and be one people.
And therewith Arthurs swerd brast at the crosse and felle in the grasse amonge the blood, and the pommel and the sure handels he helde in his handes.
And thou were the mekest man & the gentylest that euer ete in halle amonge ladyes.
Whyche thynge me thynketh Decius dyd wel perceiue, whych reported wholy to haue bestowed hym selfe, and for the sauegard of his men of war to haue run amonge the myddest of hys enemyes.
And amongeall vertues of speche, this is the chyefe.
Neyther skylleth it that we haue rehearsed ficcion and comparicion amonge argumentes, for there is no cause why that amplificacion and oruacion shuld not be taken out of the same places from whence ther commeth probacion.
The chylde naked was hanged vp wyth cordes by y^e armeholes, as though he hadde bene a stronge thyefe, and there is amonge to Germanes no kynde of punishement more abhorred then thys.
Alexander, I thynke him worthye to be receiued amongethe meaner sorte.
But it is not good trustyng the lookes, vnder that frownynge face lurke oftẽ tymes most vnchaste and wanton maners, neyther is to be spoken amonge honeste men, to what shamefulnes these bouchers abuse chyldren by fearyng them.
To the knowledge of the tonge it wyll helpe verye muche if he be broughte vp amongethem that be talkatiue.
The lawes of man do temper the fathers power: the same also permit vnto the seruauntes an accion of euyll handlyng, and from whence then commeth thys crueltye amonge christen men?
XVI ‘When that I was at home in my realme, Amonge my tennants all trulye, In my time of losse, wherin my need stoode, They came to ayd me honestlye.
XXI ‘For thirty pence our Saviour was sold Amonge the false Jewes, as I have bin told; And twenty-nine is the worthe of thee, For I thinke thou art one penny worser than hee.
For I know this, departynge shall greveous wolves |that after my departing shall entre in amonge you, which will not |grievous wolves enter in among you, spare the flocke.
He begynneth also an other oracyon / whiche he made as touchynge a lawe de- creed for the diuision of feldes amonge the comunes out of a custome amonge them / on this wyse.
AMonge all the noble deedes Cezare that ye haue done / there is non that is more worthy to be praysed than this re[-] stitucion of Marke Marcell.
As to deuide amonge suche as longe to the Chyrche of the Chyrche goodes after the qualitie of theyr merytes: and to them beynge Ciuil persones of the comon treasour of the Ci- tie accordynge as they are worthy.
I wolde nat that any of you shulde thynke that I am now come amonge you nat remembrynge my condicion and state / but the como[n] ieopardy that we be all now in / wyll compell euery man to open and [D.
Now than pose that in tyme of warre the towne beynge harde besieged / an alien dwellynge in the towne getteth hym to the walles amonge the soudiers / & doeth more good than any one man agayn.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "amonge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.