Contraryly Clodius that was neuer wo[n]t afore but to ryde in a wagen & to haue his wyfe with him: at that tyme rode furth on horsebacke.
Neuer the lesse / somtyme may chau[n]ce a thyng that must be either defended or els at the leest excused.
We may also get beneuolence by reason of them / whome we make our oracion of: As yf we saye that we can neuer prayse hym to hyghly / but y^t he is worthy moch more laude and prayse.
It shall also greatly auayle yf he can shewe that he hathe in tyme afore ben in auctoritie and bare a rule ouer other / in the whiche he was neuer but gentyll and glad to forgyue them that had offended vn[-] derneth hym.
Neuer the lesse / somtyme it happeneth (how beit it is seldome) that a doubte may come / which must be either defended / or at the leest excused.
It saued him that he was not cast to the dogges, that there was neuer another whom Iohn Ortiz did vnderstand.
The sayd Lord was an olde man, and euen from his childehood had neuer left off nor ceased from trauailing into strange Countreys, as well by water and riuers, as by lande.
The ground they neuer fatten with mucke, dung, or any other thing, neither plow nor digge it as we in England, but onely prepare it in sort as followeth.
We neuer tooke any of them our selues, but sometime eat of such as the inhabitants had taken and brought vnto vs.
The Gouernor vrged the Cacique that he should giue account of him, and threatened him, that if he were not found, he would neuer let him loose.
They say that this doth keepe them warme and in health: they neuer goe without some of it about them.
The disease also was so strange, that they neither knewe what it was, nor how to cure it, the like by report of the oldest men in the Countrey neuerhappened before, time out of minde.
I will neuer mistrust my wife againe, till thou art able to woo her in good English Fal.
Will you follow Gentlemen, I beseech you follow: see but the issue of my iealousie: If I cry out thus vpon no traile, neuer trust me when I open againe Page.
I like it neuer the beter for that, Do's he lye at the Garter?
If I did not thinke it had beene Anne Page, would I might neuer stirre, and 'tis a Post-masters Boy Page.
Sir Iohn, we haue had ill lucke: wee could neuer meete: I will neuer take you for my Loue againe, but I will alwayes count you my Deere Fal.
I bad you neuer speake againe of him; But would you vndertake another suite I had rather heare you, to solicit that, Then Musicke from the spheares Vio.
By swaggering could I neuer thriue, for the raine, &c.
I neuer saw a fellow worse bestead, Or more afraid to fight, then is the Appellant, The seruant of this Armorer, my Lords.
And did he not, in his Protectorship, Leuie great summes of Money through the Realme, For Souldiers pay in France, and neuer sent it?
May Iden liue to merit such a bountie, And neuer liue but true vnto his Liege.
I neuer rob'd the Souldiers of their pay, Nor euer had one penny Bribe from France.
Looke on mee well, I haue eate no meate these fiue dayes, yet come thou and thy fiue men, and if I doe not leaue you all as dead as a doore naile, I pray God I may neuer eate grasse more Iden.
But feare not thou, vntill thy foot be snar'd, Nor neuer seeke preuention of thy foes Glost.
In your Protectorship, you did deuise Strange Tortures for Offendors, neuer heard of, That England was defam'd by Tyrannie Glost.
Some say the Bee stings, but I say, 'tis the Bees waxe: for I did but seale once to a thing, and I was neuer mine owne man since.
Poore Soule, Gods goodnesse hath beene great to thee: Let neuer Day nor Night vnhallowed passe, But still remember what the Lord hath done Queene.
Now by the ground that I am banish'd from, Well could I curse away a Winters night, Though standing naked on a Mountaine top, Where byting cold would neuer let grasse grow, And thinke it but a minute spent in sport Qu.
And't shall please your Maiestie, I neuer sayd nor thought any such matter: God is my witnesse, I am falsely accus'd by the Villaine Peter.
O Lord blesse me, I pray God, for I am neuer able to deale with my Master, hee hath learnt so much fence already Salisb.
I by my faith, the field is honourable, and there was he borne, vnder a hedge: for his Father had neuer a house but the Cage Cade.
They seldom or neuer fall out among themselues, and, as for fightings or brawlings, wounds or manslaughters, they neuer happen among them.
And it is the Tartars custome, neuer to bee reconciled vnto such as haue slaine their Ambassadours, till they haue reuenged themselues.
It is the manner of the Emperour neuer to talke his owne selfe with a stranger, though he be neuer so great, but heareth and answeareth by a speaker.
So that euen the very Tartars assigned to giue attendance vnto them, were they neuer so base, would alwaies goe before them, and take the vpper hand of them, yea, and sometimes would constraine them to sit behinde their backes.
There is neuer any raine in Winter, but onely in Sommer, albeit in so little quantitie, that sometimes it scarcely sufficeth to allay the dust, or to moysten the rootes of the grasse.
Neither dare any man come into his tent (besides them of his owne family) vnles he be called, be he neuer so mighty and great, except perhaps it be knowen that it is his pleasure.
He that in familiare cõmunicacion and company of hys friendes wyl neuer say truth, thinkest thẽ y^t he wil absteine from a lye in a cõmon audience.
If eyther in battell or shypwracke a man by hys valiantnes had saued the, woldest thou not worshyp hym as God, and saye thou were neuerable to make hym amendes?
Neither so contented, they did also vtterlie race the said citie, so as it was neuer after that daie builded or reedified againe.
Among the Britains or the Welshmen, christianitie as yet remained in force, which from the apostles time had neuer failed in that nation.
He might easilie returne, for except I be deceiued he was neuer driuen out after he had once set foot within this Ile.
Such humblenesse and obedience he perceiued to rest in him towards the law of the Lord, in taking that which was told him for his better instruction in good part, that he said, he neuer saw before that time an humble king.
I was neuer bard ere, as euer myght I the, In sich an oostr'e as this.
He feynet myche fals was neuer before wroght, And turnet [th]e truth, trust ye non other.
For Apes must climbe, and neuer stay their wit, Untill on top of highest hilles they sit.
The Germaine boores with Clergiemen began, But neuer left till Prince and Peeres were dead.
The next point is, Apes use to tosse and teare What once their fidling fingers fasten on; And clime aloft, and cast downe euery where, And neuerstaie till all that stands be gon!
And as he dealt with the spiritualtie, so he caused diuerse of the Nobilitie to be put to gréeuous fines, for transgressing of his lawes, though the fault were neuer so little.
Whereto the lords answered; "As for vs, we were neuer his men, and therefore we cannot abiure any fealtie which we neuer acknowledged.
He answered indéed verie curteouslie, but his benefice he would not renounce, as touching the name and office, though in exterior things he were neuer so much disquieted.
Roderico hearing him say so, began to call to his remembraunce his Freende Dom Diego, although he neuerbefore that tyme suspected the place of his abode.
If Anselmo were abashed at the Montanines arriuall, and astonned at the Oration of Charles, his sodain departure was more to be maruelled at, and therwithal to see the effect of a thing which he neuer hoped, nor thought vpon.
I wyll neuer accuse man for beyng in Loue wyth a fayre and vertuous Woman, nor esteeme hym a slaue, whych painefully serueth a sobre Mayden, whose heart is fraught wyth honeste affections, and Mynd wyth desyre tending to good ende.
And know yee, that from that tyme forth, he wilneuer forsake you for any other.
Which sinne is of sutch nature, that he neuer giueth ouer the party whom he maystereth, vntil he hath brought him to the shame of some Notable Folly.
Wherefore I pray you do not disclose what shall be contrary, (be it neuer so little) to the duety of Dames of our Degree.
No, no, be he neuer so good a gentleman, his race agreeth not with kingly state.
Frobeynes prynt is called better than Aldus: but yet Aldus is neuer the lesse thanke worthy: for he began the fynest waye: and left sauple by the whiche other were lyghtly provoked and taughte to deuyse better.
One Christmas the Princess was walking with four of her brothers down the wide drive of the Neuer Garten, when in the distance they saw the Emperor approaching accompanied by his adjutants.
The Palace of Sans Souci and its beautiful grounds--called the Neuer Garten--remain always open to the public, and on Sundays they are crowded with tourists and visitors from the surrounding neighbourhood.
For the wise man sais, That Knychthede and hardynesse may neuer langsumly dwell togider bot wisedome and wise discrecion; ffor quhare na wisdome na discrecione restis, how suld thare be knaulage of honoure.
Gif a Man may for mark be prisoner that maid neuer caus bot for otheris.
And war nocht Esperaunce of gude hope Knychtis had neuer honour, ffor it is the principale instrument that gouernis Knychthede in honoure.
Julius Petzholdt published lists of bibliographies that came to his attention around the middle of the nineteenth century in the Neuer Anzeiger fuer Bibliographie und Bibliothekswissenschaft.
The many references to bibliographies in the Neuer Anzeiger fuer Bibliographie und Bibliothekswesen are no doubt pertinent but are scarcely as important as they are numerous.
At all which tormentes notwithstanding the Doctor neuer shronke anie whit, neither woulde he then confesse it the sooner for all the tortures inflicted vpon him.
Yet there are sundrie that affirmes to haue haunted such places, where these spirites are alleaged to be: And coulde neuer heare nor see anie thing.
Howbeit by intreatie of freends, to meet in a place indifferent betweene both their lodgings was appointed; which offer not accepted, both parties departed discontent, and neuer after saw nor communed togither.
The duke of Bedford tooke such a secret displeasure with this dooing, that heneuer after fauoured the cardinall, but stood against him in all things that he would haue forward.
Margerie Iordeine was burnt in Smithfield, and Roger Bolingbrooke was drawne to Tiborne, and hanged and quartered; taking vpon his death that there was neuer anie such thing by them imagined.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "neuer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.